Social Studies 11 OnLine

with Mr. Mleziva


WW I Aftermath Exercise

Answer each of the following questions neatly in your notebook in complete sentences.

1) Read "Attitudes Towards Peace" and summarize what Britain, the United States, France, and Germany wanted after the war.

2) Examine Wilson’s 14 points. Which of these do you think stood little chance of success? (i.e. which ones were more idealistic than practical?) Explain.

3) Examine both Wilson’s 14 points and the Summary of the Treaty of Versailles. Which of Wilson’s 14 points were altered by the Treaty? Provide evidence.

4) Did France and Britain satisfy their desires through the Treaty of Versailles? Explain.

5) Examine the map of "The new frontiers" Which country gained the most from the German defeat?

6) Examine the "Reparations"(Also look at German Territorial Losses). Many contend that Germany had "no hope" of repaying these. Is there some supporting evidence?

7) Examine the "War Guilt Clause".

a) Germany objected to this clause. Why do you think so?

b) Germany eventually signed this? Why do you think so?

8) Many contend that Reparations and The War Guilt Clause led to World War Two. Explain also making reference to "The Consequences of the Peace: Germany in the 1920s".

9) Why do you think that the League of Nations and The International Court failed to maintain World Peace?

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