Licensing Proposal Figures
Mock-ups of unproduced Star Trek figures.

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The figures on this page are mock-ups of unproduced Star Trek figures. In 1996 the licensing contract for the Star Trek action figure and toy franchise was up for renewal. Several major toy manufacturers submitted proposals and bids to be considered for the award of the Star Trek action figure and toy license. These are mock-ups of figures used to support the bid proposals. In many cases, some quite obvious, these proposal mock-ups are assembled using pre-existing figures as bases.

Wesley Crusher from ToyBiz.

The President of ToyBiz has publicly stated that he thinks the bodies of current Playmates figures are so bad that he wouldn't be caught dead making the figures. And that contempt shows here in ToyBiz's proposal figure. Mr. Crusher has apparently been working out a little. Wesley was made from a Playmates Wesley head on an Iolus body from the Hercules line (itself a recycled Archangel body). Battle on, Wesley!

Captain KIRK! in AstroJet Suit.

Kenner's proposal was to take the figures beyond the "limited scope" of the last 30 years of television and movies into a new level. A level beyond canon. The "Ultra-Canon" line would feature the characters everyone knows and loves in exciting new sculpts limited only by the imagination. These figures would feature "dynamic" sculpts with limited articulation, and tons of cool accesories, like Kirk's firing Photon Missiles attached to his ankles. KIRK! was customized from an Environmental Suit Kirk head on a Vapor Trail Steel body.

Commander Data in Ultra-Droid form.

Another from Kenner's Ultra-Canon lineup. Data comes complete with totally refurbished Ultra-Droid body, giving him increased strength and resistance to enemy weapons. Also included is the grappling hook gun accessory, for those dangerous away missions. Commander Data was customized from a Professor Data head and another Steel (Power Gauntlet Steel) body.

Harry Mudd in Electro-Power HyperSuit.

Still another from the Ultra-Canon line. Good ol' Harry has apparently swindled enough to be able to afford a Deluxe Electro-Power HyperSuit. Or maybe he just stole it directly. Anyway, it's the perfect outfit for trying to pull a fast one on KIRK!. Who the hell knows what that nefarious accessory he is holding is supposed to actually be. Mr. Mudd was customized from a Harry Mudd head, and a "Deluxe" Electromagnetic Steel body.

Shaq Attack!

Another marketing angle from Kenner. The "Sports Crossover" series features famous athletes as Starfleet personnel. In this case, we see: Shaq as a 23rd century butler, complete with nice white gloves; Shaq in Environmental Suit; and Commander Shaq of space station Deep Space Nine. These feature Shaq heads from the Steel Movie line of figures on a Professor Data body (truly one of the weirdest figure bodies ever made by Playmates), an Environmental Suit Kirk body, and the first Sisko body.

Shaq as Commander of Deep Space Nine.

Shaq, looking particulary sharp in the first season DSN uniform. This line was to have featured such notables as Klingon Dennis Rodman, Vulcan Joe Montana, and Romulan Sam Sneed.

Stay tuned for more. In the meantime, here are some links to other cool sites of customized figures, both Trek and non-Trek related.

I wanna go back to the homepage. Beam me outta here, Scotty! ENERGIZE!

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