The Story of Sunset and The Heartbreak Kid

Part Two

Seth smiled .Glancing over at the table towards his fellow co-horts .�I know you don�t know us ,but these guys are alright ,a little childish sometimes �. he points towards Kevin throwing chips of ice at Anne�s bra. �We�re almost like family . Any one of these guys would give you the shirt off their back �.

Suni giggled out loud � I�d settle for my own shirt back�.

�Are you two in or out�? Chris called from the table .

Seth asked if he could get anyone a drink while he was up . He felt heard stomach growl.

�Whoa ,big fella ,keep your monster under control , the night is young �. Kevin raised his eyebrows in Suni�s direction.

Embarrassed by the statement he wondered if this one horse town had any late night take-out places while turning 5 different shades of red.

Suni smiled and helped Seth carry several drinks over to the table then kept walking in the direction of the bathroom . �I�ll be back in a minute�.

Suni closed the door . Closing her eyes , feeling safe . For that moment anyway .She looks in the mirror. Checking her hair and make-up . Trying to think of ways to stall . She reads the shampoo bottle sitting on the counter , setting it down next to the un-opened bar of soap. She wondered if anyone would notice if she slipped out the door , making a hasty retreat to her room . Then remembering that her shirt was laying on the floor behind Kevin�s chair . I�m sure wanting a pretty hefty reward for it�s release .She might look a little odd streaking down the hallway , should anyone see her. She also decided she had better stay with her friends. They appear to need more protection than she did .It was nice that Seth was concerned about her feeling uncomfortable . Her thoughts came to a halt when she heard voices coming closer , getting louder. She leaned her back against the door . The front door opened .The voices stalled for just a moment in front of the bathroom .Then a door closed . Silence. She opened the bathroom door .Her shirt was hung on the door knob .She gladly draped it on . The room was now empty , except for Seth .Sitting at the table ,alone , and a radio playing softly from the other side of the room.


�Where is everyone�? Suni asked ,fiddling with her buttons.

�I told them I was tired ,they took the party to another room�. Seth replied , taking the cards in hand and began shuffling.

Suni turned towards the door ,�What room are they in ,I�ll let you get some sleep�. Putting her hand towards the handle.

� No , please stay ,I was more getting tired of the game not the company�. Seth motioned for her to come back to the table.

�I don�t know. I�m not so much worried about myself but Anne and Stacey have had a lot to drink .They might need a babysitter or a seeing eye-cat or something to get back to their room�. Suni replied lingering in front of the door.

�Remember , I told you they were in good hands�. Seth reminded her.

�That�s what I�m afraid of �. Suni laughed back.

�Are you really that worried about your friends or by chance are you afraid to be alone with me�? Seth gives her a one eyed look.

� Okay , I�ll stay , on one condition� � You have to promise to be a gentleman�. She heads back to the table , positioning herself back in the chair across from him.

�Scouts honor�. He says , dealing out a new hand of cards .After a few moments he smiles ,almost laughing to himself . He looks up �But I do have to warn you , I have never been a boy scout a day in my life�.

For the next several hours Seth and Suni told each other facts , stories ,likes ,dislikes ,as though they had known each other for years. Family and home seemed to be favorite topics.

Seth�s job makes him a very high profile person .His every move is documented , photographed and picked through thoroughly .What appears to be cherished thoughts are mearly facades created for the public to protect what little privacy he really has .He appears very rough and out spoken ,but in actuality is a very gentle ,private man .He holds his family close in his heart .Their bond is strong .One bond in particular is that of his brothers .It was of a Christmas at home several years ago he holds closest . He is from a large family and gathering were usually a huge production . A football game in the snow which included brothers, uncles ,nephews and a few close friends , ended as a snowball fight to end all blizzards . One of his brothers had broken his nose while making the game winning touchdown . He ran into a shed , face first. But celebrated the victory ,blood and all. Not realizing or caring how badly he had been hurt .His mother ended up chasing the boys with a big wooden spoon thru the house ,after they tracked snow through her kitchen .She ruled the home with an iron spoon and a gentle heart. He loved to sit near the doorway of the kitchen .He always knew when she was making his favorites .She usually scolded him for being impatient , tasting what was in the kettles before it was on the table .On that day ,it was the best meal his mother had ever made ,he thinks fondly.

