Synopsis of The Last Episodes of Slayers

Episodes 2-7 Counter people have read this page.

version 1.0

(editor: Here are some more background info: the Mazoku and Shinzoku never die. They only lose their ability to come into the world. That means their 'death' only means they are driven back to the Sea of Chaos.)

Lina and Gourry practically shut themselves off in a self-made dungeon with utra-strong 2-sides magical barriers and were practically unreachable by anyone from outside. This is because Lina didn't want any of her enemies, present and FUTURE ones to find them, and Lina didn't want Gourry to accidentally harm anyone: Lina had decided to teach Gourry magic.

As Gourry was an adult, and that he was able to use the Sword of Light to its maximum power, It was obvious that Gourry had a huge magical capacity. So Lina made a lot of barriers arround the guild (editor: where people in Slayers' world learnt magic) to protect everyone just in case Gourry could not control the huge power of some magic spells. (editor: in Slayers, every people can learn magic, but the strength of a spell can be greatly affected by the maximum magical capacity of the caster)

So the world went on without Lina and Gourry. In fact, the world turned and churned without them.

With small funny episodes of Gourry learning magic unsucessfully, the story going on the outside world was told.

Hell master Philbrizo reborn through the insane Deep Sea Dolphin. (editor: the demon king in Slayers was the Ruby-eyed Shabranigdo (nickname is Shabby) who was divided into 7 pieces and sealed (1 was defeated by Lina in 'Slayers', when Lina was 15). Shabby left 5 sub-lords before he was sealed. The 2 mentioned just now were 2 of the 5 sub-lords of Shabby.It was rumoured that it was Xellos who drived Deep Sea Dolphin mad.)

The insane Dolphin-Hell master paired with Dynast Grousherra as the Mazoku had decided that they had failed all the plans to destroy the world becuase they were not acting together.(editor: another sub-lord of Shabby, who was known for her cruelty and frozen soul) Using all spirits as their army, they planned (again) to end to world by returning the world into chaos. Their wicked plan was discovered by Luna, a white sorceress who was Lina's big sister. (editor: Luna was the most powerful sorceress in Slayers world, and she was the Knight of Dragon Cephied. Cephied was the King of the shinzoku ('good guy' in Slayers), and was split into 4 pieces and sealed like Shabby in the Thousand-year war of Shinzoku and Mazoku. That war was started because Shabby had once again woke up. Cephied, like Shabby, left 4 parts(all dragons) in the world to watch the Mazoku.)

Luna, with the help of Philia (editor: the only surviving Golden Dragon, descendants of the Fire dragon Lord Vulabazard) and the newly reborn Valgarv, (editor: the only surving Ancient dragon, whose sad story was revealed in Slayers Try) used white magic to fight against the huge enemies.

However, that was too much for Luna to handle. Philia and Valgarv were of no great help. Luna, not able to find Lina to help, finally woke up a piece of Cephied and let the piece reborn through her own body, and by using suicidal method, destroyed the spirit army by collapsing her body into a spiritual black hole, and so to absorb the soul of Hell master as well.

However, the spiritual black hole was so powerful that Luna could not make it disappear, so the price of the war was that all spirit, now and those appeared in the future, would all slowly be absorbed by the black hole until after astronomical years the black hole vapourized itself. Thus Shamanism (spirit magic) would disappear from the world.

Lina in her dungeon noticed the plummeting strength of Shamanism--common spells like Diem Wing were all spirit magic) and decided to go out and find out what's happening. Just as Lina dismissed the 2 outer magical barriers, with the last barrier which was linked to Lina's mind directly, Lina felt someone was searching for her. In a jiff, Lina realized that it was Luna.

Luna, using telepathy, told Lina not to release the last barrier. Lina obeyed and asked frightenedly (editor: it was rumoured that when Lina and Luna were living together years ago, Lina once projected Luna's bathing picture for people to see in order to gain money. Luna found out immendiately and punished Lina severly. Since then, Lina had been very afraid of her sister.) what had happened that Luna had to find her.

Gourry, so far had been able to use one or two magic spells, but his ability was very unstable--someitmes he could not use them when he want, while sometimes he used them without consciously knowing that he had been using magic. Gourry, at this moment, suddenly used telepathy and 'looked' into Lina (and thus) Luna's mind.

