The Final Episodes of Slayers (Part A)


(editor: the following is an extraction from Gourry Gabreiv's unpublished written work, "My days with Lina Inverse". The work was found by his grandchildren in a locked box in a trapdoor in his room. The writing was verified to be done by Gourry Gabreiv)

I tried hard not to complain about Lina's decision to destroy the Mazoku(editor: i.e. the evil race). Her decision was totally understandable. We were all angry about what the mazoku was trying to achieve.

The Mazoku, after several main members were beaten or sealed or killed by us, finally gained a group conscious, and the consciousness chose to stay in Xelloss' body, which was very unfortunate.(editor: please see the previous pages of 'The Last episodes of Slayers' for what had happened)

Through Xelloss was not anywhere near lovable, as he was truly a mazoku inside out, we had known him for a long time. We weren't real enemies, but were certainly were not real friends.
Xelloss had great magical power, and was considerably more powerful than Lina plus me. Though that he was the most wicked creature I have ever seen, he had saved our lives for several times, even though his motives were pure selfishness--to complete his mission given from one of sub-lords of Shabranigdo.
(editor: Xelloss was officially the priest and general of the Greater Beast, Zelas Metallium. However, Xelloss was once lent to Hell Master Philbrizo who was sent back to the Sea of Chaos 4 years ago by Lina when she was possessed by the Lord of Nightmares.)

It was an unforgetable scene, that morning.

A usual-looking morning. Lina and I had just had a good breakfast (two fresh water melons and some fried fish with hot rice) outside our camp when Xelloss appeared suddenly and said, 'Hi, you two, congratulations. You are honoured to hear about the following news before all other human beings:"

'Wait,' said the suspicious Lina. 'Are you trying to put us again in some sort of trap? How do we know that you are telling the truth?'

Xelloss gave his infamous smile and was silent for a few seconds. "You haven't changed much, Lina Inverse," said Xelloss. "We haven't seen for nearly a year... You have the right to choose not to believe in me, sure enough. But I am now telling you something so that you won't try to do useless things. I , who you recognized as Xelloss, is not the old Xelloss you knew. Now I am speaking for the consciousness owned by the whole Mazoku."

I was amazed. 'WWWHYYY do you keep smiling and speak without opening your mouth?' Then I was knocked on the head by Lina.

"The Mazoku," continued Xelloss, keeping the vicious smile and his mouth shut, "experienced hardships since its exsistence, has finally evoloved to have an over-consiousness, or, the mind of the whole race. Now, I have gathered enough knowledge and power to rule the whole world with ease."

After a short silence, Lina bursted into fierce laughing, 'This is really a hard joke and a worse lie. It is impossible for you to do such things without the Shinzoku (editor: i.e. the Race of Godliness)interferring by violent means. But so far, it is peaceful anywhere in the world. I cannot see any signs of Mazoku's looming around yet. What is your real purpose?'

Xelloss returned to normal voice and said, 'Secret, as usual. But, I can promise that I am telling the truth for this time.
True, we have not taken over the world yet, but there is no difference if we do it an hour later, after I have finished telling you what's happening, and what is going to happen. We are not battling with the Shinzoku becuase the battle is already over,'

'What's happening, Lina?' I asked. Lina exclaimed 'over?' and gave me a big hit on my head at the same time. What a starry morning.

'Ha ha... don't you realize what I've gotten here? The knowledge that Mazoku had acquired since we exsisted! The power that equals to the sum of all the members! The Shinzoku had NO over-consciousness and so was one big grade below us. We got them trapped in some finite space-time continum that is unable to be reached directly from this world. Are you satisfied with my explanation?'

'No. I cannot see any effect. I can still use white magic this morning.'

'Yes, Lina had just healed a careless child who ran into our camp fire several moments ago,' I tried to help Lina.

'True,' replied Xelloss, 'that you are just using the energy they have left over. It won't last long.
The ruling of the whole world has already started. Let me bring you to see some of the places conquered--their white magical power storage was low so they would be the first kingdoms of mine.'

We were brought by 'Xelloss' to a normal-looking town's market place.

Lina ran around among the stalls and people, looking at 'everything' like mad. One minute later, she reappeared and smiled, 'I cannot see anything unusual.'

Xelloss laughed, 'Why are you expecting that the towns would be immediately destroyed under our power? No! Ruling does not necessary mean a king sitting there and telling others to serve him.
What I am doing here is to control the situation from behind so I will benefit most from it.'

'You mean absorbing black magical power (editor: i.e. power of negative emotions like sadness and anger)from it? And reinforcing the making of black power? You are destroying the towns without the people knowing! How dare you are! The towns would finally destroy themselves if such things continues! The people will all die!' Lina shouted at Xelloss with all the fury I had never seen.

'Hey, mind your speaking. Towns will all become ruins some day, and man be soil.' Xelloss scratched his head with the smile on his face, floating in the air.

'No! Not all! And the race will still survive somewhere else,' cried the desperate Lina.

'Why are you so sure?'

'Yes. Why cam I be so sure that you have really done something onto this town...and what you said was indeed the truth? Hahahaha, how stupid was I'

'Then try using the spell which you can call for our mother, the Goddes of Chaos, in the way you human call her'

'Giga Slave? No. I won't risk the world again for something as stupid as this is. Oh! So that's your real purpose? It is not like your clever ways in doing things.'(editor: in Slayers Next, Lina learnt from Grandma Aqua that Giga Slave, if not properly controlled, could destroy the world.)

'I am speaking the truth, as I had said. You are now 20, I guess? You are no longer the immature little 16-year-old girl when I first met you. The power of a sorceress increases with maturity. I know very well about that.'

'Well, I must admit that I think I can control it if I just ask for the minimum amount,' replied Lina.

'The comtrolled version of Giga Slave, yup,' I added.

'But Giga Slave is black magic, isn't it? It has nothing to do with the Shinzoku and white magic! No... it is Chaos magic, strictly speaking...' Lina then fell into some sort of comtemplation.

'Shoot it at me,' smiled Xelloss.

'You?' we exclaimed together.

'I am sure that you won't be able to call the power.'

Lina said the spell for Giga Slave in her heart, but nothing happened. (editor:see the previous episode to see how Lina accidentally invented the controlled version of Giga Slave.)
'Ooops?!' said Lina.

'You are not having your period, are you?' smirked Xelloss.

'What's happened? The spell didn't work,' I said nervously.

'Obviously,' Lina then suddenly said, 'I see. You want to say that in order to use the controlled version of Giga Slave sucessfully, I have to have vast energy exchange with the Shinzoku.
But now we lose contact with the whole Shinzoku, so the spell doesn't work. But why? What is Giga Slave?'

'Lina, you are intelligent enough to understand what's happened. So don't try to interfere with us. You will not see anything 'unusual' in your life. And teach your stupid man about it.' Xelloss then disappeared.

'Me? Am I the stupid man he's talking about?' Then came a big hit on my head. What a starry day. 'What's he trying to saying?' I didn't give up easily.
'Giga Slave had once called the Lord of Nightmares, the Chaos Goddess, the creator of the worlds to come to the world and possessed Lina. Giga Slave is Chaos magic. Chaos magic is not white nor black magic. Chaos magic' I stared up from my fumbling and to my surprise, I saw Lina crying for the first time.

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