The Story of Sunset and The Heartbreak Kid

Part Three

All at once ,the room filled with light. Through the doorway walked Kevin, Chris and a number of other men Suni had never seen before. Seth broke his embrace from her. Walking away from her side to acknowledge his friends. Suni felt as though she had been pushed off a deep end of a pool and didn�t know how to swim. She was instantly embarrassed to be there, having been left alone in the middle of the dance floor. Shivering at the sudden chill in the air ,she wrapped her arms around her shoulders. Turned away from the group and headed back to the table. Perhaps this union was not destined to be.


Seth greeted his friends warmly. Hand shakes, slaps on the back. All asked about the lady on the dance floor. Seth only replied with a �Well , you know ,what can I say�. Nudgingly. He felt pretty much like crap about the way he was acting. He knew Suni didn�t deserve the disrespect. Looking through the crowd at her shooting pool, he saw the hurt look on her face and knew he was responsible for putting it there. But under these circumstances, to be able to cut all ties - clean, his first attempt failing miserably, he knew he had to be a jerk. Make her want him to leave .He knew he had let things go to far, for both of them.

Suni sat down at a table. She knew the time had come for Seth to leave. They hadn�t even exchanged . addresses or phone numbers. Maybe he didn�t want to, or even intended on it. She took a napkin from a near by counter, writing her number and a brief message. �If you ever need me, Sunset�. She folded it, shoving it in the breast pocket of his jacket. She touched her finger tips to her lips, placing a kiss gently on the pocket, which held her wish of wishes. Although they had only know each other for a few hours, there was an immediate bond. She began to compose herself, she couldn�t let him see that him leaving ,the possibility of them never meeting again, was really hurt her.

Seth approached the table. �well, I guess this is it. My ride is here. We have a really long road trip ahead of us .I just wanted to tell you I had a great time. You�re okay�! Seth looked into her face, taking her hand. �I don�t say that about too many people I meet�.

�You�re not so bad yourself. If you�re ever back to this area again, look me up and I will whip your ass in pool, for real this time�. Suni laughed, trying hard to cover up swelling tears. �One thing though. I wanted to thank you for keeping your promise. You could have tried to take full advantage of the situation but you really were a gentleman�. Suni touched his hand.

Seth looked up, past Suni gaze, as though embarrassed, �You wouldn�t be saying that if you could have been reading my mind. I had my way with you 10 ways from Sunday. That�s not much of a gentleman�. Seth uncomfortably ran his finger through his hair.

Suni was flattered beyond words. She smiled , drawing in close. �In the back of my mind somewhere, I let you�. She whispered softly in his ear. Kissing his cheek . �Come on, I�ll walk you out�. Taking his hand for the last time.

Seth pushed open the door. A crowd of people filled the lobby. Reporters, fans. Suni had no idea all this was for Seth and his colleges. She had gotten to know a man that night, but this was someone entirely to the contrary. He was bold, flamboyant. Overly arrogant. Seth excused himself from her side. Several reporters screamed out questions at him. �The Kid �answered in his usual smug approach.

Had she really gotten to know this man at all. Was it all an act. Suni walked over to the lobby windows. A large bus waited out front. The driver, a small man ,smoked a cigarette near the back door. He rubbed his hands together, impatiently. The windows were frosted over, making it hard to see in ,or out. The crowd began to move towards the entrance. A man was pushing Seth out the door. He turned to look at her. Raising his arms in the air, a sign that he couldn�t stop. He was pushed on to the bus, the door closed. Suni search franticly for Seth. A window opened, Seth hung out . He was trying to talk to her but she couldn�t hear him. She tried to get to the lobby doors, but they were blocked by the hordes of people ,also trying to get out to the bus. She stood back at the window ,putting her hand on the glass. She made the gesture with her hand for him to call her. The bus began to pull away. Seth waved. He remained in the window till the bus made it�s turn on to the highway. Suni watched till the bus was out of sight. She let her head rest on the cold glass .She felt the tears forming in her eyes. She turned ,heading for the ladies room.


Seth hated riding on buses. He was used to taking planes or his own private car. The company he worked for decided it was best to keep the group together, so everyone would make it to the next show, without incident. He tried to make himself as comfortable as possible. His fellow passengers, busy talking, joking, making phone calls ,but it did little to hold his attention. All he could think of was Suni�s face in the front lobby window. He hadn�t even had a chance to say good-bye. He stared out the window. He wished he had kissed her. Thinking of the night, laying beside her. The bus seemed to be crawling along. This could be the longest bus trip he would ever have to endure in his life. Searching through his bag, he managed to find his head set. Slipping it on, turning the volume as high as it would go. The tape resumed play in the middle of �Desperado�. He felt he could relate to every word. Seth took off his coat. draping it over his seat. He noticed a paper sticking out of the front pocket . It was Suni�s note. He jumped up from his seat, kneeling beside the driver.

Suni stood in front of the mirror in the ladies room. A tear ran down her cheek. This is crazy, she thought. This man was famous. What would he want with a nobody like her. She had a very nice evening and got to spend time with a really great guy, a gentleman. That was all that would ever come of it. It was time for her to gather herself together and head back home too. She wiped her face, fluffed her hair. She heard the door open.

�Did you miss me�? Seth�s face appeared . �I got your note�. Suni looked at his reflection behind her in the mirror, �what the hell took you so long�. Smiling so brightly, her face almost hurt. She turned to face him.

He was already next to her before she had finished turning. Taking her face in his hands, �Before anything else happens, I really have to do something�. Seth placed his mouth on hers. Electricity surged through their bodies. Melting them together. Suni�s legs became weak. Seth held her firmly in his arms. He could have existed forever in her embrace. He slowly pulled away, brushing the hair from her face. Touching her lips with his finger tips. �I am in a very unfamiliar place right now. I don�t know what is the right thing to do. My life is very crazy. There is no room for complications. You asked me to be a gentle man. I kept my promise, you have no idea how hard that was. Now, I need you to promise me something�. Suni�s face appeared anxious, searching. �I want to give you my heart �. Taking her hand , placing it on his chest. �I need you to promise me you�ll be a lady and not break it. Can you do that for me�?

Suni�s touched his face, nodding, �Yes�.

Seth, once again ,kissed her firmly, eternally. �I don�t have much time. We really have to go. I�ll get back in touch as soon as I can. We�ll work this out some how�. Taking her hand, leading her back out to the lobby. Once again, the lobby was full of people. Suni walked back over to the entrance while Seth spoke with Kevin.

�I don�t know what made that driver turn around but it was a good thing he did. We blew a radiator hose right out front�. Chris informed the two men.

�Great , stranded again�. Kevin spouted in frustration. Seth looked over at Suni, who had heard the conversation. She reached in her pocket, bringing out a room key. Seth smiled warmly. He looked away for only a moment, then back again . She was gone. He took off down the hallway. With each corner he turned , he didn�t see her. A fear was building. Had she changed her mind? Maybe it was to much to deal with all at once. He should have been more up front with her.

Then, there she was, waiting for him. He looked into her eyes. He could read her thoughts, feel her dreams. His body drew in close. Framing , almost covering hers. �Don�t ever leave my side again�. Suni opened the door. Taking his hand, leading him out of loneliness. With the closing of the door their destinies had been sealed.

The End.

Story/Essay Index 1
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