Suni appears to have a very forthright appearance .She knows what she wants ,how she wants it and very seldom settles for less .She has many leadership qualities .You can see flames dance in her eyes when met with a challenge .Yet there is a very soft ,fragile woman deep inside .Appearing independent but looking for someone to dominate and care for her. Her favorite things are slippers , hot chocolate and lots of blankets . Things to make her feel warm , secure. Suni preferred to be near a fire ,curled up with her cat and a good book . She loved those saucy romance novels . Picturing herself as the elegant maiden in situations of peril from which only a raven haired ,chivalrous hero ,upon a buckskin horse could save her . Suni had been on her own for quite awhile .she was from a small family and were not very close .They all lived in the same town but very seldom ever saw each other . She had a very close circle of friends .They shared things like sisters.

Seth wanted very much to tell Suni about his alter ego ,she was getting to know who he was inside .His dreams ,hopes and plans but there was a flip side to him that may not be so appealing ,or it could be too appealing .Hearing that you are famous tends to change people�s perceptions of you ,they act unlike themselves.

Maybe later .he didn�t to side track the rest of the night . Seth put his fingers on his eyes .They burned from the smoke in the room. He rubbed them , creating tears ,even blinking several times to clear them didn't help. Then , all at once , it happened .he couldn't stop it .He yawned.


Seth held his hands over his faces, trying to hide the impending disaster.

�I knew it , you really are tired and I am keeping you up�, � what room did they guys go to ,I�ll get out of here and give you some peace�. Suni got up from her chair , headed for the phone to call her room to see if she had a place to sleep.

�No ,wait ,I don�t know where that came from , I�m not tired ,really � Seth headed for the phone to stop her from leaving but Suni had already dialed the number. � I would really like you to stay.�

Suni heard the front desk message, please do not disturb this room. I guess her room was other wise occupied. �I guess one of my friend�s is finding out what good hands they are really in � Suni states with a touch of embarrassment. �I guess I have a favor to ask, do you suppose I could use your sofa for the night�?

�Don�t be silly , you take the bed ,I�ll take the sofa� Seth started removing stuff from the sofa to make room to lay down.

� I couldn�t do that , this is your room , and you do seem to be tired. I�ll just sit here and watch some tv till morning�. Suni motioned towards the set.

�I insist�! Seth interjected.

Now an elephant dominated the room. �Okay , we are at an impasse here. We are both adults . We could both use the bed.� They both eyed the bed . �But under one condition�. �You have to remember your promise�. Suni walked over to the right side of the bed.

�Of course �. Seth agreed. He stood beside the bed ,unbuttoning his shirt but not taking it off. �Can I get you anything before I turn out the lights.�?

�I�m fine , thanks�. Suni slid under the covers . This is crazy she thought to herself , what am I doing here. She laid her head on the pillow , her body frozen stiff . Her mind racing with thoughts of what could happen ,what would she do if anything did happen. He was so fine , so very different from the guys in this town. Where was he from , how long would he stay , would he ever be back. She wanted him and yet she wanted him to respect her . She didn�t want him to think that she slept with every strange man passing thru town . She lay , listening to the quiet room , maybe it was only wishful hopes anyway . He hadn�t moved an inch since he too had gotten into bed. He showed no signs of coming to her . She was a little confused. He showed all the signs of a man who was interested in her. Even more, he showed genuine concern for her feelings . She listens harder. He must have been tired ,his breathing was now shallow .He had fallen asleep. Relieved and disappointed , Suni too felt sleep creeping up on her . With a feeble attempt to keep her eyes open ,she gave in and drifted off to sleep.

Seth�s body slightly twitched , worn out from the long day and yet his mind was racing with anticipation of what would happen next. His thoughts held nothing but Suni since first seeing her . He wanted to know everything about her. How her hair felt , what the nape of her neck smelled like , were her lips as soft as he has been imagining ;warm ,wet, inviting . Her skin felt petal soft , he wanted to explore every inch. He wonders what she is thinking right now. Is she wondering if he was going to come to her , should he? He wanted to keep his promise , she would have to make the first move. He didn�t want to come across as a perv. Another yawn slipped out ,he was fading fast. He could hear her breath , her body still . She too must have needed to sleep. His hand reached towards the covers which covered her form , then rested only inches from her. He could feel his body relaxing , melting into the bed . He drifted off.

A car horn blaring outside the window stirred Seth from his slumber. He lifted his head to check on Suni. To his great surprise , she was laying beside him. Although there was an ocean of bed between them , their bodies had found each other. His arm lay draped across her waist , his face rested next to hers. Her hair still smelled of lilacs. It felt cool on his chest. A beam of light filtered thru the curtains , placing an angelic glow on her face . It took his breath away. Suni stirred . He raised his arm so as not to restrict her movements . With a slight nudge , she spooned in even closer . Every nerve in his body was alive. He rested his arm back across her waist , resting his hand on hers . She intertwined her fingers with his but did not awake . Seth rested his head back next to hers , kissing her hair softly . For the first time in a very long time he felt content , safe . How was he going to handle this. His life left no room for complications, commitments were even harder to nurture. She deserved someone able to tend to her every whim . He just wasn�t capable of that right now. Would he ever be? He had her next to him right now, that�s all that mattered . No matter how selfish that was , it had to be enough. He sighed softly , drifting back to sleep.


