Part 2

Lenny turned to page two of the daily paper and began reading an article for about the seven time. He was sure he could resite all the words of the article after reading it so many times. He peered over the top of the newspaper and looked at his wife. Edith just sat on her favourite sofa and stared out the window.

�I wonder what she is thinking about� Lenny thought to himself. �There was a time when I could read her mind and know exactly what she was thinking about. Now half the time I don�t know what I�m thinking about!�.

�Cup of tea or coffee Lenny?� Edith asked.

�Coffee thanks, its like your reading my mind Edith�, Lenny joked. Edith chuckled and made her way into the a-joining kitchen.

Lenny sighed, he thought how lucky he is to have someone like Edith, his first and only love who became his wife. He wished in a heart beat they could go back to the day they first meet, at the annual social dance, those where the good old days. But those days were now long gone and its impossible to go back. His memories where what took him there and he knew he could go back there everyday. Lenny was able to comprehend that his life would soon be coming to an end and their was nothing he could do about it, although he wished he could. He dearly missed the walks along the beach, the Sunday drives down to the valley but most of all he missed the conversations. He remembered that they both could talk for hours about nothing really, it didn�t matter to them, they were in love. He thought that since there was now on conversation anymore, expect for the usual tea or coffee? question or television on or off? questions maybe there was no love anymore. �No. Yes I do love her� he told himself, �Things just get harder�. He looked around the living room at all of the photographic memories engulfing the room. Memories were what they both survived on. Memories of happiness together, loving eachother, thats really what kept them going. Maybe thats why there are so many photographs around, to kept their minds wondering, keep their minds fresh and therefore trying not to think about the present and the unevidiatabe future.

Edith walked into the living room and placed the coffee on his chair side table. Lenny smiled, nodded and began to read his newspaper again, although he wasn�t really reading it.

Edith took her usual position next to the window after she turned on the wireless.

�You don�t mind the wireless being on?�, Edith asked �No, I don�t mind Edith� Lenny replied as he folded up his newspaper. A familiar song began to play on the wireless. �Its our song� they both exclaimed at the same time. Lenny gazed at Edith and there was silence eventhough the wireless was still playing. He hadn�t noticed how beautiful she looked, how her long blond flowing hair fell around her shoulders, the way her read ruby lips glistened, the way the light reflected off her deep blue eyes and how it seemed to lighten up her whole face.

Edith stared into Lennys eyes. She hadn�t realised how handsome and attractive he is, how his eyes sparkled by the incoming light, his smile and how his smooth freckled face was, oh so adorable.

As if in a play, they both arose out of their chairs and meet eachother halfway in the center of the living room.

�Care to dance Miss?� Lenny asked �Why, of course� Edith replied shyly as she outstretched her hand and placed it in Lennys.


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