Herbal Correspondences and Attributes : HERBS M-R




  • Herbs M

    MACE- psychic powers, mental powers

    This common culinary spice is used in incense, gris-gris', and powders before meditation and scrying to increase psychic and mental powers. It is also good in a gris-gris or incense when trying to study, as it stimulates the mind. it can also be carried in a gris-gris to stimulate your intellectual abilities.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- air
    Planet- Mercury

    MALE FERN- weather working, luck, love

    This common plant can be used in powders for weather working. It can also be added to spells, gris-gris', incense, powders, and other mixtures for luck and love attracting.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- air
    Planet- Mercury

    MANDRAKE (POISON)- protection, fertility, money, love, health, poppet magick, faerie magick

    This root is used in place of a poopet if it can be obtained whole, and in the form of a man. It can also be used whole in faerie magick, since it is said that the fey inhabit it. The root, whole or cut, can be added to spells, mixtures, powders, and gris-gris' for money, luck, love, fertility, protection, and health. it is also said that if placed in the home, Demons and evil entities cannot enter, and it bars negativity from entering as well.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- fire
    Planet- Mercury

    MAPLE- love, longevity, money

    This tree's leaves can be used in all spells, gris-gris', mixtures, powders, and incense for attracting money. It is also said tha a baby that is passes through the branches of a maple tree will live a long life.

    Element- air
    Planet- Jupiter

    MARIGOLD- protection, prophetic dreams, psychic powers, legal matters, health

    This common garden flower is a natural insecticide when grown in a flower or vegetable garden. It can aslo be used in spells, gris-gris', incense, powders, and mixtures to ward of negativity, draw luck in legal matters, increase psychic powers, and in dream pillows to induce propheic dreams. In a tea form, it can be sprinkled around the home or on the person/thing you wish to protect.

    Gender- masculine
    Planet- Sun

    MARJORAM- protection, health, money, love, happiness

    This is another common cooking spice which can be used in spells, gris-gris', mixtures, powders, and incense for attracting love, money, happiness, keeping in good health, and for protection. It can also be used in a potpourri mix for these purposes.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- air
    Planet- Mercury

    MINT- money, healing, lust, exorcism, travel, protection, calms stress

    This common garden plant can be used in all gris-gris', spells, incense, mixtures, powders, and teas to ease stress, induce lust, attract money, to lend protecton, to rid one self or property of negative or evil influences or entities, and for protection when traveling. If burned or placed on your Altar during rituals, it will attract good spirits to help you.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- air
    Planet- Mercury

    MISTLETOE(poison)- protection, strength, love, hunting, fertility, health, exorcism

    This herb is used in all spells, gris-gris', powders, incense,and mixtures for luck in hunting, protection from harm, exorcisms, helth, and to attract love. Hung in a door way, if you kiss your love while standing beneath it, it is said that it will strengthen the bond between you. If added to any spell, ect., it will strengthen it. If you carve the wood into a ring and wear it, it is said to keep away all illnesses.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- air
    Planet- Sun

    MOSS- luck, money, poppets

    This plant is used to stuff poppets, and when added to gris-gris', spells, incense, potpourri, mixtures, and powders, it can be used to draw luck and money to you.

    Gender- unknown
    Element- unknown
    Planet- unknown

    MUGWORT- psychic powers, healing, strength, cleansing and purification, scrying, prophetic dreams, astral projection

    This herb is a true witch's herb. It can be used in almost any way imaginable. In tea form, it can be used to cleanse and purify your crystals, gems, tools, scrying mirrors or balls, or drunk to increase your psychic powers prior to divination. It can also be added to dream pillows to induce prophetic dreams and aid in astral projection. It can be burned before scrying, sleeping, or any magickal working to strenthen your skills. It also can be used in incense, powders, gris-gris', mixtures, poppets,and spells for health, strength, and the other above listed reasons.

    Gender- feminine
    Element- earth
    Planet- Venus

    MYRRH- protection, exorcism, healing, offerings to Deity, spirituality, consecrations and rituals

    This herb is most commonly found in resin form. It can be used in spells, gris-gris', mixtures, incense, and powders for healing. Burned, it can be used to cleanse an area, as an offering to your Deity, to exorcize negative influences or entities from an area, person, or thing, and to lend protection during rituals. As an oil, it can be used as an annointing oil for all tools, people, or objects to cleanse, consecrate, or to exorcize them of negativity. It can be added in resin form to all incense, gris-gris', mixtures, and powders for healing, and in gris-gris' for protection when traveling or when in danger. It can also be burned during meditation to strengthen your spiritual awareness.

    Gender- feminine
    Element- water
    Planet- Moon

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    NETTLE- lust, protection, healing, exorcism

    This common wayside plant can be used in incense, gris-gris', powders, mixtures, and spells for healing, exorcisms, protection, and to promote lust.

