A Single Mom's Getaway

Long before the sun reaches the heavens, she stumbles from bed, sleep binding her eyes and blaring music assaulting her ears announcing it's 2:45 am. The day has begun, again. She groans, as she irons their clothes and prepares the lunches of her two darling but devilish children. She tries to shake the cobwebs from her head in order to remember the date, and which child had practice today at 6pm and who had rehearsals at 5, or was it rehearsals at 6pm and practice at 5? She couldn't remember right now, but she knew after two cups of strong coffee things will start to COM back to her. As she heads out on her hour and a half journey to the place that pays for the latest CD's, sporting events, and video games, the place that sucks in vacation time like a vacuum and swallows sick days whole, the place called JOB! 12hrs of steady work and attitudes, but it must be done because the rent is due and the kids can't live without cable. Not soon enough the sun begins it's descent into the hills, and she makes her return journey, first stop, day care. With her mind filled with thoughts of thawed out hamburger and frozen vegetables, and is all the football gear packed in the trunk? Did she remember to check her daughter's leotards for holes that seem to appear in every new pair after only one use? A smile suddenly touches her face as she thinks that in only about 4hrs she can getaway. Not being able to hold this thought long, she moves to the fast lane when she finally realizes she's running late, Damn boss! And his last minute assignments. Finally reaching her destination she hustles the kids into the car, actually pushing them because they are walking like they have no place to be in 20 Oh Shit! 15 minutes. In the car she's being bombarded with stories and accusations in two different voices, two different tones, at the same time. So up goes the antennae, you know the one mothers use to decipher and translate what their kids are really saying, like "Mom we're having a party in our class tomorrow" Translation: you need to buy cupcakes tonight even though I knew a week ago but forgot to tell you. Or "Mom guess what? I got an A on my math test". Translation: now can I have those new Jordans? So as she answers 20 questions, breaks up 2 fights and says sit down 100 times she drops one off here and the other one there. She has 1 hr before pickup, enough time to go home and get dinner started then run to the store for cupcakes, and back again, with all this accomplished not to mention homework from hell, she glances at the clock on the microwave 9pm bedtime! Such a sweet word and 1hr till getaway time. After tucking the kids into bed and passing out kisses and bugs, she washes the dishes, this time with a new energy that just thinking about her getaway has given her. With 30min to go she fills the tub with pear scented bubble bath and Neutrogena sesame oil until it is almost brimming over the edge, another look at the clock tells her it's 10pm and time to getaway, so she eases into the bubble filled water, lies back and closes her eyes, within minutes she is no longer momma, coworker, chauffeur or maid but Tangie a beautiful island girl lying on the beach in Jamaica, Awaiting the return of her lover Juan. As she lies in the sand letting the Caribbean breeze caress her skin she suddenly hears a noise, Tap, Tap, she looks around, Yet she sees nothing but the Mediterranean sea softly crashing against the surf, then beyond, approaching across the sand with his long graceful stride is Juan, and she raises her arms to receive his embrace when suddenly, Tap, Tap, panic fills her as this sound penetrates her mind, a sound so familiar and so dreaded she can feel a chill. She jumps up and runs to Juan, and just as their fingers touch, the words come, words that can drag you back through time and space to settle you in the middle of reality, MOMMA! Open up I gotta go baaaad!!! Return to Story/Essay Index 1
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