Q: How do you pick up mercury?
A: Wink - he'll do the rest!

(My first addition to this brand new webpage functioned as English homework on 9/8/98)

Just an innocent summer's eve in Garden Lodge...
Queenie Jokes from/for Former Soviets
#3 Make way for Queenie Lightbulb Jokes !
#4 Some Queenie jokes in transliteration!
A Friend's - NC-17 warning!
#5 My first Russian Queen-story: Delo bylo vecherom...
#6 My second Russian Queen-story: Gitarista, gitarista...

What, too little here? Told you so.

Tah-tah, darlings!

Oh, wait, hold on! I forgot to link up to a few other Queen humor pages!

White Queen's Temple of the Blonde-ish God of Percussion , where you will find the best Roger Taylor humor on the planet!
One of the best Queenie humor sites in Russian


Back to my Freddie Mercury/Queen Page

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