Morphing Odos.

These are the same Odo, meant to be partially morphing into his gelatinous state. Odo was made from a Trials and Tribbulations Odo body and head, and the arms and legs from a Transporter Sulu. The arms and legs required quite a bit of sanding to remove the glitter from them, leaving the figure with a nice frosted look. Later, I wanted the figure to have more of a transparent look, so I painted the arms and legs with a clear gloss varnish coat. I chose gloss since I wanted as liquid-like an appearance as possible, since in his off-duty hours Odo basically lives in a spittoon.

Frosted Odo
Here's frosty Odo, and.....

Clear Odo
Here's clear Odo.

I wanna go back. Beam me outta here, Scotty! ENERGIZE!

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