
version 2.1 (a broken link repaired, and more convenient links added)

This section actually helps you to enjoy this fan fiction by knowing more about Slayers!

I will introduce the characters used in my episodes here, followed by a section on the magic in the world of 'Slayers'

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For those who don't know what 'Slayers' is have you read the What is Slayers page?
If you have actually watched the 'Slayers' TV series, you will notice that the colour plan of my 'What is Slayers' page has the same colour plan with the main character, Lina Inverse.

Lina Inverse is a very talented and powerful sorceress and is also good at using the swords. Lina is especially good at black magic, and is famous for her 'Dragon Slave', a spell which gives a large fountain of fire. She, in all the 3 'Slayers' TV series, always wore the same clothes: deep pink short-sleeved, bottle-necked shirt with white edges, deep pink tight trousers, black belt with red talismans (got them from Xelloss in the middle of the second TV series), black headband and cape with black and red shoulder wear. She wore white boots and gloves, and she wore a blade with black belt which she got at the end of the first TV series.
Not special, right? So she wore her underwears (pale yellow in colour) on top of her shirt and trousers! (And yes, Lina's power is respectively like Superman in her world...)
Lina was 15 years old in the first episode of 'Slayers', and 17 in the last episode of the last TV series, Slayers Try. She had been wearing the same cloths in nearly every episode for some 70 episodes! So the style of her clothes really gave an impressive memory to anyone watching Slayers.
So what does Lina look like? Well, She has long red hair (drawn as reddish orange ) that looks exactly like a fire that burn invertedly. She has red eyes (Ah, in the past, Europeans believed that witches had red eyes and had red fire on their heads) , and a slim oriental figure (she has small breast if compared to all other female characters in the series).
Lina is fiery. If she wants something, she can really do something that frightens you in order to get it. (The way she grabs at food and munches them away gives you the hint.) She is easily angried. She had blown houses up just because someone called her names. She robs from the theives and gangs for her living. Imagine that this was what she was already doing when she was only 15! She is very very afraid of her big sister, Luna, who is even more powerful than Lina.

Gourry Gabreiv is the main male character, though not as 'main' as Lina. He acts stupidly although he is very good with his Sword of Light ('Hikari no Ken', in Japanese). His muscle power is also quite amazing. He wears blue armour, has blue eyes, and longlong pale yellow hair. His colour plan is just like this page. He loves Lina. He started off wanting to protect Lina (whom he called a little girl when they first met ) as he did not know how powerful Lina actually was (and is).

Ameria was the princess of Sailune in the TV series. She looks exactly like a Japanese girl, and tries to act and speak in a way so that anyone will know quickly that she is 'mad' at standing for the right and truth. She likes to produce speeches similar to those you will hear from the main good guys in Sailor Moon or XX Fighters. Get it?
Ameria is not very good at magic (compared to Lina), but is determined to be a good white magic user and a fighter against evil. Therefore you can expect that she PRODUCED many funny scenes in the TV series, but she is not a joker. She also gave great helps to Lina and the cohort in many situations.

Finally, there is Xelloss Metallium. A priest and general of the Greater Beast Zelas Metallium, a wolf-girl, so naturally he is a member of Mazoku (A Japanese word that is hard to translate, but close words in English are the 'race of devils', the 'evils', something like that).
Xelloss is the strongest priest among all the priests in the Mazoku, as his mistress had given all her power to his use. So it was rumoured that in Slayers Next, Xelloss easily gave Lina his talismans(used as magic power boosters) because he didn't really need it. He used the talismans in front of others just becuase he wanted to make others think he was less powerful than he really was.
You can therefore guess from it that Xelloss likes to hide about his true motives. In fact, his famous line is 'Sore wa himitsu desu' which means "that's a secret". He is also known as the trickester priest, because he likes to jeer and make jokes and trick others. He makes others think that he is not as horrible as a Mazoku should (A Mazoku feeds on the negative feelings e.g. hate, sorrow, anger etc. of other living things.) by telling light hearted things and funny lines (with cute gestures--he always smiles with his eyes closed, so to hide his horrible devilish purple eyes) at regular intervals.

There are many hierarchies in the Mazoku and Shinzoku(the race of god) in the world of Slayers. But I don't think the details are important to know before you read my fanfiction, and that the details are expectable (names doesn't matter, and anything concerned in the fanfiction will be explained at the right place.)

Slayers is a fantasy story, so you can expect magics (sorcery).
Magics in the Slayers are not very special, though the graphics in the TV series are good--impressive enough to give you excitment when watching it. But writing them out now will not be in any way interesting. So I will give short explanations in the fiction when some magics are used so anyone can understand.
It is enough to know that the magics in Slayers can be divided into 3 categories:
white magic, black magic, and spirit magic.
White magic's power is from the Shinzoku, and most spells are for healing, powerful ones include resurrection.
Black magic's power is from the Mazoku, and most spells are powerful destructive spells.
Spirit magic's power is from the spirits, and has 4 kinds: wind, water, fire and earth. You can imagine what they are.
There is also a kind of black magic that is very special in the aspect of power source: the magic of the Lord of Nightmares (abbreviated as LoN).
LoN is the creator of the world Lina is in and is a female. LoN lives in the Sea of Chaos. She created all the Shinzoku and Mazoku. She also created 3 other worlds, each having 2 opposing forces. There are 2 known spells that draws power from LoN: the Laguna Blade, and the Giga Slave. The former forms nothingess in the form of a blade in the caster's hand, while Giga Slave will call LoN herself onto the caster.

That is about all one have to know to start reading my fan fiction "The Last Episodes of Slayers"!

If you want more information about the orignial characters in slayers(there are many), click here to go to Queen Megumi's Slayers character info page!No pics there. And be careful! Not only there are spoilers(which is not the problem), but there are a lot of names (of memebers of the Mazoku and Shinzoku) mentioned there without exlpanation! However, don't feel put off, because you can guess from the titles and names (and logic) whether the name mentioned belongs to a good guy or bad guy. Dragons are generally good, and beasts(e.g. dolphin-girl, wolf-woman...) are generally bad, i.e. Mazoku.

If you are interested in more character settings and further Slayers info, go to any other slayers website by clicking here!

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