Research and Development II
Prototypes of Unproduced Star Trek Figures.

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The figures on this page are prototypes of unproduced Star Trek figures. The origin and authenticity of these prototypes has not been verified.

Admiral "Bones" McCoy: the Platinum Edition.

"Marketing research indicates that repainted figures are both highly sought after by collectors, and represent cost-effective usage of existing molds." And thus begat the prototype flagship figure of the "Transwarp Signature" series. Yeah, right.

Morphing Odo.

Morphing Odo was created with a Trials and Tribblations Odo body and the arms and legs of a Target Exclusive Transporter Sulu figure. Sanding the arms and legs to remove the glitter used to simulate the transporter effect left the transparent parts of the figure with a nice frosted look.

Lounge Lizard Kirk, as seen hitting on space babes at Quark's Bar in his twilight years. "Check out these tribbles, baby!"

Lounge Lizard Kirk was made from an Environmental Suit Kirk head and a Harry Mudd body, complete with decorations suitable for a swingin' ex-Star Fleet Captain.

Check out the cardback!

A carded Mail-Away Sisko figure from the Nintendo/Sega "Crossroads of Time" video game promotion.

Mail-Away Sisko was made from the head and cardback from the first Deep Space Nine Sisko, and the body of an Ensign Wesley Crusher. The body is a little thin when compared to the real Mail-Away Sisko, but passable.

Trouble Brewing!

Pity the poor security "Redshirts". Starfleet statistics indicate that they have the highest mortality rate of all Starfleet personnel. That's why a typical ship's compliment includes 5 percent command and engineering personnel, and 95 percent security redshirts. Here's a typical away team, taking a few hits to relieve the stress of being an expendable. And a hungry Mugato about to become very happy. Note the official Starfleet-issue bong. This accessory actually came with the Professor Data figure, and compliments nicely the champagne and tequila bottles, shot glasses, hyposprays and Venus drug accessories that came with other figures.

Tapestry Picard (Nine-inch figure format).

Tapestry Picard is simply a Picard from First Contact doll wearing a Generations Kirk uniform.

Captain Kirk from "Where No Man Has Gone Before" classic TOS episode.

YIKES! What more is there to say?

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