Herbal Correspondences and Attributes

These pages are for what I have compiled, from many books and other sources over the years, on herbs and their correspondences and uses. Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magickal Herbs is a very good all around book for herb usage, but some herbs I have found useful in many applications that were not listed. These usages are listed below, as well as the more common ones. I hope that this aids you in your magickal herbal endeavors.



  • Herbs A

    ADAM & EVE ROOT- love, happiness, fertility, faithfulness

    To attract love, carry the two roots in a bag on your person at all times; to keep your lover faithful to you when separated, each one of you should carry one of the roots (male carries female and female carries male); to insure happiness of a couple, give them a set of the roots when they become serious about one another.


    Planet- Venus
    Element- water

    AFRICAN VIOLET- Spirituality, protection

    When these plants and flowers are grown inside of your home, they are said to promote spirituality to those who reside there, and also give a measure of protection to the home.


    Gender- feminine
    Element- water
    Planet- Venus

    AGRIMONY- protection and sleep

    This herb can be used in almost all protection spells and Gris-Gris', and is said to have the ability to banish negativity, spirits, protects against goblins, evil and poisin, and to reverse spells and hexex placed on you. To use for help sleeping, place some under your head. Agrimony is also reported to be able to detect Witches.


    Element- Air
    Planet- Jupiter

    ALLSPICE- money, luck, healing, depression

    If burned as an incense it will attract money and/or luck, and can be added to mixtures, for these purposes, to be included in gris-gris and spells. It is also used to treat depression and promote by simmering it in a potpourri pot and inhaling the scent.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- fire
    Planet- Mars

    ANGELICA- exorcism, protection, healing, visions

    When grown around the house, it gives protection, and can be used in all protection, exorcism, and healing spells, as well as in gris-gris for vision quests. It can be sprinkles around the outside of the home in all four corners to grant protection, as well as placed in gris-gris' and hung over all doors and windows to prevent intrusions from burlars, as well as negative energies and spirits. If a hex or spell has been placed on you, it can be added to your bath to remove them. The root is also carried in the pocket whenever you go gambling for luck. It can also be used in healing incense and other mixtures. It is also mixed with Solomon's seal to create a very powerful warding gris-gris.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- fire
    Planet- Sun

    ASAFOETIDA- exorcism, purification, protection

    Small amounts can be burned during exorcisms and banishings, but it isn't advisible, as this plant stinks to Highest Heaven, even before it is burned.It can also be added to gris-gris for the same purpose, but it is more likely to keep people away. If it is tossed onto a fire, it will destroy the manifestations of Spirits during Magickal Rites. Use this with care, if you dare to use it with all. One of the folk names is "Devil's Dung", and it sure does smell the part.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- fire
    Planet- Mars

    ASH- protection, health, prosperity, sea rituals, water witching/dowsing

    To prevent drowning while at sea, carve a peice of ash into an equal armed cross and carry it on you. It can be use during all sea rituals since it represents water. The leaves can be used to induce prophetic dreams by placing them under your pillow before going to sleep. If you carve a staff made of ash and hang it on your doorpost, it will ward away even the most malignant of forces, and a garter made from the green bark, when worn, can protect you from the hexex and spells of not so nice witches. The leaves can be added to protection gris-gris, or scattered to the four winds in the area you wish to protect or hold a ritual to aid in protecting the area. Healing wands can be fashioned out of ash wood, and tend to work better than any other type of wood for this purpose. If ash is burned at Yule, it is supposed to bring you prosperity the next year. Poopets may be carved from the root of ash trees to give them more power.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- Fire (or water)
    Planet- Sun

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    Herbs B

    BALM,Lemon- love, success, healing

    To aid you in finding love, soak the herb in wine for several hours, and then share it with a freind, or carry the herb on you while you are out and about to attract love to you. It is also added to healing incense and gris-gris, and as a tea, it soothes tired, achy bodies, and the nerves that are frazzled. Also, if added to incense, spells, or gris-gris for success, it will aid you greatly by creating vibes that are favorable. It is also great for bee-keepers; if rubbed on the hives it will attract new bees.

