What happened after Slayers Try?

Notice that this page has the same colour plan as Xelloss!

Editor: In the last episode of Slayers Try, Gourry gave back his Sword of Light to its originally owner who was a Shinzoku from Dark Star's world.

Episode 1 (version 1.2)
Gourry lost his Sword of Light (Hikari no Ken) and was very upset, even though he did not admit it verbally, no matter how Lina teased him. Actually, Lina herself was also befuddled. She let Gourry follow her as her body guard, or even SHE had followed Gourry becuase she wanted to have his Sword of Light herself, as Lina thought if she had the super-powerful sword, she would be the most powerful sorceress (not counting her sister Luna) in the world. Now that Gourry had lost the sword, so why was she still with Gourry?
It was obvious that emotion had played as the glue, Lina told herself as she looked troubled sitting on her bed in a hotel room. The starry night from the window slowly melted into memory flashback. Lina remembered the day before when she had once again, finished her old job: robbing from gangs, she somehow allowed the 'souless' Gourry follow her into an inn for lunch, with Lina paying his bill. Lina held her fists tight and asked herself repeatedly 'why I had not asked Gourry to leave'.
Then she smiled to herself, and said, 'So it was me who feel guilty. Gourry would not have lost his sword if I had refused his companionship when we defeated the Hell Master Phibrizo(editor: this happened in Slayers Next). Then he would not be involoved. Oh. I was in love with him at that time, sure. No. I am. Even if Gourry was not with me, those Shinzoku would also snatch the sword from him. He would still lose his sword. So it is me who is in love with him. Does Gourry love me? It seems so funny to be loved by a stupid guy. But he is, from his actions. Nah, it is me who is feeling bad that I should love such a stupid corn, and that I am loved by a stupid corn!'
Lina 'smashed' into her bed and lay there simply staring at the ceiling. Vivid memories of Lina and Gourry appeared on the blank ceiling. Snapshots from the 3 years the two spent together were really heart shaking. They had spent 3 years together and all the things you could ever imagined had happed around them: fighting against the most powerful mazokus, bickering about the funniest topic, meeting with interesting ones, eating so many different delicious dishes, getting into the weirdest situation...
Lina sighed. 'What should I do?', She thought. She turned in her bed for the whole night, until the sky became grey. Then she jumped up. 'I have to do something.'
Lina crashed into Gourry's room, snatching the sleepy man in a sleeping suit that reminded one of a jelly fish, and said, 'we're leaving.'
Lina threw something taken heartlessly from her bag of treasure and at the same time, threw Gourry and her pack of treasures into a couch. She then jumped into the driver's seat and said, 'We're going to the market to buy food.'
The two appeared in the market with Gourry carrying loads of dried food running between stalls and the couch, and Lina buying things with a flashing speed. Soon, the couch became a little hill of food, and Lina packed Gourry on top of it. 'We're ready, ' said Lina as she used magic to help the poor little horse to pull the load. The hill shot off from the city and caused a lot of flying dust and mess along its path.
The couch stopped under the foot of a mountain in a forest. Lina said to the dizzy Gourry on top of the load, 'Let me see' as Lina used levitation and some sort of magic at the same time. Then she landed on a spot near a large piece of rock. She said, 'Darkness beyond twilight, crimson beyond blood that flows: buried in the flow of time, in thy great name I pledge myself to darkness. All the fools who oppose us will be destroyed by the power you and I posses. Dragon Slave!'
A fountain of fire shot from Lina's hands and opened a large hole in the mountain. Lina unpacked Gourry from the food, and commaned him to move all the food inside the hole. Before Gourry had any time to ask, Lina disappeared into the hole.
Lina was digging deep holes as Gourry finished moving the food in a maniac speed. Gourry walked into the hole and found the inside like a maze. Finally, Gourry found the digging Lina. Lina was digging at a speed constant to that she dug her tomb when she read the letter from her sister in Slayers Try. Gourry asked, 'What the hell you are doing?'
Lina was surprised. 'How did you find me? This is a maze which is impossible for one without the map to go out in at least 1 month! though it is not completed... Oh, I must place more magic traps...'
'I just want to find you desperately to know...'
'So it is your animal instinct again,' snapped Lina. (editor: Gourry's animal instinct is strong enough to tell whether one is Mazokus or not immediately, as seen in Slayers Next. Gourry was the first to know that Xelloss was a Mazoku.)
After a day of hard work, Lina said in an underground dome shaped room,' OK. this is the last thing.' Then she blasted a little tunnel at the end of the room and stood at the end of the tunnel and did another Dragon Slave vertically upwards. A small chamber with no visible ceilingappeared at the end of the tunnel.
After a few seconds, food went crashing down from the ceiling of the chamber and Lina stepped back and gave a levitation spell to the food just in time so the food was not crushed.
Lina said down immediately and started to eat the food. Gourry came and did the same. They 'killed' their own food in an amazing way.
Suddenly Gourry asked, 'Where does the food come from?'
Lina's face twitched. 'Didn't you realize that these food are the ones you had been carrying around?
'How come they...' Gourry's line was stopped by Lina waving her hand. A sound of rock tumbling down was heard vertically above them. As the sound grew near, Lina suddenly did a distant digger volt (lightening spell) and the tumbling sound stopped. Lina then announced, 'The top was sealed.'
Then Lina turned around and said, 'Let's see...' In a jiff, water started to flow out from the bottom of a part of the chamber. Lina made a small pool under the fountain and told Gourry to taste the water. Gourry said, 'This water is delicious!'
Lina frowned but went to drink the water. 'Good, no problem,' she said.
Lina sat beside the pool and rest for a few minutes. Gourry continued his munching. Then Lina stood up and said, 'This is the last bit.'
Lina went out to the large doom shaped room and stood in the middle of it. She drew some invisible lines on the ground and murmured something. Then glowing patterns appeared on the ground. After a few seconds, the patterns faded.
Lina turned to the bewildered Gourry and said, 'I started the magic traps and barriers. This place is sealed two-wayed. Very safe. The maze I created, if you noticed, was even more complicated and tricky than Rezo's (editor: Rezo the red priest had an underground architecture that had a maze with magic traps, from Slayers). That should stop any normal intruders. As for the barriers, I did 3 of them. 1st layer was of black magic, second of white, and the last, will only disappear when I command or die. An invention of myself. The two outer ones are of the strongest that I could use.'
'Why do you need so much security things? I mean what is it?' Gourry had stopped eating.
'This is my guild.'
'Oh. Guild. I heard you mentioned about guilds. Places where people learn to be a magic user. But why do you...?'
Lina sweatdropped. 'I see that you will be one hard to teach.'
'I am going to teach you magic.'
'What? Oh?'
'Since you lost your magic sword becuase of me, I will teach you until you can cast a magical sword that is as strong as the Sword of Light yourself. Like the Laguna Blade. Or you invent something that poweful.' (editor: In Slayers world, people can invent new magic by creating new spells, as long as they understand the meaning of spell words.)
Neglecting the wild-mouth Gourry, Lina created a weak bagic barrier across the middle of the room, seperating Gourry and herself. 'Good night. Lessons tomorrow.'

Episode 2

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