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This is our collection of short stories and essays. They deal with a wide range of topics, ideas, and emotions. We hope that you enjoy what we have, and remember we are always looking for new contributors, so if you have an idea you want expressed here, type it up and send it in!

To email any of the contributing authors, simply click on their name.

Newly added stories/essays are at the end of each list.

(**Note: Any material with subject matter or language inappropriate for younger readers is marked with a disclaimer. Please refer to our Creed Page for further information on our Disclaimer System.**)

The Works Of Amanda Lynn

Jade (Part 1) // Jade (Part 2) // Jade (Part 3): One woman lives a night she won't forget as she realizes that hope can survive in even the worst places.
Insomnia: Think no understands what is like to not be able to fall asleep?
Left Behind: When a plan goes wrong, a girl has to deal with the harsh reality of the man she thought she knew.
Senior Trip: A look back into high school as a long bus ride draws to an end.
Homecoming: The war for one young man is over, but new challenges await the family expecting him.
The River: A look at the small town prejudices that turn a young man's life upside down.
The Battle: A look at the Civil War through one young man's eyes.
Unwelcome // Unwelcome, Part 2 // Unwelcome, Part 3: After seventeen years, can a woman forgive the brother she thought abandoned her?
Blame & Resolution: The Next Step: An essay written in the aftermath of the Columbine Shooting of April, 1999.

The Works Of Sarah

Dreams: A look into the mind and the things that help form our aspirations.
Stolen Moment: How one young woman dealt with having to say goodbye.
Haze: When life takes away, things sort of become a blur of emotion and reality, as so wonderfully shown in this piece.
The Gate: The emotion of a place changes dreastically when you have a different reason to be there.
Fluffy: A child's toy can bring the sense of security to one person.
The Anniversary: What if your worst nightmare came true on day that should be happy?

The Works Of Joey

Waiting: We've all been there - a morning routine gets thrown out of whack by one late person.

The Works Of Aileen

Morning Tears: A look into one woman's loss.
Shannon // Shannon, Chapter 2: When dreams seem to real to be anything else, strange things can happen. **Note, the Shannon series contains a few cases of mild profanity and some adult situations.**

The Works Of Kristy

Reminiscing // Reminiscing, Pt. 2: Surrounded by their memories, an old couple indulge in a little mental journey through time.
No Need To Hide: When something comes up missing it seems to take on a life of its own.

The Works Of Anirban Basu

The Hiccup Of A Lifetime: When a brillant man comes up with plans for ultimate power, only a childhood problem could destroy them.
The Final Touch: A performance of a play gets a spritiual boost when an actor returns for one last performance.
The Faithful Phantom: Even though it as been restored lovingly, this car has a history all it's own.
The Big Bang: Individualism is a strange new thing to a generation raised by computers.
The Awakening: When one talented writer loses the enthusiasm for his craft, he finds it again in an unexpected place. This piece was originally published in The Statesman in Calcutta, India.

The Works Of Chris

From The Window I Can Almost See Forever: When the world is devasted by a disease no one can stop, a woman is determined to not to just lay down and die.
The Writer: In a place where thought and expression are prohibited, one brave soul follows his heart and does what he knows is right.
On Being Afraid: When war is raging, the only thing you can do is be afraid.
In The Summers: Letting go of the past is not always the easiest thing to do.

The Works Of Richard Mason

If you would like to read more of Mr. Mason's work, contact [email protected].

Elf Elvi And The Stupefied Bagpipes: Cover bands are not all they cracked up to be.
The Travel Agent: A crazy uncle, a time machine and an unemployed man make for some interesting escapades.
Gnomes Go Home: A car accident brings a man face to face with the strangest thing he's ever seen.
Hitchhiking: You may not want to get stuck in the desert outside of Las Vegas, who knows who'll help you out.
Crowley's Gear: Things bought in auctions can bring some strange vibes into their new homes.
The Great Depression: A play in one act concerning the dysfunction of a family and a man who wants a new life.

The Works Of Elizabeth Hebert

(**Please note that all three parts of Cliff's End contain profanity not fit for younger readers and Part Three contains violence. Please use disgression.**)
Cliff's End // Cliff's End, Pt. 2 // Cliff's End, Pt.3: A weekend in the perfect vacation goes terribly wrong when its not only a hurricane blowing through the families life.