    Element- fire
    Planet- Mars

    NUTMEG- fidelity, money, luck, health

    This common cooking spice can be used in all spells, gris-gris', powders, mixtures, and in potpourri for health, attracting good luck and money, and keeping your partner faithful to yoy or you to them.

    Element- fire
    Planet- Jupiter

    NUTS- fertility, prosperity, luck, love

    Nuts on any kind can be used in spells for luck, prosperity, and love. They can be placed in gris-gris', poppets, ground and used in powders and mixtures, or burned. For fertility, the nut should correspond to the gender of the person who wants to become fertile. A single nut (almond, Brazil nut, ect) is for males, and a double nut (pecans, walnuts, ect.) are for females.

    Gender- depends on the nut
    Element- Earth
    Planet- depends on the nut

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    OAK- longevity, protection, money, luck, fertility, healing, potency, wisdom

    This tree and all it's parts can be used in spells, incense, gris-gris', powders, and mixtures to promote luck, protection, strength(physical, psychic, and spiritual), to gain wisdom, healing, and attract money. The acorns can be used to increase fertility in men by using them in gris-gris', spells, powders, or other mixtures. To give protection to your home, tie two sticks together with a piece of red ribbon , into an equal armed cross, and hang it your home.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- fire
    Planet- Sun

    ONION- exorcism, health, protection, money, lust, prophetic dreams

    This root can be used in spells, potions, gris-gris', and mixtures to promote lust and health. If you save the skins and burn them to ash, they can be added to powders for attracting money and luck. Strung together and hung in the home, it gives protection. Burned, it can be used to exorcize evil and negative influences from an area. The juice can be used to annoint your doors and windows to keep negativity, evil, and harm away. If you put an onion beneath your pillow, it is said to increase your psychic abilities and induce prophetic dreams.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- fire
    Planet- Mars

    ORANGE- love, money, divination, luck, healing

    This tree's fruit and flowers can be used in spells, gris-gris', powders, incense, and mixtures for healing, love attracting, luck, and drawing money to you. The juice can be drunk in place of wine in ritual, and the flowers can be added to a bath to attract love to you. The seeds, if counted after asking a yes or no question, can be used for divination(even number is no, odd number is yes).

    Gender- masculine
    Element- fire
    Planet- Sun

    ORRIS- love, protection, divination

    The root of this plant is used to bring love and protection, as well as used before divination. It can be burned as incense, added to gris-gris', powders, mixtures, to other incense, or in spells to attract love, gain protection, and aid in divination of any kind.

    Gender- feminine
    Element- water
    Planet- Venus

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    PARSLEY- prosperity, ferility, money, luck, lust protection

    This common culinary herb is used in gris-gris, spells, incense, infusions, potions, powders, and mixtures to gain love, protection, luck, cause lust, increase fertility, and aid healing. If added to food while cooking, it brings prosperity to you, and lends protecion to all who eat the food. A sprig of fresh parsley, when worn, also lends protection to the wearer.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- air
    Planet- Mercury

    PATCHOULI- money, fertility, love, lust

    This herb can be used in incense form to promote lust, or worn as perfume when soaked in a pure, non-scented oil for a few weeks. It can be used in all spells, gris-gris', mixtures, powders, and incense to increase fertility, attract love, and draw money to you.

    Element- earth
    Planet- Saturn

    PECAN- money, employment, fertility, prosperity

    This tree and it's wood, nuts, and leaves can be used in many ways. The leaves can be used to stuff poppets or burned to promote fertility. The nuts can be eaten for the same purpose, by women, or added to gris-gris' to bear a girl child if pregnant or trying to concieve. The nuts and wood can be used in spells, gris-gris', incense, powders, and other mixtures to promote prosperity and draw money to you. If the wood or nuts are carried when seeking employment, it will open doors to good jobs.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- air
    Planet- Mercury

    PENNYROYAL- strenght, protection, peace

    This herb can be used in all incense, mixtures, powders, gris-gris', and spells to promote peace, give strength, and lend protection.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- fire
    Planet- Mars

    PEPPER- protection, exorcism

    This cooking spice can be added to food while cooking to give those who eat it protection. It can also be added to incense, spells, gris-gris', powders, and mixtures for exorcisms, banishing unwanted entities or people, and for protection.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- fire
    Planet- Mars

    PINE- protection, purification, exorcism, healing, fertility, money

    This tree's needles, wood, bark, cones, and sap can be used in all spells, gris-gris', mixtures, incense, powders, and potpourri to lend protection, aid in healing, attract money, purify an area, exorcise evil and negativity, to increase fertility, and as amulets for protection, money, and fertility. The cones, when strung above a door or window, lends protection to the home. The wood, when burned in the fireplace, purifies the home and banishes all evil and negativity.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- air
    Planet- Mars