Lina realized that Gourry was 'peeping' into their minds and just as she wanted to shut him off, Luna's image in Lina's mind 'shaked' her head. Lina was very surprised. Lina thought,'Sister is not acting like herself! What had happened?'

Luna explained the fighting that had been going on, and Gourry scratched his head to show that he could not understand all this.
Luna explained that she had been in the spirit black hole form for a day and that she could not bear it any longer. If she did not find a body for her soul, her own soul would be engolved by the black hole, too. So Luna came to Lina to ask Lina to let her sould enter her body.

Lina was amazed, then frightened, because she didn't like the idea but she was very afraid of Luna and dare not disobey her. After a short whlie, Lina decided that it was Luna who was begging her for help and so she became very calm.

Lina smiled and said, 'I know you have done a lot. If I were you, I would be dead. I feel enough sympathy to your situation and that as your sister, I should do something to help you. But my question is, if you enter my body, then where should my soul go? Isn't there any method that is better?'

Luna's image in Lina's and Gourry's mind was becoming unclear. Luna sadly explained that she could not support herself any longer. Luna said that she was just asking Lina to SHARE her body with her.

Lina glanced at Gourry. Gourry, biting his lower lip, nodded. Lina was a little bit surprised. Finally, as Luna's image became blurrer and very unstable, Lina sighed and said, 'Yes. I understand that you had done a lot and I had not help you in any way this time. What should I do, then?'

Luna said, 'I am going to enter you through this magical barrier which is linked to your mind. This barrier will act as the interface for my body and your body. I would collide my body, now a spiritual black hole outside your barrier to your barrier and then you should try to bounce back the black hole with the barrier, and at the moment the black hole loses contact with your mind-barrier, you should gradually retrieved the barrier. My soul will follow the barrier and goes back to your mind that is inside your body.'

Lina obediently did all the same as told. A jiff later, Lina heard herself saying to Gourry, 'Hello, Gourry. It seems that you are not very talented as a sorcerer.'

Just as Gourry wanted to reply, Lina's face turned blue and said 'Hey, I didn't mean to say that! That must be my sister! I haven't wanted to speak anything!'
And then Lina yelled inside her mind, 'Luna! How can we share the same body when we are not thinking identically? This is going to be chaos! Please open your mind and let us communicate! This is no good, with the two of us trying to use the same body at the same time to do contradictory things! One cannot speak two different sentences at the same time!'

Luna said, 'OK, as you wish, since your body, though created by me, (editor: the writer of the original Slayers' fiction had mentioned in her books that Lina was supposedly a cloned person -- there were 14 'Lina's all together -- created by Luna, but it seems that in the TV series, this fact was not mentioned at all. So here 262501 assumed that after all these years, only one copy of Lina, the one who was the sister of Luna, was left. This is because 262501 will take the TV version whenever the facts in the fiction and TV series are different.)is yours.'

Then 'Lina' spoke to Gourry again, 'I am Luna. Lina had just told me about you. You seem to know how to telepath, so you should know that using telepathy, information transfer can be a lot quicker than talking or reading.
I see that you cannot control the usage of magic, and I understand your situation fully -- it is because your mode of thinking is non-linear to the very extreme. Therefore you will not be a good sorcerer no matter how you try. So here I advise you to find another weapon other then to try to learn magic.'

The story goes on telling about some funny episodes of Lina-Luna and Gourry going out of the guild and trying to find another weapon, but without sucess.

In the process, the Lina-Luna had many interesting but sad incidents in which they tried to gain dominace over Lina's body.

In a night several months after the 3(?!) persons went out of the guild, Lina-Luna sat on a rock in a cave, watching the asleeping Gourry, Lina sighed. Gourry turned around and saw the distraught Lina. Gourry asked Lina what the problem was.

Lina-Luna stayed silent, and Gourry commented that for nearly a whole week, Luna had not spoken. Gourry proceeded to ask whether Lina was worrying about her sister's condition.

Lina looked at Gourry, surprised at his sudden ability to reason, but immediately smiled when she observed the concerning look on Gourry's face. Lina then said, 'Yes. Luna is, well, oh...'

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