Greetings and well met, again!

Well, I'm getting tired of sending out copies of instructions to my dances. So I suppose I'll jest start directing people here from now on . . .

My short (but hopefully growing) list of dance constructions:

  • A Fool's Notion
  • Feather Pavanne
  • And coming soon . . .

  • The Painted Wheel Reel
  • A salterello ("Assaulterello"? I should have a contest to name it ;)
  • A Fool's Notion

    An English country dance for four (4) couples in a line
    (Originally done to MacAllistrum's March)

    Part I

    A1 1 - 8 Partners lead up a double and fall back a double. Set and turn single.
    A2 1 - 8 Repeat A1.
    B1 1 - 4 The second and fourth couples lead through the couple above them and cast down to place.
    5 - 8 The second and fourth couples half figure eight through the couple above them, ending up back in place but improper.
    B2 1 - 2 The first and third couple changes places with their partner.
    3 - 4 The first and second men change places, as do the first and second women, third and fourth men, and third and fourth women.
    5 - 6 All change places with their partner.
    7 - 8 All turn single.

    (Note: Couples one and two have switched positions, as have couples three and four.)

    Part II

    A1 1 - 8 Partners side right. Set and turn single.
    A2 1 - 8 Partners side left. Set and turn single.
    B1 1 - 8 Repeat Part I, B1 with the first and third couples going around the second and fourth, respectively.
    B2 1 - 8 Repeat Part I, B2 with the second and fourth couples exchanging places with their partners first.

    Part III

    A1 1 - 8 Partners arm right. Set and turn single.
    A2 1 - 8 Partners arm left. Set and turn single.
    B1 1 - 4 The first and fourth couples exchange places behind the second and third couple. The second and third couples join hands in a circle and circle half way around.
    5 - 8 The first and fourth couples go back to back with their partner (Do-si-do), while the second and third couples circle their partner one and one half times, falling back to their respective sides.
    B2 1 - 8 Men do a half-hey to their original positions, while the women do the same.*

    *Instead of having both the men and women do the hey at the same time, one option is to have the men do the hey for the first four measures, and the women the last four. This was my original intent, but it makes the hey seem rushed.

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    Feather Pavanne

    A pavanne for as many couples as will, done in processional style.
    Note: Each line of instruction is eight counts long (with a single taking 2 counts). All instructions given (in parentheses) are not specific steps and should not take up time in the music. They are there only to describe hand and body positions as needed.

    Music: Quen a omagento by Alfonso X

    Lords: Reverance
    Ladies: Reverance

    Left pavanne set
    Right pavanne set

    Sideways single left / sideways single right / turn in place* over left shoulder using a left double

    Backwards right pavanne set

    Lords reverse right palm / Ladies reverse right palm / exchange places* using a left double
    Lords exchange palms / Ladies exchange palms / exchange places** using a right double

    Left pavanne set
    Right single / left single / Ladies: a right double so you are directly in front of your Lord

    Left single / right single / 2 left sideways singles
    Extended backwards right double / 2 right sideways singles

    Bransle out / bransle in / exchange places using a left double
    Bransle out / bransle in / exchange places using a left double

    Left pavanne set
    Right single / left single / Lords: a right double so you are directly in front of your Lady

    Left single / right single / turn around over right shoulder using a left double
    Right single / left single / *exchange places using a right double

    Approach partner with both palms / slight reverance / turn in place down the hall using a double

    2 sideways singles down the hall / exchange places using a double

    Left single / right single / conversion

    Right pavanne set and reverance

    Explanation of steps:

    Reverse palming:
    Counts 1 - 2: The Lord presents his right hand to his Lady. The hand should be roughly shoulder level, halfway between he and his partner, elbow down at about 45 degrees, with Lord looking at his own palm (Though he's actually looking into his Lady's eyes).
    Counts 3 - 4: The Lady does as the Lord, putting her hand in his. Thus she would be looking at her palm if his hand weren't there.

    Replace palming:
    Count 1: The Lord brings down his right hand, while the Lady leaves her hand in place.
    Count 2: The Lord places his right hand in hers (her left hand).
    Counts 3 - 4: The Lady does as the Lord did in counts 1-2.
    At the end of count 4, the positions should be a mirror image of the end positions of the reverse palming.

    The Lady does a double forward starting on the appropriate foot (in this case the left) while the Lord does a backwards double starting on the same foot. The held hands should be used as a pivot point to circle halfway around, and at the end of the move the Lord and Lady have switched places and are now facing the opposite direction they were before (In this case, the couple started out facing down the hall; at the end, they are facing up the hall).

    Unfortunately, I have probably over-explained things here, but after trying to teach it a few times, I felt that going into as much detail as possible was probably best. It makes it harder to learn at first, but it will flow much better in the end. Also, note that if the hall is not large enough to accommodate this entire dance, simply circle the hall and replace all instructions like "face the head of the hall" with "face the head of the procession" (i.e. forward, towards the lead couple).

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