    Element- water
    Planet- Moon

    BASIL- love, exorcism, wealth, flying, protection, sympathy

    When smelled, fresh basil causes sympathy between two people and is useful in calming tempers during arguements. It is used in love divinations;it is also added to gris-gris; for wealth, faithfulness and fedility, protection, warding, and astral travel. If basil is given as a house warming gift, it will bring the new owners much luck, happiness, and prosperity.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- Fire
    Planet- Mars

    BAY- protection, psychic powers, healing, purification, strength, exorcism

    Bay was reportedly used by the Delphi oracle before divination to give her extra psuchic strength when divining the future for people. It is used today to strenghten clairvoyant powers, and can be used in gris-gris' for prophetic dreams. It may also be used in gris-gris for protection, health, insight, strength, and to dipel and keep away negative influences. Wishes may be written on dried leaves and burned to make them come true, and a sprig may be used to sprinkle water during purification and blessing ceremonies.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- fire
    Planet- Mars

    BENZOIN- purification, prosperity

    When burned it purifies the area, and can be added to purification mixtures and spells. It can be used as a substitute for Storax, and is also used as a base for many incense mixtures. It is also used as a binding agent in heral mixtures that are mixed with water or oil to prevent them from turning bad (spoling). It can used with basil and cinnamon to attract business to your store or establishment.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- Air
    Planet- Sun

    BERGAMOT, Orange- money, hair growth

    When added to magickally made hair tonics and added to shampoo, it promotes hair growth. Added to your wallet or purse, the leaves attract money to you. When the fresh leaves are rubbed onto money before spending it, it insures that the money will return to you.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- Air
    Planet- Mercury

    BIRCH- protection, exorcism, purification

    If some one or an animal is possessed, lightly scourge them with the twigs from a Birch tree to drive the intruding spirit out. A red ribbon tied to a Birch stem is said to rid one of the evil eye, and a twig is used to prevent lighting strikes. The Birch is used to make the traditional Besom, and baby cradles carved of the wood are said to protect the babies who sleep in them.

    Gender- feminine
    Element- water
    Planet- Venus

    BLACKBERRY- healing, money, protection

    If you come across a brable of the Blackberry that forms a natural arch, any magick performed under it will be greatly enhanced, and if you are ill, on a sunny day crawl under it on your back to speed recovery.The leaves can be added to spells and gris-gris to attract wealth and prosperity, as well as to healing mixtures. The thorns can be added to spells, gris-gris, and mixtures for protection, and when placed beneath the doors and windows of yourhome, prevent intrusions.

    Gender- feminine
    Element- water
    Planet- Venus

    BLOODROOT- love, protection, purification

    To draw love to you, carry or where the root.To protect your home, place it near all doors and windows. The darker the root, the stronger it's power.


    Gender- masculine
    Element- Fire
    Planet- Mars

    BONESET- protection, exorcism, healing

    Boneset has the power to ward of evil spirits and to protect you when you go somewhere. To drive evil and negativity from your home, make a tea from it and sprinkle it around eveery room, epecially closets and corners, as well as stair wells. To use it for healing, make a poltice and magically prepare it, and apply in to bruises, slight fractures,and sprains.

    Gender- feminine
    Element- water
    Planet- Saturn

    BROOM-(poisin) purification, protection, wind spells, divination, house cleanings

    To magickally clean your home, use a beson made of broom to drive all negativity and evil out. It is used in purification and protection spells also, and can be added to gris-gris also. A tea made from broom tops can be sprinkled about the house to get rid of pesky poltergeists. Carry the plant in a gris-gris to increase your psychic powers. If you wish to invoke the aid of the wind elementals, throw some broom up into the air while calling upon them. This also stirs the wind up if it is a still day. To calm the wind, burn broom and bury the ashes. Broom besoms are also used to sweep magick circles before rituals and workings.

    Gender- masculine
    Planet- Mars

    BURDOCK- protection, healing

    Burdock can be spread about the house to give protection, or added to gris-gris, spells, and incense for the same purpose. To guard against negativity, gather the root during the waning moon, dry them, cut them into small pieces, and string them together on red thread. This is to be worn.

    Gender- feminine
    Element- water

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    Herbs C

    CAMELIA- riches, love, lust

    When smelled, the camellia causes lust. It can be added to gris-gris, incense, and spells for attracting love, and also to attract wealth. A bowl of water with the blossoms floating in it, placed on your altar during prosperity spells, will greatly increase the power of the spell.

    Gender- feminine
    Element- water
    Planet- Moon

    CARDAMON-lust, love

    When the crushed seeds are added to food, it promotes lust. Added to gris-gris, incense, or spells, it will attract love to you. If you add the crushed seeds to wine and let it set for a few days in the moon light, it creates a powerful lust potion.

