Homesteader Showcase

  The only reason that Geocities even exists is because of the people who decide to establish their homes on the web here. Just picture it: this huge, multi-national corporation depends completely upon YOU! The Homesteader Showcase is our way of telling everyone whose homepage is located in Athens "Thank you."

Featured Homesteaders You now have a website in Athens. You are a resident; this is your home. What IS Athens, though? "What" is not truly the proper wording, however. You should be asking, "WHO is Athens?" To find out more about your Athenian neighbors, check out the Featured Homesteaders page! Each month, we will highlight three homesteads with varying topics. We hope that you can learn more about Athens through this section. Do you know of a page you would like to share with your neighbors? Please e-mail me and let me know!

The Featured Help Site of the Week Now you have freely walked through your neighbours houses. You saw some very interesting pages about many different topics. But where do you go to borrow that half cup of sugar, or that HTML recipe for which you've been dying? Did you know that the Community Leaders are homesteaders JUST LIKE YOU? These people have decided to be the recipe-sharers in Athens. They have established pages to help acclimate you with Athens. The Featured Help Site of the Week will help you to better navigate Athens and become better acquainted with your Community Leaders.



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