Where to Next?

I am totally lost! I just want to learn about evolution. Is this the right place?

I have an essay 2.1 The Evolution Debate, which provides some background, and an essay, 3.2 Theory of Emergence, which discusses human evolution. Plus I have a separate Evolution Page. The "Theory of Options" however, is mainly about the evolution of human behavior, which is a specialized topic. For the Evolution/Creation debate try "The Talk-Origins" site, or their newsgroup Newsgroup.

Yes, I am interested in the evolution of human behavior. What is your theory?

Please read 0.1 Introduction. Apart from evolution, there is a theory of psychology explained in 3.1 Theories of Behavior.

But how do you explain morality, ethics and religion? 

See details in 3.4 Theory of Morality, 5.2 The Origin of Morality, 5.3 The Origin of Ethics and 5.4 The Origin of Religion.

How do you explain the large human brain?

See 3.3 Theory of Knowledge, plus 4.1 Mind, Brain, and Consciousness, and 4.2 The 'Wiring' of the Brain

Is your theory researched?

It is a very new theory, so I am seeking feedback and comments. My essay 6.2 Is the Theory True? discusses some of the issues trying to verify a theory this complex.

What else is on your site?

You can visit my Philosophy Page which discusses philosophy and evolution. My Quotations Page provides a rich (40 pages) anthology of quality quotations. I have a separate new model of evolution page, which is slightly specialized.

Further Notes:

 An updated "pre-publish" version of the Theory of Options with some extra materials can be viewed as a PDF file at http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/1628/0book.pdf. (If this does not download, email me at mailto:[email protected])

 Please read my "Evolution Essays" which I had promised for a long time. The evolution essays are easier reading than my new model of evolution separate web-site, which people have found tough going.

As mentioned, there is now a Quotations Page providing a rich anthology of relevant quotes.

I have a Philosophy Page. Please visit, as there are several interesting articles.

Note Again: This site discusses a specific theory of human evolution and behavior. Often (mostly) I get questions on general evolution, for which information is available on other web sites. Please read 2.1 The Evolution Debate, but more information is available from the "The Talk-Origins" web site. If you want to chat, please try the "talk" Newsgroup. I try to answer each email, but give priority to questions specific to the theory on this site.

Scope of the Theory

The Theory of Options will be published as a book providing full details of the theory. The chapters are now published, in draft form, including the "Evolution Essays" .

If you are looking for topic, this search engine is excellent! (Type "religion", "neurology", etc.). Only it might not appear with all browsers, but it works with IE 4.0

 Not, an updated "pre-publish" version of the Theory of Options with some extra materials can be viewed as a PDF file at http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/1628/0book.pdf. (If you have trouble downloading this, contact me at mailto:[email protected])

0.1 Introduction

Part I - The Background Issues

1.1 Our Place in the Universe 1.2 Genes and Behavior

1.3 The Human Geodesic 1.4 Facts, Theories, and Options  For those interested in philosophy, this last essay has been updated, and somewhat improved. (But still not as updated as the http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/1628/0book.pdf.)

Part II - The Theory of Evolution

 Note: These are the "Evolution Essays" where I outline my theory of evolution in essay style, uploaded at last. You might also visit my "new model of evolution" web-site for further details.

2.1 The Evolution Debate 2.2 Easy and Hard Changes 2.3 Phylogenic Evolution

2.4 The Heuristic Process 2.5 A New Model of Evolution

Part III - The Theory of Options

3.1 Theories of Behavior 3.2Theory of Emergence

3.3 Theory of Knowledge 3.4 Theory of Morality

Part IV - The Options of Knowledge

 Layout, presentation, quotes, etc. of most of these essays now updated and improved.

4.1 Mind, Brain, and Consciousness 4.2 The 'Wiring' of the Brain 4.3 Cause and Effect

4.4 Mind and the Universe 4.5 Intuition and Judgment 4.6 Artificial Intelligence

Part V - Cultural Origins

5.1 The Origin of Culture 5.2 The Origin of Morality

5.3 The Origin of Ethics 5.4 The Origin of Religion

Part VI - A New Theory

 The concluding essays are now finished in draft form. Comments welcome!

6.1 Human Motivation 6.2 Is the Theory True? 6.3 Applying the Theory


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 To find out more about me, you can visit my personal page.

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