Synopsis of Episodes 2-7 (continue)

original fan fiction 'Last Episodes of Slayers'

Lina stopped talking and began to wonder. Gourry was impatient about the silence. Lina observed it and continued to say, 'Luna, is now, dead, but, oh, how can I say that?'

Lina paused for a while and expained, 'I mean, I could not find her now, but she...Hmmm... I felt her there still a moment ago.' Lina suddenly stopped, because Gourry was staring at her in the most irritable way.

Just before Lina hit Gourry, Gourry asked, 'Who are you, Lina or Luna?' Lina stopped. Gourry continued, 'You feel like Lina,' and he smiled.

Lina sat down again, thought for a little while and said, 'Just after Luna's soul enter my body, I could feel her presence very strongly. Then we agree that the two of us should, in all times, open our minds to communicate, so we would not be constantly fighting for the control of my body.
The fact is that, recently, even when both of us were awake, I could not feel her presence all the time. She... she seemed to have melted away gradually. She is still here, but she was faint. Now I cannot even feel her.' And Lina sat there wondering.

Gourry asked, 'You mean she left?'

'No. But she... how can I say that?'

Gourry asked, 'My instinct tells me that you are Lina.'

Lina snapped, 'I AM Lina! I am always here!' Lina suddenly realized something. 'I think I can put it this way. The fact is that now I have access to Luna's memory, and I know clearly that which memory is mine, but I cannot contact with her consciousness. When I could still feel the presence of sister, I could not access most of her memory, and I knew it because she created barriers around her memory. Now the barriers are gone, and when I try to communicate with her, I cannot find her.

Gourry said, 'I don't understand what you are saying, but in my words, I think your sister is dead, and what she's left are her memories.'

Lina looked up to the ceiling of the cave for some time, and said, 'No. Not exactly. The fact is that she seemed to switch herself off. Oh! It seems that she switched off her consciousness just now, I mean, just after you rolled up from your sleeping place and asked me whether I was worrying about Luna!'

'Anyway,' said Gourry, 'I am glad you're back!'Lina smiled and poked her head out of the cave. 'It is a starry night, very beautiful...' just as Lina wanted to sit back up to Gourry, Lina suddenly realized that Gourry was back at his sleeping bag and snoring.

The next morning, Lina woke up when the sun shined into the cave. Lina, looking at Gourry, decided to take a walk outside the cave to relax. Just as Lina stepped out of the cave, she felt something was sitting menacingly behind her, just outside the entrance of the cave. Lina turned and at the same time, threw out a fireball.

The smoke cleared, and revealed an unharmed purple-headed, smiling (with eyes like inverted 'V's) priest standing there. 'Hey,' the priest said, sratching his head, 'is that your way of saying "hello" to people in the morning, Lina Inverse?'(editor: well, you're right. Xelloss is a very powerful Mazoku, and could not be harmed by fireballs)

'Xelloss? What are you doing here? Peeping into a sleeping young and beautiful girl and wanting to flirt her, huh?' Lina said with a tinge of surprise on her face. 'What is the matter? Every time you appear, I know trouble is near...'

Xelloss snapped before Lina could continue, 'Well, well. So you have just devoured your sister Luna's soul? And are a little bit excited to try out your increased magical power?'

Lina was very angry. 'You said I devoured her soul? I am not a cold hearted Mazoku like you, who are willing to scrifice anyone to achieve your own wish! How dare you say that. My sister, she... she just disappeared...voluntarily.'

'She melt,' said Gourry, who was obviously woken up by the explosion of the fireball.

'Hello, Gourry, still clinging to your red-headed sorceress? Aren't you afraid of being blown up by a fireball every morning?' snickered Xelloss.

Just as Lina wanted to kick hard on Xelloss, Gourry walked up between the 2 and said, 'I know Lina. Having been with her for 4 years, I have never seen her bulleying anyone. She never kills any living things unessecerily on purpose...'

Meanwhile, Lina was taken back by Gourry's speech-- Gourry seldom made logical speeches! Lina gasped, cooled herself down, and pointed out, 'You couldn't have come here just to bicker with us like this, Xelloss. Why don't you tell us your real purpose straight and direct? Though, I would expect your answer to be "that's a secret".'

Xelloss, smiling bitterly, answered, 'I would say that you are only halfly right. I have come here to tell you something.'
Xelloss turned around, and told the news in a creepy voice, 'You know, Lina, the knight of Cephied had defeated the Army of Spirit and Hell Master, toghether with the Deep-sea Dolphin. The souls of the Hell Master and Deep-sea dolphin are forever lost. Dynast was cunny and she managed to escape without any damage.
Now the power of Mazoku is greatly reduced, just as the power of Shinzoku. And Dynast, thinking that this is the perfect time to rule the whole world, is planning to do something.'

'Wait,' said Lina, 'why are you telling me this? I am sure you haven't come to me to ask me to help YOU?!'

'No, no. Sure not. Instead, I want you to stop her.'

'What???!' shouted Lina and Gourry together.

Gourry said, 'I don't mind what has happened, but what you are saying is impossible! Ridiculous! I...' Lina tapped on Gourry's shoulder to stop him. Lina asked seriously, 'I don't understand. Why do you want me to stop her? Isn't ruling this world and destroying it your destination, as a Mazoku?
Oh I see. You don't want her to be the one who will rule. You want. Therefore you want me to defeat Dynast, and may be I will then die also, so you clear 2 enemies at the same time? Huh?'
Lina then thought,' The most probable case is that Xelloss and his master, the Great Beast, consider helping Dynast will do not good to themselves as Dynast is known for her cruelty and cold heartness, so that at the end, they will still be killed off by Dynast, so they decide to ask me to clear their enemy,'

Xelloss said, 'Hey, if you don't believe me, you can find the truth yourself. Considering the final consequence, I am sure that you will still try to fight against Dynast, no matter what I have said, right? You will not watch the world to end, to be sure?'

Lina smirked, 'I'm afraid you're wrong. I am not a rightous person. I will not do something that is not rewardable.'

Xelloss answered, 'Oh, so you are asking for a reward? Yes, that's how you deal with people. But, I guess you will not be willing to accept anything from Mazoku, right? My master had told me to help you and Gourry to find another weapon that has similar power as the Sword of Light, as a reward. Now, can we deal?'

'Sorry, I think the reward is too small.' Lina turned to Gourry, 'Let us move.'

'To where?'

'Away from this smiling cunny thing.'

Xelloss said, 'I see this as an expression of uninterest. Then let me tell you a thing before I leave: another piece of Shabby has been unsealed. It was unsealed when the frozen soul of Dynast mely because of her ambition and anger.

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