    Gender- feminine
    Element- water
    Planet- Venus

    CATNIP- cat magick, love, lust, happiness, beauty

    To form a psychic link between you and your cat, you should give some to your cat and smell it, also. It can be added to gris-gris, incense, and spells to attract love, and when drunk as a tea, it promotes lust. Smelling catnip also lifts the spirits and promotes happiness. As a tea, wash your face with it to maintain beauty, or add it to gris-gris and spells for this purpose.

    Gender- feminine
    Planet- Venus

    CEDAR- healing, purification, protection, money

    Cedar is commonly used for smudging an area before ritual, or to cleanse it of negativity. If you hang cedar in the home, it is supposed to protect the home from being struck by lighting, and is also supposede to keep illness away. The bark and needles from a cedar tree can be ground to make incense. It can also be added to gris-gris and spells for healing, protection, purification, and money attraction. If you keep a piece of cedar in your wallet or purse, it is supposed to attract money to you.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- fire
    Planet- Sun

    CHAMOMILE- money, sleep, calming, love, healing, purification

    When added to gris-gris, incense, spells, and mixtures, chamomile will promote sleep, healing, love, purification, money drawing, and calm situations. It can also be prepared as a tea to promote healing, sleep, and calming.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- water
    Planet- Sun

    CHILI PEPPERS- hex-breaking, love, lust

    Chili peppers, when added to food, inflame passions. When added to gris-gris, powders, spells, or mixtures, it is good for protection and love. When made in to lust powder, it can be sprinkled under the bed to great a "fiery" night for a couple. It is also very usefull

    Gender- masculine
    Planet- Mars

    CINNAMON- spirituality, success, healing, love, lust, psychic powers, protection, strnght

    When added to gris-gris, incense, powders, spells, and such, it increases the strenght of them. It can beused in gris-gris or dream pillows to increase your psychic dreming powers, or to promote healing and lust. It can also be used in love spells to draw love to you, and in protection spells. Added to incense, it is used in spells for purification, love, protection, power, to increase psychic powers, and strenghten spirituality. It also increases the chance of success when ever used.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- fire
    Planet- Sun

    CINQUEFOIL- money, protection, prophetic dreams, sleep, spirit aid

    This herb can be used in spells, gris-grris, incense, and mixtures. If carried, it grants you love, money, wisdom, health, and power. Hung over your door or bed, it grants protection.Hang a bag of it over your bed to promote a restful sleep. If you need to ask a favor or get something from an official of the government or bussiness, carry some of his on you when asking, as it gives you eloquence of speech. It can also be added to bathes for purification, and made into a tea and sprinkled around the area.

    Element- fire
    Planet- Jupiter

    CLOVE- protection, exorcism, health, tooth aches, love, money, energy

    When placed along side the tooth that is hurting, the clove will take away the pain. Added to gris-gris, incense, spells, and mixtures, it promotes love, protection, health, and draws money to you. When burned, it purifies an area and banishes negativity and evil spirits. It is also said to bring comfort to those who are upset over a loss, and lends energy to that person and strenghtens their spirit. If ground and sprinkled on your bills (provided you have made a bill box that is magickal) it will take away any negativity about thes bills, and keep them from becoming troublesome to you.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- fire
    Planet- Jupiter

    COMFREY- safety during travel, money, healing

    This can be placed in all healing gris-gris, especially if broken bones , arthritus, or sprains are involved. Worn or carried, it protects you when traveling, and can be placed in your luggage to iinsure that they aren't lost or stolen. The root is used in money spells, gris-gris, and mixtures.

    Planet- Saturn

    COPAL- love, purification

    Copal can be ground and used as a base for most any incense, but is most commonly used in incense for love and purification. It can also be put into mixtures and gris-gris, as well as being used as the heart in a poppet.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- fire
    Planet- Sun

    CYPRESS- longevity, healing, love, purification, protection, comfort, cleansing

    This tree's bark and leaves are used in gris-gris, spells, mixtures, and in whole form to cleanse a person or area of negativity, illness, depression, sadness, and evil entities. it is also used in love spells and gris-gris, as well, as burned to attract love and positive vibrations. Carried it is supposed to bring you protection from harm and grant you a long life.

