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{A scan of my MS-10 pedal!}

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Ooo baby! As of Feb 17/02, I've got more info on this pedal. To check it out, Click here

The Ibanez MS-10

After I bought an Ibanez PQL, I made it a point to keep my eyes open for any other pedals from this series. My first experience with an Ibanez pedal was a positive one, even if I'm not a big user of EQ pedals. However, it was tough sledding. The few Ibanez pedals I found were generally greatly abused and shamefully overpriced. But of course, when it comes to collecting, my mantra is "patience".

Eventually, it paid off. I was at my favorite guitar shop back in November 2000. After spending an hour talking with my favorite shop employee, I finally took a careful look at the counter. Oh, what was that green pedal nestled in amongst all the shiny new gear? It was an Ibanez MS-10 Metal Charger. I pointed at it, and all my favorite employee could say was, "CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP!" He handed it over, and I saw the price: $40. Ooo baby! The magic price for a used pedal! If this MS-10 was any good at all, it was coming home with me. I was expecting good things from it, simply because of the Ibanez name. Also, I'm a sucker for distortion/overdrive pedals with multiple control knobs. Four is fine, but five is out of sight! As you can see by looking at the accompanying scan, the pedal did go home with me.

This is one fine pedal! The only quibble I have is with the "Level" control. Unlike some of my other pedals, which can provide huge amounts of volume boost (such as PW-2, BD-2, XXL), the MS-10 is rather "quiet". I often have to crank the Level control just to match my amp volume. Otherwise, this pedal is very versatile, particularly for distorted lead tones. I've read varying opinions on the true functions of the "Attack", "Punch", and "Edge" controls, but experimentation will provide a host of good sounds. If anyone has a manual for this pedal, free free to email with details. Tone-wise, this puppy sings! In my opinion, it's not capable of as much over the top distortion as the Metal Zone, but that's fine by me. And this pedal provides the most incredible tone when I use it with my tube Princeton amp. A great find for the money!

According to the Sonic Flux website, "A vast array of sounds can be coaxed from this baby. It's the 10 series version of the SM-9 Super Metal."

SM-9 Super Metal, eh? I'll keep my eyes open for THAT puppy.

Got any pedal discoveries of your own? Got any settings you'd like to share? E-mail the Stratomaster.

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