    POMEGRANATE-divination, luck, wealth, wishes, Realm of the Dead, fertility

    This fruit is used as a symbol of life and death, because of the legend of Persephone. If a wish is made before eating it, it is said the wish will come true. The seeds are eaten to increase fertility (but be warned, all fruit sseeds contain cyanide, which is lethal in large doses!). The seeds are better used in gris-gris' and spells for this purpose. The juice can be used in place of blood in rituals and spells. The branches of the tree are said to point one in the direction of hidden wealth, and can be hung oveder doors to give protection. To use it for divination, ask a question and toss the fruit hard against the wall or the ground. If an even number of seeds spil out, the answer is yes; if odd no. The pomegranate can be left outside on Samhain as an offering to the dead.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- fire
    Planet- Mercury

    POTATO-poppet magick, healing

    This popular root can be used as a poppet. It can also be used to rid yourself of warts. To do this cut the potatoe in half, and rub it on your wart, willing the wart's life into the potato half. Do this until you feel you have suceeded. Bury the potato half deep in the ground (about 3 feet down) and say"As this potato rots away, so my wart does with it".

    Gender- feminine
    Element- earth
    Planet- Moon

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    Herbs Q

    QUASSIA- love

    This plant can be used in all spells, incense, powders, gris-gris', and mixtures to attract love. The powdered wood is used as a base for incense.

    Gender- unknown
    Element- unknown
    Planet- unknown

    QUINCE- love, happiness, protection

    This plant is used in spells for happiness, love, and protection. When eaten by a bride, it is supposed to bring her happiness and true love of her mate. The seeds are used in fertility spells by women who wish to concieve.

    Gender- feminine
    Element- earth
    Planet- Saturn

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    Herbs R

    RASPBERRY- protection, love, healing

    This plants leaves and berries are used in health and healing tonics, as well as spells, mixtures, incense, powders, and gris-gris' for love and protection. To guard your home and property, braid a set of brambles together and hang them over your door.

    Element- water
    Planet- Venus

    RICE- fertility, prosperity, luck, money, rain

    Tossing rice into the air is said to make it rain. Powdered it does the same when used with other herbs for rain making. It can be usedin spells, powders, mixtures, and gris-gris' for increasing fertility, prosperity, and luck, as well as for protection. Eating rice is said to also increase fertility.

    Element- air
    Planet- Sun

    ROOTS- protection, power, divination, grounding, bindings

    For protection when sleeping outside at night, wear a freshly dug root around your neck.If the root is dug from a sacred and/or hallowed site it will avert death so long as you always carry it.To divine the future success of an endeavor, you should go to a field at night and pull up a weed, root and all. The amount of dirt that clings to the root is in accordance with how successful you will be. To use for bindings, tie the root around the object instead of a ribbon or cord. Roots can also be used in spells to ground negativity or bad situations.

    Gender- u8nknown
    Element- earth
    Planet- unknown

    ROSE- love, divination, luck, psychic powers, healing, protection

    The thorns from a rose bush can be used in protection spells and gris-gris'. The petals can be used in spells, incense, gris-gris', powders, mixtures, and potpourri to promote love, healing, psychic powers, luck, and protection. The flowers can also be used for divination like a daisy is. The petals can be placed in dream pillows also.

    Gender- feminine
    Element- water
    Planet- Venus

    ROSEMARY- protection, remeberance, memory, lust, love, mental powers, exorcism, purification, sleep, healing

    This plant can be used in spells, incense, gris-gris', mixtures, and powders for attracting love, promoting lust, increasing concentration, protection, exorcisms, aiding in sleep, and healing.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- fire
    Planet- Sun

    ROWAN- psychic powers, protection, healing, power and strength, success

    The wood, leaves and berries of this tree can be used in spells, gris-gris', incense, powders, mixtures, and as poppets for healing, protection, to increase the power and strength of a spell, to increase psychic powers, and promote success. The wood can be carved into a walking stick for those who like to wander about outside at night, to lend protection to them. If the tree is planted near a house, it protects it. It has been known in the past as witch's eye (berries).

    Gender- masculine
    Element- fire
    Planet- Sun

    RUE- health, mental powers, love, healing, exorcism

    This plant can be used in gris-gris, spells, incense, powders, mixtures, and as infusions for healing , love, maintaining health, increasing menatl powers and concentration, and exorcisms. The infusion is used for exorcisms by sprinkling it about the affexted area. If added to bahes it will break curses, spells, and hexes against you.

    Gender- masculine
    Element- fire
    Planet- Mars

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    Created: 12/10/99
    Revised: 12/15/99

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