    Gender- feminine
    Element- earth
    Planet- Saturn

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    Herbs D

    DAISY- lust, love, divination

    This flower can bee used to divine the answer of yes/no questions by asking your question to the flower, then starting with either yes or no, saying yes, no,yes,no for each petal you pluck, just like the he loves me, he love me not divination. Carried, daisies are supposed to attract love, and can be placed in gris-gris, used in spells, mixtures, and incense for this purpose. Smelling a daisy is supposed to arouse lust in a person, so they should be placed beside the bed if you want to have your lover aroused that night.

    Gender- feminine
    Element- water
    Planet- Venus

    DANDELION- healing, divination, wishes, calling spirits

    Divination is done the same way as with a daisy. For wishing, pick one that has turned to fluff, close your eyes, make a wish, and blow. If you get all the fluff to come off, your wish will come true. If you find loose fluff on the ground, take it home and use it in a spell or gris-gris to call spirits to you. The fluff, leaves, root, and flower itself can be used in healing spells, gris-gris, mixtures, and incense. Make a tea from the flowers and leaves, sprinkle it around your home, and you will attract good spirits to protect you.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- air
    Planet- Jupiter

    DEVIL'S SHOESTRING- luck, money, gambling, power, employment

    Carry this root with you when seeking new employment, for luck, or when gambling. It can be added to spells or gris-gris' to enhance their power. It is also carried for protection, or hung in the home over all doors and windows to prevent intrusion.

    Gender- unknown
    Element- unknown
    Planet- unknown

    DILL- money, protection, lust, love, preservation

    This herb can be added to gris-gris, incense, mixtures, spells, and wine to promote love and lust, to gris-gris, spells and incense for protection, and to gris-gris and spells for drawing money. It can also be used in it's seed form to draw money by adding a few seeds to a jar daily. When the jar is full, bury the seeds in the earth, asking that as the seeds grow, so shall your wealth. Start over filling the jar, and repeat this as often as you like. The same can be done with fenugreek seeds.

    Genser- masculine
    Element- fire
    Planet- Mercury

    DOCK- healing, fertility, money, prosperity

    This herb can be added to gris-gris, incense, spells, powders, and mixtures to draw money to you, increase your overall prosperity, increase fertility, and for healing. If some of it is added to your purse or wallet, it attracts money to you. Sprinkled in your garden, it promotes a good harvest. Under or in your bed, it promotes the fertility of both parties.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- air
    Planet- Jupiter

    DRAGON'S BLOOD- strength, purification, meditation, scrying, divination, calming, serenity, protection, exorcism

    This resin from a palm tree is added to spells, incense, gris-gris, and mixtures to strengthen them, and when burned, clears the area of negativity and excess energies. it is used as an incense before scrying and divination as it strengthens psychic powers, and before meditation because of it's relaxing, calming effects. It also brings serenity of the mind and spirit when burned, and exorcises negative and evil influences.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- fire
    Planet- Mars

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    Herbs E

    ELDER- healing, protection, exorcism, prosperity, sleep, wisdom

    Elder flowers can be added to healing spells, gris-gris,mixtures, and incense. Elder wood can be carved into poppets to use in healing magicks, and if you poke a twig into the ground while being completely silent, you can rid yourself of a fever. Elder wood hung above your door will protect you from harm, and when grown in th garden or yard, protects the whole house. Elder wands can be used to exorcise evil entities from an area and to direct energy for healing spells, to prevent lighting strikes, and to return hexes cast against you. The leaves and twigs can be scattered to the winds in someone else's name to promote healing of that person, and the berries can be used in gris-gris', spells, incense(when dried), powders, and mixtures for this reason also.

    Element- water
    Planet- Venus

    ELM- love, lightening protection

    Elm is used in spells, gris-gris, mixtures, powder, and incense to promote love and prevent lighening strikes. It was once known as Elven, due to the fact that Elves loved it.