With the dawn of a new day the motel exploded with activity. Travelers wanting to get back on the road. Men trying to hurry their families along, women going back and forth checking for forgotten items or a last minute pit-stop for a child.

A beam of light filtered through the curtains, dimly illuminating the room. Seth hadn�t been awake for very long. He was spending what little time he had left with Suni , Memorizing her face. She still slept soundly. Although he knew it would be hard to leave, he knew he had to. He also knew he had to do it before she woke up. If he looked into those doe eyes he knew he would never leave. One last breath of her hair. With stealth precision he inched his way off the bed and headed towards the door. He turned one last time, skimming the room for any remains that might give him an excuse to come back. He opened the door. The closing click of the handle was enough to break his heart. He knew he might never again meet anyone like her .

Seth headed down the hall to the lobby. He stopped at the front desk, checking for messages and the recent road report. The roads were open. Now all he had to do was stay out of sight till the rest of the crew arrived ,then he�d be gone. He went into the restaurant for a bite to eat. Kevin was sitting in a booth, devouring a plate of food, reading the local paper.

�Hey Kid, how did your night turn out? Did you pin that little blonde or did you leave her begging for more�? Kevin grinned , looking over the top of a pair of glasses which were doing a poor job of covering his blood shot eyes.

�Ya, something like that �. Seth replied without any extra information . �Have you heard from the rest of the guys yet today�?

�They�ll be in town later on this afternoon �. Kevin mumbled over a mouthful of fries. Seth got up from the booth , heading for the front counter .He orders a cup of coffee to go. He was in a daze. The waitress touched his hand, bringing him back to earth.

�Did you need anything else this morning , love�? A little lady with bee-hive style hair smiled up at him.

�No, thanks, but can you put this on my room tab, I don�t have any money on me right now�. Seth padded his pockets, searching for his wallet.

�No problem, have a good day �. She sang as she went off to help a new customer.

Seth headed back to his room. Pausing for just a moment at the room where he had left Suni. He listened, no sounds came from inside. He continued on. Seth leaned on the door frame, putting the key in the lock. The door opened to the smell of stale beer and vomit. It was very obvious where the party had resumed. The place was trashed. Pillows, cushions, blankets all over the place. Empty beer cans, an ashtray full of cigarette butts. There was a bra handing from the lamp. It was anyone�s guess as to which lady left that behind. Seth chuckled, shaking his head. He cleaned a spot to sit down, searching for the tv remote. Flipping through the channels, not really paying much attention to what was on. He needed to keep busy, just for a little while longer. He decided to catch a quick shower. The shower did little to ease his mind. He started to gather his clothes, shoving them into his bag. He couldn�t even ring the guy�s room for company, that�s where he had left Suni. He had to get out .he grabbed his bag and headed out the door.


Suni�s body went from steamy to ice cold. She shivered ,pulling the covers tighter around her. It felt as though her back was facing an open window. She listened to the silence in the room. She wondered if he would look as cute in the morning , all sleepy eyed ,as he did last night. She didn�t hear Seth breathing .She felt chills down her neck, as though someone was watching her. Oh no! What do I look like? Is my hair messed up? What about my face ? My breath!! Maybe I can sneak to the bathroom before he has a chance to see me. She rolled over carefully, so as not to disturb his sleep. She sat straight up. He was gone. What happened ? Where did he go , why did he go? Had she said something wrong .Had she done something wrong . Maybe it was what she didn�t do .Suni tossed her body back down to the bed, burying her face in the pillows. How could she have been so wrong. She felt it. Seth seemed to be responding to her too. He seemed so nice. Trying to convince herself it wasn�t anything she had done , she decides he must be married. All the best ones are always taken. At least he respect for his wife not to dishonor all of them . He could have said good-bye.

