Conceptual Star Trek Figures
Unproduced Conceptual Star Trek Figures.

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The figures on this page are conceptual, unproduced Star Trek figures. In many cases, these ideas never got past the conceptual stage to the prototype stage. In some instances, however, rough mock-ups of the figure or the card art were produced.

Horta Eggs.

Excerpt from a recent press release: "The recent acquisition of the Wang King glass marble factory represents a unique opportunity for synergy between existing product lines and the newly acquired product line. Our toy engineers are working overtime to find new and exciting uses for our new product line." And so, the idea for Horta Eggs on a card was hatched.

Check out the cardback!

Federation Nanites.

This idea, which originated from the "cost-reduction mandate" memorandum, made it to the cardback mockup stage. The basic idea behind the mandate was to simplify figures to reduce costs associated with production. Since nanites are microscopic in nature, the product could consist of an empty bubble glued to a cardback. Marketing research showed, however, that anticipated consumer appeal was low, due to poor playability of the product, and a higher than anticipated lack of gullibility on the part of the target market.

"Borg Nanites"

Another idea which originated from the "cost-reduction mandate" brainstorming that made it to the cardback mockup stage. Here again, the product consisted of no product, just packaging.

Borg Implants.

Another idea which originated from the "cost-reduction mandate" brainstorming. Here, though, the product mock-up was completed. The Borg Implants are actually the innards of the "electronic pets" that were left over after that flash-in-the-pan line died a quick death, leaving the company with thousands of unsold units.

Check out the cardback!

Click on the logo to go to the "Licensing Proposal Star Trek Figures" page.

I wanna go back to the homepage. Beam me outta here, Scotty! ENERGIZE!

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