    Gender- feminine
    Element- water
    Planet- Saturn

    EYEBRIGHT- healing the eyes, mental powers, psychic powers

    This herb can be brewed as a weak tea and the eyes bathed in it when they are red and/or inflamed. it can also be added to dream pillows to aid in psychic dreams, and when drunk, it increases psychic powers and helps you concentrate.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- air

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    Herbs F

    FENNEL- protection, healing, purification

    Fennel can be added, whole or ground, to incense, spells, mixtures, gris-gris', and powders for protection, healing, and purification.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- fire
    Planet- Mercury

    FENUGREEK- money

    Carried, this herb attracts money and wealt to you. You can also do a simple spell by placing a few seeds in a jar everyday until the jar is full. When it is full, take them outside and bury them, and ask that as they grow, so does your wealth.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- air
    Planet- Mercury

    FERN- rain making, protection, luck, riches, eternal youth, health, exorcism

    Planted near your doorstep or grown indoors, it offers protection of the home. Burned outside or mixed with other rain making herbs in a powder and tossed into the air, it brings rain. When dried and thrown on hot coals, it will exorcise evil spirits and cleanse the area of negativity. Carried or worn, it can lead you to hidden treasures and money, and if you are the first person to break the first frond in spring, it will bring you good luck for the year. If you go to a spot covered in ferns where it is completely quiet at midnight, it is said that Puck will appear to you and bestow upon you a pouch of gold. If you can obtain fern sap, it is said that if drunk, it will bestow eternel youth on you, and the seeds are carried for invisibility.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- air
    Planet- Mercury

    FOXGLOVE-protection, faerie magicks

    This plant is poisinous and should be handled with care. When you grow this in the garden, it protects the home, and faeries are likely to play beneath them when the moon is full. The flowers can be dried and powdered to use in powders for protection and to ward away stalkers and the 2 legged pests in life. It can also be added to mixtures used in spells to call faeries to you for assistances.

    Gender- feminine
    Element- water
    Planet- Venus

    FRANKINCENSE- protection, exorcism, purification, spirituality

    One of the oldest incense around, this resin has many uses. It can be burned during rituals to cleanse and consecrate the area, or to smudge with to purify yourself, items, or the area. It is also burned to exorcise evil spirits and negativity, to uplift the vibrations in the area, and to add protection to a ritual, person, area, or object. It can aslo be added to mixtures, spells, gris' gris' and powders for luck, as well as protection. It can also be burned during meditatons.

    Element- fire
    Planet- Sun

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    Herbs G

    GALANGAL(Low John)- protection, lust, health, money, psychic powers, hex-breaking

    This herb can be used in a variety of ways. It can be worn or carried( for luck and protection), placed in a gris-gris made from leather and tied with a silver cord or ribbon to attract money, powdered and burned to break hexes and curses, sprinkled around the home to promote lust, or worn for psychic self-defense and good health.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- fire
    Planet- Mars

    GARDENIA- spirits, love, peace, healing, spirituality

    This flower has the ability to attract good spirits when placed in the home or used as potpouri. It also promotes feelings of love, well being, and a deeper spirituality when smelled. It can be placed in dream pillows to ensure a good nights sleep, or used in spells, gris-gris', powders, mixtures, and incense for love, peace, healing, and protection of the good spirits, as well as to promote and sustain a deep sense of spirituality.

    Gender- feminine
    Element- water
    Planet- Moon

    GARLIC- protection, healing, lust, health, healing, anti-theft, exorcism, banishing

    The bulb of this plant can be used in healing and health spells by either charging and eating it (cooked or raw), a few cloves added to gris-gris', poppets, and spells, or powdered and used in gris-gris', spells, powders, poppets, incense (not recommended for inside), and other applications. It can be used in the aformentioned forms and application also for exorcisms, banishings, and protection magick. Put in food or smelled it is said to promote lust. It can also be strung together and hung around the neck for protection (who would want to come near you!), or hung over the door and/or windows to prevent break ins and theft.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- fire
    Planet- Mars

    GINGER- love, money, success, power, healing, children

    If this herb is eaten before performing spells or rituals, it will give you an extra boost of "power" because this root has the ability to "heat" you up. This is also why it is used in love, healing, and success spells, powders, gris-gris', and incense. It is also good to give to children to stimulate their minds when they are having trouble paying attention due to tiredness. Powdered ginger root can be added to money drawing spells, gris-gris', mixtures and incense to warm up the energies to become more attracting.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- fire
    Planet- Mars

    GINSENG- love, wishes, healing, balancing, beauty, lust, protection, fertility, virility

    This is a powerful herb when used in tea or powdered form. It can be ingested to bring the body's energy patterns back into balance and is great for fertility, virility, lust, healing, and energy renewal. It can be used in powdered form in gris-gris, incense, spells, and magickal powders for love, protection, and wishes.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- fire
    Planet- Sun

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    Copyright � 1999, Jena Guidry

    Created: 11/30/99
    Revised: 12/15/99

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