She vowed out loud �never again�. She gave a quick glance at the clock on the table. No point in hanging around here much longer. She slide off the bed, letting the blankets lay in a heap at the foot. She slowly began unbuttoning her shirt. She then realized she had no hairbrush or toothbrush, but she really needed a shower. She figured she�d have to duck out the side door, after all, who was going to see her now. She headed for the bathroom, leaving a trail of clothes along the way. She turned the water on as hot as it would go, which by that time of the morning, wasn�t very hot anymore. She ran her fingers thru her hair . Sort of a prehistoric comb. She reached out to the counter for a bottle of shampoo and noticed bags under the counter. Remembering she was in someone else�s room sent her into a panic. She was standing naked in a strange man�s bathroom. Knew she had to hurry. They could return at any minute. What if Seth is with them? What if he�s not? What do I say? She jumped into the shower. What was her room number again? She was drawing a blank. She ran a bar of soap over her body, missing many spots. She dumped the entire bottle of shampoo in her hair. Lathering very quickly. She was rinsing as fast as she could when the water turned ice cold and she heard the door handle jiggle. She froze, in more ways than one.

Seth was making a bee-line down the hall. He passed Suni�s room , but only got a few more feet and turned back. He couldn�t leave this way. He at least had to say goodbye. Digging in his bag for the key he noticed Kevin and Chris heading towards him.

�What�s up - or not�. Chris laughed, reaching for the door handle.

�Wait a minute, Suni�s still in there�. Seth stopped them from entering the room.

�So, I need my stuff�. Chris gave Seth a push .

�I�ll get it. You guys go back to my room. You know ,the one you trashed�. Seth was still searching for the key.

�What�s the big deal? You look like you were leaving anyway�. Kevin peeked at Seth over his glasses. �Maybe we should see what has the Kid in such a tizzy�.

Seth put his hand on Kevin�s chest, stopping him from going any further. �I just went down to my room for my stuff, you guys wait here. Kevin put up both hands and backed away from the door. Seth slowly opened the door. He heard the shower running. Stepping inside, searching for the bags. Standing at he foot of the bed, he noticed Suni�s clothes in a pile. His mind raced with possibilities, but first he had to get rid of Chris and Kevin. He didn�t see the bags. He headed back for the door, glancing at the bathroom, spotting the bags under the counter. Trying to be as quiet as possible, he reached in. Glancing in the mirror he saw her silhouette behind the curtain.

�Is someone there�? SUNI asked ,shivering.

�It�s jus me, I need to get the guy�s bags from the bathroom, unless you want to share your shower with them�? Seth laughed.

�Oh yes, we can all freeze together�. She replied back with a note of sarcasm.

Seth grabbed the bags, opened the door and tossed them out into the hallway. �I�ll catch you guys later�. Seth closed the door before waiting for a response from either man.

�Where did you go this morning�? Suni asked, almost afraid of the answer.

Seth didn�t want to lie but he knew the truth would hurt her feelings. �I went down to my room to get my things and catch a shower .I didn�t want to wake you. Do you need anything? I have a spare toothbrush in my bag if you need it �. Seth�s body slide down the wall, sitting on the floor just inside the bathroom. just in view of the mirror.

�Yes ,thanks, and if by chance you might have a hairbrush ,I would be forever in your debt�. Suni gratefully replied. Suni was freezing by this point. She turned off the water. �Could you hand me a towel�? Seth, wanting to see how far he could push it and how far Suni would go, handed her a wash cloth. Smiling from ear to ear.

�Very funny�. Suni pushed open the curtain, revealing her naked body. The crisp air surrounded her already cold body, making her nipples stand out on her small breasts. Reaching around Seth for a towel from the towel rack. Wrapping it around herself, stepping out onto the tile floor.

Shocked at the unexpected move Seth stepped back , nearly falling into the sink behind him. His eyes touched her physically, racing over ever curve before disappearing behind the towel. Feeling totally dumbfounded , Seth held up the cloth �What should I do with this�?

�You could use it to cover �yourself� with�. Suni replied, glancing down to Seth�s crotch area.

�OUCH�! Seth laughs back, impressed .


Suni gathered her clothes and headed back to the bathroom. Seth searched for his spare toothbrush and offered her the use of his hairbrush. �Have you eaten yet today, I�m starving�. Suni called out.

�How about room service? What would you like�? Seth picked up the phone.

�French fries and ketchup, oh ,and some hot chocolate�. Suni put her clothes on as quickly as she could, in fear she might come out and find Seth had gone again. She grabbed the brush and stood in the small entry. Seth was busy preparing a place to eat. He had taken a blanket off the shelf, draped it over the table. A small bunch of flowers lay in the center.

�I thought a picnic would be fun. It�s too cold outside, so well just have to pretend we�re in a green meadow, near a rippling river, sun shining . Seth took her hand, leading her to the table. Helping her up onto the blanket. A knock at the door signaled the arrival of lunch . �Be right back�.