The Works Of Jenna

Artificial Armageddon: With the possibility of starting over in a whole new world, who would have the courage to push the button.
Just Because You're Paranoid Doesn't Mean They're Not Out to Get You: This haunting story proves how true that can be.

The Works Of Bill Mitchell

Choosing Sides: Fresh cut grass, baseball and a love for the game.
My Companion: A chance meeting in a bar leads to a very interesting friendship/
Lovelife: Think what happens in romance novels never really happens in the real world?
Ode To A Blanket: The history of an average army blanket in a touching story.

The Works Of Nwanneka Nwokolo

Aku: Daughter of Kings (Part 1) // Aku; Part 2 // Aku; Part 3: Be witness to the rise of a kingdom in this story of love, hope, defiance and destiny.
Sparky Jet: A great little story about a match maker of the feline variety.

The Works Of Chris Rasys

End (Part 1) // End (Part 2): Horrible consequences abound when as eons old mysterous sphere is unearthed. (**Note: End contains several cases of profanity and some graphic violence. Please use disgression.**)

The Works Of Dustin

The Great Nascent (Part 1) // The Great Nascent Part 2 // The Great Nascent Part 3: A rather philosophical look at what it is to be an outcast in the high school world.
The Kids Are All Right // The Kids Are All Right (concl.): When these fifth graders feel their teacher isn't treating them fairly they do what any group would do: The go on strike!

The Works Of Yustas Kotz-Gottlieb

Blue Reincarnation: A very interesting essay on the Jaisini painting about Narcissus.
Jaisini Manifesto: This piece was actually written by the artist Jaisini and submitted by Yustas Kotz-Gottlieb.
Freedom Of Thought: Another very interesting essay examining the work of a talented artist.
Blue Zone (I Love LA): An interesting examination of another of Jaisini's paintings.

The Works Of Meika Walker

A Single Mom's Getaway: This story is wonderfully written in a style that reflects the hectic pace of the life it was taken from.

The Works Of Cameron Koo

When Nature Calls: A wonderfully entertaining piece about a family afternoon out.
What's Sexy? It's All in the Eye of the Depraved: A wonderful examination of what passes as sexy in this day and age.
House Hunting: Another wonderfully honest and humorous look at life.

The Works Of Russell Hallberg

FALIF: Fatal Accident Liability Insurance Fraud: This is a fictionalized version of a true story.

The Works Of Ryszard Krasowski

Master The Language: An entertaining piece on just how frustrating learning a new language can be.

The Works Of Nicole Vernon

In Living Limbo: After finding friends who really understand her, a young woman learns more about life and death than she bargained for.
Demise For Two: A very interesting story about the connection between twins and the way nothing can keep them apart.

The Works Of David Ranney

"Just Say No To Drugs" Is Just Not Cutting It Anymore: A very interesting essay by a high school student offering his ideas to keep kids off drugs.

The Works Of R. Stedman

"St. Thomas": An interesting article from a tourists point of view.

The Works Of Nicole Evans

Out of the Shadows; An Editorial: This piece is an editorial written in response to an article in Seventeen Magazine, title Out of the Shadows, about teens battling depression.

The Works Of Dawn Zeiszler

The Story of Sunset and The Heartbreak Kid // The Story of Sunset and The Heartbreak Kid, Pt. 2 // The Story of Sunset and The Heartbreak Kid, Pt.3: A night out with the girls and an unexpected layover in a small town is the beginning of great romance.
Remembering Young Love // Remembering Young Love, Part 2: This is wonderful story with a few cases of profanity that is perfectly described by it's title.

The Works Of Cailean Darkwater

Ariadne: This is an engaging story that is wonderfully told and has a moral beautifully woven into the plot.
Broken Chains: Another great story by Cailean that lives up to the first.
#57: A story told through the reports and press releases that is both well-written and bery intriguing.

The Works Of Jesse Boyd

Any Similarity to People Dead or Alive: An intrguining piece that is well written and will leave you thinking.

The Works Of Mary Tomaselli

The Medal: An inspiring and eloquently written account of child finding faith in her grandfather.


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