Final Episode of Slayers

Part C (1.1 version)

'Xel...Xelloss?!' cried the terrified Amelia.

Xelloss scratched his head and said to Amelia, 'Oops, I am sorry to have frightened you.'
And he turned to Lina and smiled wickedly,'Lina, I told you not to do any useless thing.'

Lina stood up from the bed. 'Haven't expected that the final battle is so soon,' she said as she approached Xelloss. 'Let's not fight here.'

'Agreed. But bring your friends to witness my power.'

Then Xelloss brought the three of us to another dimension. It was total darkness and there was no solid ground, but we somehow can see each other. The four of us floated in the evilish blackness, silent.

'You alone?' asked Lina.

'Okay,' and the whole mazoku suddenly appeared in front and around us, like a sea with no boundary. What a horrible sight. Amelia spotted her dead father and almost fainted.(editor: Amelia's father was a vry strong man when he's alive and was famous for standing for the good. That was why Amelia was striken when she saw his dead father's soul became a member of the Mazoku)
'But you see, I alone is enough. They will be witnesses.'

Surprisingly, Lina and Xelloss gave Amelia and I a powerful Raywing spell(protective shell) at the same time.

'So your friends are very well protected,' said Xelloss with a satisfied virulent smile.

Lina hopped 'up' and produced her secret spell. She slowly raised her right hand, arm bent, to the level of her shoulders, like holding an umbrella.
'Creator of the Worlds, please listen to my prayer:
you raise the Worlds by creating light and darkness, so the sea with no light has no darkness, and the sky with light only will be total darkness; as light alone burns itself out, and darkness alone will engolf itself.
I urge you to lend me your Libra to balance out the light and darkness.'

Suddenly Xelloss' smiling face became a terrified and distorted face. He produced a light which was blinding. The light filled the whole space, and almost at the same time, Lina slapped her fingers.

The light was so bright that nothing could be seen for some time.

Then the blackness reemerged. The whole mazoku had disappeared. Lina 'fell down' slowly, with her eyess closed. The blackness slowly resolved into Amelia's room.

We ran out to Lina, not noticing that the protective shell had gone. 'Lina!' we cried.

I managed to catch Lina before she fell heavily on the ground. Gravity had come back.

Lina slowly opened her eyes after a while. I noticed something in her eyes that was very different. She was not the Lina Inverse I knew of. Something's very wrong.
I stared at her harder. Yes. Her hair had became red again, but that's not my point.
Lina was then smiling at me. I suddenly noticed that her smile was not of any sort that I had ever seen on her face before. What was it? Something flew across my mind but I could not catch it.

'What's happened?' That was what I managed to say.

Lina, still wearing that odd smile, said in a peaceful voice, 'That spell I used was the ultimate spell against the Mazoku. It was the strongest black magic spell. It can extract all power from all mazoku to my use.'

'Ha ha!' laughed Amelia, 'So the stupid Mazoku was finally destroyed by their OWN power! No wonder they are called the race of destruction! Ha!'

'Huh?' I thought I got something. 'But I thought what you've used was just a transferrsive spell.'

'You get the point,' said Lina. 'Xelloss was the one who called for the strongest destructive spell but I transferred it back to him.'

'Then how come Xelloss was still trying to use any destructive spell if he knew about the character of that spell? I mean, he SHOULD have known it, with his huge pool of knowledge and power,' argued Amelia.

'That will be a secret forever, I supposed, now that it seems all of them were eliminated,' I said.

'May be that's mazoku's character, and fate,' said Amelia in a somewhat sad voice.
Suddenly she changed her tone and asked, 'Oh, let us now get back the Shinzoku. Use the same method as you found Grandma Aqua. Though you don't have any psychological link with them, it's still worth trying.'

Lina, without saying anything more, chanted the spell for the Ragna Blade. Nothing happened.

'Oh yes, I forgot...' said the embarassed Amelia.

