Period Camp at Rowany Festival

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Period Camping

In the past at Rowany Festivals there has been one main area designated for "period camping". This is the area where people try to recreate as accurately as possible the living, cooking and social conditions of the Middle Ages. This year there was no one area for this purpose, rather smaller period encampments were scattered all about the site. It was great to see many new pavilions springing up as Festival got underway. Clearly many people had decided that this was the year to undertake their personal "great pavilion project". Practically every campsite had at least one properly constructed pavilion, and some, like Abbotsford, were entirely made up of these medieval structures. 

Likewise, camps had many more accoutrements of medieval life in evidence, from buckets, chairs, cooking furniture and wheel barrows to the veritable plethora of banners, pennons, gonfalons and gonfanons fluttering in the breeze. One of the benefits of the new site is that groups or households can now build permanent features such as ovens, fire-pits and the like to further enhance the experience of camping in a period style.




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