

"There is nothing in the world that I've ever wanted more
than to feel you deep in my heart."

Robert Smith, The Cure

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Chapter 1

The trees keep scratching my face as I run through the forest. Faster, faster, I must go faster. Watch for roots and stones. I mustn't trip, I have to keep going. My legs are starting to cramp and ache. I can feel it gaining on me. I must go on...don't look back. Look for an exit out of these woods. Damn it, another tree limb, suddenly my face is wet with blood, I think. Feet must keep moving one in front of the other. I can hear running water. I must be close to something, but what? Concentrate on getting out of here. I can feel it's breath on my back. It's claws around my neck. It's tongue on my face. Don't freak yourself out. Stay focused on getting the hell out of here. My legs are so numb. I...can't...go on...anymore. I mustn't let it win.

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Complete darkness, the coolness of still black engulfs me. I feel weightless, as if I am flying. I feel, maybe peaceful. Suddenly I can't even remember what I was doing before this. Starring in to something I can't seem to comprehend but know I love with all my heart.

With a jolt Shannon wakes up breathing heavily not knowing where she is. As her eyes start to focus on her environment she sees she's in her bedroom. An odd feeling is still lingering in the air. Such an odd feeling, as if she could just reach out and touch it with her hands. "Great, now I am loosing my mind," Shannon says to herself. "What next, the Boogie Man! Sometimes, I amaze myself." She gets up and goes to the kitchen for anything, just to get out of that room. Shake it off girl.

Shannon starts to nod off in front of the television in the living room. Deeper and deeper she falls. Completely warm and feeling secure. I must be surrounded by water. Every part of my body is relaxed and affected. Again, I feel as though there is someone here. Why do I feel this way? Who are you? Please, I just feel so at ease as if I am meant to be here forever.

Shannon reaches her hand out in to the midnight to caress. Her hand touches something cold and she recoils. Whatever it is does not mean to harm her. She just feels amazingly calm. She extends her hand again and touches the coldness. Her body is overcome with adoration. She is so moved that a tear escapes and slides down her face. A whisper only is all she hears. What are you saying? Before she can get the words out she feels cold lips brush against hers. She doesn't move but only waits. The whisper is closer and it says, "There is nothing in the world that I've ever wanted more than to feel you deep in my heart."

Unexpectedly, Shannon's eyes open. No, wait...I wasn't ready to wake up. She tries to close her eyes again to recapture the moment, but nothing. Gandi, the best cat in the world, is licking her hand and she sees the time. God, I better not be late. The day's daily routines have begun in hyper-speed. She get's into her Volkswagon and buzzes to work. All day she can't seem to concentrate on anything except her dreams, almost as if it is trying to tell her something.

All day with the pencil proped against her head, Shannon can't seem to shake her dream. "I guess I am going to have to go to Charmaine's Coffee House and have her analyze it. Maybe she can make sense out of it", she says out loud. Just answer the phone and let's get out of here. The clock on the wall seems to be taking forever to rotate. Only fifteen more minutes before I get out of Baer and Associates. If only that was a factual statement.

Shannon has been employed at Baer and Associates for almost seven years with absolutely no chance of growth or personal satifaction as a legal secretary. It pays the bills barely and therefore the hunt is on and very steady. She has interviewed at a number of law firms that find that she is over qualified. Pretty funny concept being over qualified but being under paid, but such a reality for most. I'm not only the president, but also a client.

On the way to Charmaine's, Shannon stops off to get her over priced cigarettes. For one can not talk of life and drink trendy coffee with out them. The coffee house is in an old warehouse located off of the main road downtown. This place is my home away from home. It is set back into the parking lot with cobwebs painting on the front. There is a gargoyle above the door and the door is black. When going inside the walls are either black or blood red as well as the furniture. The owner is my best friend who is quite outspoken and for the most part right about everything, especially with issues containing men and relationships.

"Iced Cappacino with whip cream and chocolate sauce, please ma'am", I requested. "Like I don't know that you freak," Charmaine angelicly states. I immediately explain my dream from beginning to end waiting on any reaction I may get from her. We sit in silence for a second or two while she sweeps her streaked hair out of her eyes. "Well, did you see his face?" No I didn't catch a face. It was dark with a feeling of familiarity. "Well maybe you are just dreaming about your mystery guy, your prince, your sex slave. I'm only kidding. You know what I mean."

Charmaine, prepared for anything, fumbles under the counter. She pulls out the dream dictionary. Of course everything refers to sex and my relationship with it. "Those books are a bunch of crap", I whisper. Yeah, yeah, yeah, heaven forbid you learn something or open your mind to the wonders of the world. These books are the answers to our sub-conscious questions. Breath the positive energy in and release the negative. She does a little weird hand gesture and walks away.

I watch her clean the counters and put out new coffee mugs, when I feel a whisper in my ear. I turn around and only see the dark walls and candles. There is no one there. I scan the room and find only a couple of Generation X'ers in the corner sitting on the red velvet couch. I need to get a good night's sleep and just chill out.

I grab a cigarette and light it. The flame is blown out. I felt in on my hand. As if someone was standing next to me. I strike another match and again, the flame is blown out, but this time I hear the whisper "My love." Charmaine saunters over and takes a look at me, "Jesus, what's wrong with you?" Listen, do you think that people's souls walk the earth or go to heaven? "Well, I guess it depends on each person. I personally think that yes, a tortured soul can walk the earth trying to right a wrong or find an answer. Does that help?" Sure I guess. Do me a favor, wake me up when you get home tonight. "Why?" Just do me a favor. "Did I give you any shit when you asked me to tell Robert that you were super sick even though you went out with Peter?" Yes, but I do owe you one. "Love ya babe, your the best friend a girl could have. See ya at the homefront."

How am I going to tell Mr. Baer that I am leaving the firm? Wishful thinking going on in this car. Wait I could tell him that I am extremely grateful for all that he has shown me. An even better one would be how grateful I was for him paying me next to nothing and appreciated that way he had of making me feel like an ass. I love my job.

"Holy hell!" I swerve to miss the unexpected flash of a black blur in front of my headlights. "Man, what is the deal today?" I stop my car to clear my head. There is nothing there. "I need drugs to get through this week. What the fuck is going on?! Anyone want to answer that? Wait no, don't answer that. That would be even better. Quit fucking with my head." A car passes by and brings me back to reality. I get home and feel like I am in a Stephen King novel. I run into the house, lock all the doors, turn all the lights on and sit on my bed. Well I guess I won't be taking a bath tonight. No need to court danger. I put on my jamies and go into the kitchen.

Gandi, is sitting by his dish wondering where all his cat food went. I feed him while scanning the contents of the fridge and the cabinets. If it involves any work besides opening a jar or bag I am not eatting. I grab chips, salsa and a Coke and go into my bedroom.

Gandi jumps on the bed and wants to investigate what Mommy has when he stops dead in his tracks and hisses. "Hey Meme, what's wrong with me little baby?" He jumps from the bed and goes towards the window and stares out. Great, am I suppose to go look out the window? I don't think so. Just keep eatting your dinner and turn on the T.V. Gandi starts to growl and scratch at the window. I put my hands around the cross on my chest and hold my breath. I know that I only seem to talk to you when I am in trouble God, but please let there be nothing outside my window. I get up and make my way over when I see the same flash of a black blur pass the window. I run to the bed. "Don't be afraid" fills the room.

Continue to Chapter Two


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