Research and Development III
Prototypes of Unproduced Star Trek Figures.

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The figures on this page are prototypes of unproduced Star Trek figures. The origin and authenticity of these prototypes has not been verified.

Old Dr. McCoy as seen in the TOS episode "All Our Yesteryears".

Old Bones was made with the head from an Admiral McCoy figure and the body of a regular Dr. McCoy figure from the boxed classic bridge crew set. For some reason the Admiral McCoy figure has the neck-peg hole in the body inset 2 or 3 mm deeper than most other figures, meaning the Admiral McCoy head has to have an unusually long neck. That's why old Bones here has a neck like a tortoise.

McCoy in Environmental Suit from the TOS episode "The Tholian Web".

Tholian Web McCoy was created using the head from the regular Dr. McCoy figure from the boxed classic bridge crew set and the body of an Environmental Suit Kirk.

Captain Sisko from the Deep Space Nine episode "Homecoming".

Captain Sisko in TNG-style duty uniform was created with the head of a second issue Sisko and the body from a Q in TNG duty uniform. This is from the episode where Sisko is called back to Starfleet Headquarters to command the earth defenses against the Dominion.

Kang in classic Klingon uniform.

Kang was created from the head of a Warp Factor 4 Kang figure and the body from a Sisko as Klingon figure. I think this version is much superior to the WF4 Kang with the Kenner-style body.

The Sulu Family

The Sulu family is well represented in Star Fleet. Captain Sulu, as seen in the Voyager episode "Flashback" was created from the head of a Target exclusive Transporter Sulu figure and the body from a Generations Kirk. His daughter, Damora Sulu from the movie "Generations" was created from the head of a Keiko O'brien figure and the body from a Lt. Saavik figure.

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