Homesteader Showcase

  This month's Showcase sites are a hodgepodge of the wonderful variety that Athens has to offer. I hope you enjoy visiting these sites as much as I enjoyed viewing them!

"The English are coming!"

This rousing statement sweeps you off your feet and into the world of the Anglo-Saxon. Angelcynn is a society dedicated to bringing one of the most interesting and well loved periods of history alive. Anyone who loves King Authur, Beowulf and Viking invasions should take the time to learn about this group of people. This site is chalk full of information on this time and is well worth the visit.

  Peggy Hu has designed a site that is all around a joy to visit. If you enjoy reading wonderful writing, you won't go wrong here. Her "Home on the Web" poem caused a slight mishap with Diet Coke and my keyboard (in other words, I spit it out because I was laughing so hard), and that was just the first stanza!

  Terin's Page of Universal Iniquity. That title should warn you before you even click on the first link. Terin has established a page that discusses everything from the eventual collapse of the Universe to how to get out of writing essays and the evil of guestbooks. His style of writing makes you want to come back again and again to make sure you didn't miss one nugget of his unusual look out on life.  


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