I suddenly realized something. 'No. This so called "black magic" spell is actually chaos magic. It draws energy from the Lord of Nightmares via the Mazoku and the Shinzoku, and this spell mainly uses the route through the Mazoku. Now that the Mazoku is gone...'
Suddenly I found Amelia staring at me with an unbelievable expression. 'Oh, Lina taught me that, in the dungeon,' I explained.
I continued, 'But Lina also told me that, she learnt from Grandma Aqua that the energy can also be channeled directly to the user throug the "sacred" part and the "evil" part of the user, given that the user has enough magical capacity. I thought Lina had enough power to do it...'

I stopped because I found Amelia smiling wildly, eyes twinkling. 'Now the world is just human beings. We are alone,' said Amelia. 'Peace.'

'Yes. The remaining white magical power will be used up fairly quickly. The world will not have any magic from then on.' I added.

Then, the idea struck me. It was at that point that I noticed that I had never been so clever before. I was not only able to understand other's converstaion, but was also able to make sensible inferences about it.
With that in mind, light came upon me: that smile on Lina's face seemed wrong because it was a childish smile. No. I should say that the smile was angelic.

The only hypothesis I got then was that, gone with the Shinzoku and Mazoku, the angelic and evilish parts of human minds that had been strengthened by their respective power were now short of support. We human beings are finally on our own. Physically and mentally.
I became cleverer because, according to this assumption, it's possible that the 2 parts in my mind had had serious conflicts and they surpressed each other so much that the feud affected my IQ. However, the situation was different for Lina.

My guess was that Lina, who was once full of little clever, cunny ideas, was now left with her angelic part of mind. She seemed to be somehow more stupid than before, my instinct told me. The evilish part in her had gone --may be in that final battle, she was so furious that she not only killed the whole race of Mazoku, she destroyed the evil part in her also. Or was that a price that must be paid in order to use that spell? She now looked like a new born angel...

Now it's time to test my theory.
'Lina' I said, 'a gun man shot down a bird on a tree. There was originally five birds on the tree. Now how many birds are left?' That had been one of the questions she liked to trick me with when I was dumb enough to be tricked EVERYTIME. The correct answer, as you know, is none.

'Four, so simple,' answered Lina with another innocent smile.

Amelia was surprised, but she quickly realized what'd happened. She sighed and smiled at Lina, 'Good,' she managed to utter, 'I am glad you are...o...okay.' She weeped.

So now my Lina cannot use black magic anymore and is psychologically a new born angel.'

I embraced her and kissed her on the forehead. She smiled and slept in my arms.


Days after, Lina recovered her smartness. We had a discussion on what'd happened about the Giga Slave thing.

(G=Gourry, L=Lina)

G: Did you find out why you can't cast Giga Slave without the Shinzoku? What is Giga Slave?

L: Giga Slave is a Chaos Magic, and had a property closer to black magic than white. I couldn't cast it without the shinzoku because I was casting the controlled version i.e. I didn't say out the spell.
Remember the second time I used it? I tried to kill Hell Master with it but I couldn't control it. However, the first time I used it to eliminate the possesed Red Priest, nothing seemed to went wrong. So what's the difference?

G: On the first time, you casted it onto my Sword of Light.

L: Exactly. That's where the hint is.
The power of the sword came from the Shinzoku. That indicates that I was able to control Giga Slave only because I was using white magic for controlling at the same time, though I used it unconsciously. Unlike what Xelloss had said, it has nothing to do with age or maturity. I guess it must be the power of my sister's soul.

G: So you mean you couldn't cast it when that Xelloss told you to because the controlled version required a vast amount of white energy at the same time as well, and since there wasn't enough white energy, you somehow unconsciously noticed it and your sister's soul stopped you from...

L: I guess this is very near the truth.

G: Then why did the same spell, if just read in the heart, would enable you to call for white magical power at the same time? I mean...

L: May be if I don't say the spell aloud, the degree of concentration will decrease, so my sub-consciousness will go a little bit uncontrolled, and naturally what I would be thinking is that I hope I can control it or else the world would be destroyed. My subconsciousness figured out that white magic was the key and use it, so I controlled the spell wihtout exactly knowing why...


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