A small cart rolled to the center of the room. Seth took a number of serving trays off, setting them at Suni�s feet. Fresh fruit, an assortment of cheese with crackers and of course, French fries with ketchup. Seth thanked the waiter and returned to the table .�I hope you see something you like�. Seth eyed the treats. Suni saw what she really liked and it wasn�t on the table, looking at Seth�s broad back. �Everything looks great. I guess I thought you�d need more than this, to eat, to fill you up I mean. Being the growing boy that you are�. Suni joked, eating a piece of fruit.

�Well, usually I do but I�m watching my girlish figure this week�. Seth slammed back. �How do you keep your figure eating that greasy stuff�?

�This is all I eat for a week�. Suni dipped a fry in ketchup, offering it to Seth.

�No thanks, that stuff�ll kill ya�. Seth smiled and looked up once again, acknowledging a knock at the door.

It was housekeeping. They had been so busy talking, time slipped away. It was long past check-out time. Suni�s heart sank, listening to the maid announce they needed to gather their things. They had to clear out. Seth had not gotten a call from Kevin yet telling him the bus was there. He walked away from the door towards the phone. �I need to make a quick call�. Seth told both the maid and Suni.

Suni glanced over towards the housemaid. �Sorry, but we really need to clean these rooms�.

�No problem, we just lost track of the time�. Suni assurred her. Seth hung up the phone. �Okay, we�ll be out of your hair in just a few seconds�. Gathering up his bag and coat. Giving Suni a few minutes to grab her belongings, he took her hand, leading her out the door.

�I suppose you�ll be leaving now�? Suni pouted, just a touch.

�I�ve got it all worked out. We have a little unfinished business from last night to take care of. You didn�t think you�d get out of our pool match that easy , did you�. Seth smiled, squeezing her hand.

Even though the lounge didn�t open for several hours, Seth had arranged for them to be let in, as long as they didn�t draw attention that they were there. Seth left his bag behind the front desk, getting the key from the manager. They shook hands. Seth thanked him. The lounge was dark and cold. Music was being piped in from the speaker system which ran throughout the lobby. Some elevator music. Nothing they couldn�t tolerate.

Seth turned on then lights over the billiard area. He put on his serious poker face. Suni chose a cue stick, eye-balling the straightness, then glancing over to the cue Seth had chosen.

�you really going to use that cue�? Suni questioned, trying to shake his confidence.

�What�s wrong with it�? Seth asked, defending his choice, then eyeing it again.

�Oh, nothing. You ready�? Suni smiled, turning towards the table. She could hear Seth put the cue back as soon as her back had turned.

�You bet, you can break�. Seth responded as he chose anther cue. Suni heard the cues being switched, smiled to herself, leaning over the table for the break. Seth positioned himself in a chair at the opposite end of the table. Very few words were spoken They didn�t need words. There was more than enough body language to tell the story. Seth had propped his feet on the end of the table . Suni came around to set up a shot, stopping at his feet . Giving a side ways glance towards him,� Excuse me�. She taunted.

�Oh ,am I in your way�. Seth acknowledged but still didn�t move his legs.

�Why no, I can manage�. Suni devilishly smiled, straddling his legs. Leaning over, letting her body rest on the full length of his shins. Seth closed his eyes and held his breath. He wanted to grab her by the waist, hold her next to him. Take her right there on the pool table.

The caller of the balls knocking together meant her shot was over and it was his turn. Suni hadn�t moved from her stance on top of his legs.

�I�ll probably need my legs back to continue the game�. Seth said, tapping her on the shoulder.

�Why bother, I�m going to win anyway�. Suni confidently stated.

�If you keep doing what you�re doing ,you�ll win. But keep in mind ,two can play at that game�. Seth laid out the challenge�

�why ,what ever do you mean�? Suni asked coyly, moving from her stance. By this time, it didn�t matter who won the game, but who could distract the other the most. All Seth could think about was getting her next to him.

Although neither on e was a country music fan, both enjoyed al music that ,for whatever reason, moved them. A Lonestar lyric �Amazed� grabbed both their attentions. Seth looked into Suni�s eyes. He took the cue from her hand, laying it on the table. Leading her to the dark dance floor. �Now, if I remember right, we were right about here when we were interrupted last night�. Seth rested his cheek to hers. Swaying to the music, his body burned for hers. Pleasurable thoughts rushed through his mind. He wanted to give it all to her, in the darkness, there was so much he wanted to do, to say. He wanted to lay his heart at her feet. He pulled away from her ,just enough, so the light from the billiard area glowed upon her face. He stared into her eyes. Innocent, yet daring. He could feel a magic, something that was driving him wild. Her lips parted slightly , inviting him. He leaned in to kiss her.

Continue to The Story of Sunset and The Heartbreak Kid, Pt. 3

Story/Essay Index 1

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