Diary of a Vampire

by ‘Teresa Devereux’

Night 41 - Monday
32 New Hampshire Way

Having no response from the Nosferatu about an assassin, we discussed where else we could find Vissago. We went to one of the bars we had seen him at before, the ‘Players Club’. We mingled around the room, and settled in to wait. I was sitting at the bar on my own, when I felt the beating of my heart. It was actually an uneasy feeling now, and I recognised it to mean there was another older vampire nearby. I looked up into the mirror behind the barman, and saw Van Myers staring at the doorway. I couldn’t see what he was looking at, so I turned around to look better.

I looked over to the doorway again, and standing there looking at Van Myers was a young man. I turned and looked back into the mirror, and only saw an empty doorway. I turned again to look directly at the doorway, and he was there again. I had read myths about vampires in some of the old texts I owned, and they spoke about vampires being unable to cast a reflection in a mirror. I could always see myself however, so I had passed it off as superstition. Perhaps there was some truth in it?

The man smiled at us both, then stepped outside. Van Myers walked briskly outside, so I rose and followed. As I got outside, I saw the man get into a red Porche and drive off.

I looked at Van Myers questioningly, who stated “He works for Vissago”.

“Do you think it’s safe to follow him?”.

Van Myers sighed and said “no, it’s probably a trap. But what choice do we have?”

Marie had reached us outside by then, so we all got into Van Myers car and took off after the man. We managed to get close enough to read his number plate. It was a personalised plate that read “2HOT4U”.

Van Myers reached for his mobile phone, and called Detective Kasarov. He asked the detective if he had any cars available to follow the Porche, but it would seem he didn’t. I whispered to Van Myers to ask if he could check who owned the car. Van Myers asked the Detective to do a registration check. He repeated what he said so that I could write it down. The Porche was registered to a Michael Bergese of 32 New Hampshire Way, Boston.

Van Myers mentioned that he knew Michael, and that he worked for Vissago. It was beginning to make sense now. Even though it may have been a trap, we decided to head to the address and snoop around a little.

The address was in fact a large estate. From the road you could only see the driveway leading into the darkness. The automatic gates were large and ornate, with two gargoyle adorned pillars standing on either side of the gates like some medievel sentinals. The imposing gates were locked, but there was an 8 foot high brick fence that edged the rest of the property. I knew from my school days of gymnastics that I could jump over the wall, particularly with the added benefit of my newfound vampiric abilities. I suggest to Van Myers and Marie that perhaps I could scale the fence, sneak up to the building, and look in. I was hoping that I may find Vissago inside, or at least something that could lead us to him.

While they looked up at me with doubt in their eyes, I reassured them it would be easy for me. I stepped back a few paces, and ran at the wall. In one leap I reached the top, and swung myself over. I landed on the other side and straightened out my skirt and jacket. I looked around the grounds, and not seeing any security men, started towards the mansion.

I had only walked a few paces when I heard a low growling from in front of me. I stopped dead, and heard more growling. It was then that I spotted four of the largest Rottweiler dogs I have ever seen, slowly walking towards me. I tried to speak softly to them, but they were obviously well trained guard dogs. They suddenly ran at me, and I had hardly turned to run when they were on me.

I fell to the ground as two of them latched onto my legs. Another of them grabbed my arm, and the fourth started bitting me around the head. I was flailing my free arm, trying to scratch at them with my own claws, but the pain was so intense, I couldn’t concentrate enough to hit them. In the blur of the attack, I heard two of the dogs yelp, and looked up to see Van Myers breaking their necks.

He then grabbed the other two dogs, and killed them. By this time, however, I was in a bad way. One leg was almost torn off, the other leg was badly mauled, as was one of my arms. I had also been bitten around the head. It was the most excruciating pain I have ever experienced. Even my run in with Felicity didn’t compare. I began to fade in and out of consciousness, but I recalled Marie dragged me into some nearby bushes. She must have bit her wrist, as I then remember looking up into her eyes as I drank from her.

I could hear voices in the distance, and Marie pulled her arm from me and said with urgency “stay quiet”, before running off. I must have fallen unconscious again, as the next thing I was aware of was the light of a torch being shone in my eyes, but I couldn’t make out who stood behind it. I couldn’t even lift my head, I was so weak. I heard him swearing under his breath, and then I saw the glint of a revolver as it appeared in the light between us. I thought “this is it, it’s my time”, and there wasn’t a thing I could do to protect myself.

“Don’t kill her!” It was Van Myers voice in the distance. The gun dropped, and I was lifted up into the arms of the man holding the torch. I was dropped into the back of a van, and left there alone, hungry, and frightened to think what my fate, or that of Van Myers and Marie, was going to be. The pain of being moved made me pass out again.

I woke up, still in the back of the van, but now the van was lying on it’s side. There must have been an accident. I managed to sit up, and realised I wasn’t in hunger any more. Then I saw a security guard lying beside me, his wrist cut, and drained of blood. It became clear, when I saw Marie standing in the doorway of the van.
“Heal yourself, quickly. We’ve got to get out of here”.
She must have fed me while I was unconscious. I lay back down, concentrated, and healed my wounds. Using the blood I had just drank made me hunger again, I needed to feed as soon as possible to replenish myself.

I stepped out of the van, to see there had been a gunfight. There were bodies of security men lying around beside their four wheeled motorbikes, and the van was pocketed with bullet holes. Marie led me over to a man that was fatally injured, but still alive.
“Here. You would have used your blood healing. Drink him, just do it fast”.
I drank the man dry. I couldn’t help myself. I cry now even as I write this, the blood tears stain the page, but I must write it down, as though this simple act will aid in my contrition. I’ve never been religious, but I prayed for this man’s soul to find the peace in death that I delivered to him. Selfishly, I must admit that I also prayed for my own soul.

Powered by the stolen life of the poor guard, I jumped onto the back of a four wheeled bike Marie was sitting on. We sped off with Van Myers on a bike beside us. Heading back into town, we dumped the bikes, and Van Myers called a hire limo for us. Apparantly it is a company he uses from time to time, and the drivers are amicable, and forgetful, when greenbacks cross their palms.

We pulled up outside a trendy bar, and Van Myers yelled out to two couples standing near the entrance.
“Hey, we’ve got some good stuff going on in here. Want to join us?”
They looked at each other, then the limo. It didn’t seem to take much to entice them in the vehicle, considering. They had barely sat down when we each took one of them and drank. Van Myers drank from one of the men, and held the other man against the seat with one hand over his mouth until he was ready to drink from him. Despite his bullet wounds, his strength could still overpower mortals easily.

We took the four back to a alley near to the bar, and left them there. They were only half drained, and I remembered vivdly the look of fear and pain on the guards face earlier. Shaking my head to clear the horrible image, all I did was succeed in pushing it to the back of my mind, faded, but never forgotten. I insisted that we call the paramedics, and Van Myers finally agreed. An anonymous call to 911, and then we went back to Van Myers to retire for the day.


[ The Masquerade ]

Story 2 - “Blood Bond”

[ Van Myers / Grady | Assamite | Marie (Sabbat gathering) (Video) | 32 New Hampshire Way ]
[ Hypnotised | King takes Queen | Black Aura | The List | Anastasie | Michael’s Demise | End Game ]

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