Last Episode of Slayers (Part B) version 1.0

orginal Slayers fanficiton for all!

I didn't know what to do.

Luckily, after a while, Lina stood up and teleported me to Sailune, Amelia's Kingdom. It was the first time I was teleported by Lina. This new ability of Lina must be one of the results of Lina absorbing her sister Luna's soul.
Amelia was no longer the princess. She was now Queen Amelia. We met her in the Room of Throne. Amelia showed her happiness when she saw us. She brought us to her study immediately by herself.

Amelia closed the door to her sudy and started weeping in a few seconds. We were amazed. We looked at Amelia, waiting for the explanation. Amelia pointed to a letter on the desk.
'Just received it from Xelloss yesterday,' weeped Amelia.

Lina read the short letter and said, 'That's what we've came to tell you and...'

'I can no longer use any white magic,' Amelia cut in. This was no surprise because Amelia was much weaker than Lina in the ability to use magic.
'Luckily,' smiled Amelia, 'the town's protective spell was still working. Lina, what should we do? I don't want to sit here and let my kingdom die!' Amelia broke down again.

'Obviously, the only way out is to kill that overconsciousness of Mazoku. But I cannot use Giga Slave now...'

'Huh? So Giga Slave white magic? ANd we have to kill that powerful Xelloss?' exclaimed Amelia.

'Not Xelloss. The over consciousness of Mazoku can use any body he/she likes. And he/she is much more powerful than any member of the whole Mazoku.'

'I understand that...'cried Amelia, 'then how can we possibly do it?'

'I don't know, but we may.' answered Lina. Amelia gasped. I was also amazed and dropped my chin.

'Remember the Clair Bible thing? Grandma Aqua I mean?'

'But the entrance was destroyed already, and the Aqua Dragon had tried to saved the world at the price of breaking the space time structure inside,' said Amelia.

'Listen,' said Lina. 'Accroding to my knowledge, Clair Bible was not only the soul of Dragon Aqua, and a pool of infintie knowledge, but was a kind of living thing. I had contacts with her, and that was the first thing I realized. It had an active consciousness.'

'So?' we said.

'The destruction of the entrance and the space-time structure inside should not be fatal to her. That just detached it from our world to anothere space, and mixing up the data structure inside. I am sure it is able to recover.'

'That is is just a guess,' argued Amelia.

'It was a fact, in fact,' I answered for Lina.(editor: see the previous pages of this fanfiction)

'But we have no way to contact her.'

'I can try to open up a break in the space-time continuum with Laguna Blade (editor: also know as Ragna Blade, a chaos magic) and tried to link up with her through it.'

'Don't try to give false hope. It is impossible.'

'But it is worth trying.' Lina had an expression of 'if Xelloss can do it, I had to be able too' on her face.

'But how can you locate her? Saying it is much easier than doing it.'

'You've forgotten the fact that the break made would be joint to the part the spell user is wanting to make contact.'

'I know, but this time, you just have a target but not a certain known space-time position.'

'That's why the consciousness of Grandma Aqua is an important factor. I still had a faint connection with her since the last contact. That will help me to locate her.
I will try to make a connection to the 'common part' of all the existing space-time structures, and then search along the faint psycho connection.'

Suddenly Lina seemed to notice that while she was explaining her plan, we were staring at her. Amelia had an unbelievable look on her face. 'Why? Why did you seem to know a lot of things suddenly? I mean, you seem to be so much stronger...' said Amelia.

'That's a long story,' sighed Lina. 'Let me simply say that I was combined with Luna, my sister. (editor: see the previous epsodes for what's happened)Lets' go back to our topic.'

'How could you come back from that awful space?' I asked.

It seemed that I had not asked a stupid question this time. 'Simple. You stay here and hold my hand, Gourry,' smiled

Lina took a big breath, and just when she wanted to start the spell, Amelia said,'Wait, what can I do?' said Amelia.

'Oh, yes. You can hold my hand as well. You can transfer any white energy you can call to cast the healing spell to me from time to time. This will be a tiring job.' Lina had her eyes full of thanks.

As I held Linas's hand, I suddenly had this thought jumped up: Lina's power was now undoubtfully the strongest among all sorceress in the world. I, as her guardian, actually had some sort of shame deep inside because I was no longer able to protect her. Having lost the Sword of Light, I was much weaker than Lina on the whole. But why was I following Lina still? We have been very close friends for 5 years. Close in terms of pysical and psychological ways. Are we in Love? I don't know, but there is an unbreakable emotional bond between us, that's for sure.'

Lina was chanting the powerful cutting spell as I was contemplating.
'Lord who controls the darkness of four worlds, I beseech thy fragments; by all of the power thou possesseth, grant the heaven's wrath to my hand; unleash the sword of dark, freezing nothingness; by our power, our combined might, let us walk as one along the path of destruction: Laguna Blade!!'
(editor: according to official materials, Laguna Blade forms Darkness between the caster's hands in the form of a blade. This spell drains a large amount of magical energy and can only be cast for a few moments. Since the sealing of Giga Slave, it has become Lina's most powerful spell)

Lina was now able to use it's power reasonably, and not falling down exhausted after using it. I think this must be the work of her sister's soul.

There the break was. She gave us her left hand and entered the unknown space.

Amelia started to chant the healing spell. I was a little bit amazed that Amelia's spell worked. May be Amelia was so concerned with Lina that she could do much better than usual.

Amelia seemed to noticed my stare. she blushed and said, 'Since Zelgadiss (editor: Amelia's love, a half chimera and half human) left us, I know that there are people that I really care about...I..." I nodded.

After several hours, we suddenly felt a little twitch from Lina's hand. Lina had finally contacted with Grandma Aqua. The atmosphere was very tense.

Minutes gone before Lina gave us the signal to pull her back.

We all gasped when the unconscious, originally red-headed girl was completely towed out. Lina's hair was not red. It was a mixture of white and orange.

'Lina!' we cried. We put her on Amelia's bed. Amelia started to chant the healing spell with all her might.

After a very long time, Lina's hair became a faint red and orange and she woke up.

'Lina!' Amelia fainted with a smile. She was obviously exhausted, too. I put her beside Lina.

'Are you alright, Lina?' I whispered.

'Ngh.' She nodded with a faint smile. She was staring at nothing. 'Solutions found,' she uttered and was asleep again.

I pulled up the blanket and sat beside the girls.

We all woke up the next morning together. Amelia was the first to speak,'Lina, your hair is quite orange...'

'Doesn't matter,' Lina smiled vaguely.

'What have you learnt? What is Clair Bible?' I asked nervously.

Lina didn't seem annoyed at my stupid question. 'Just as what I have guessed. Grandma Aqua was still okay. Not much problem in making contact with her...'

'But it took hours!' protested Amelia.

'The velocity of time arrow is different in different spaces. Thank you very much, you two. It was exhausting to sustain the contact.'

'Why are you suddenly speaking like this?' said Amelia.
Lina seemed not hearing this sentence, and was klooking worried.

Lina was still very tired obviously, but she seemed certainly excited in some way.
'I was taught how to deal with the Mazoku, but I won't tell you how now. I know how to keep this knowledge in places where the Mazoku cannot find,' said Lina with a low voice.

Xellos suddenly appeared in the room.

To be continued

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