Left Behind

�You can�t leave me like this,� she pleaded with him. Her hand was clutching her stomach; blood staining her white T-shirt.

�Look, Babe, it�s been fun. But, if I stick with you, I�m a dead man. Look at you. You�ve been shot, you�ll probably be dead within the hour.�

He leaned against the sink, smiling down at her. Now she despised those dimples she had only hours before thought were so cute. She wished she had a gun. He would die with her.

�But, what about all our plans? The money?� She said from her position on the cold tiled floor where she sat helplessly.

�Oh, I�m sure I can learn to enjoy myself on that little island.�

He was so smug. He seemed so uncaring and cold. It was almost as if he had planned for her to get shot.

�So, you are just going to leave me here?� She asked. His conceited smile answered her question. �You rotten son of a ........�

�Now, now. No hard feelings.� He picked up the small bag at his feet. �Look at it this way, Baby. Lots of people use these rest areas. People have to go to the bathroom on long trips. So, it probably won�t be too long before you are discovered. Your body probably won�t even be cold.�

He knelt down next to her limp body. Resting against the wall, her legs sprawled out in front of her, all she could think was how much she wanted this man dead. The man who got into this situation. The one who talked her into the job. The man who promised her a clean getaway; no one hurt, let alone dead. His wonderful fool-proof plan had not worked the way he figured it would. In the wake of the disaster, two dead cops, and his partner was mortally wounded. Yet, it did not phase him. He had gotten what he wanted. And now was the time for his dramatic exit. As carelessly as he entered the poor girl�s life, he was going to leave it.

He put his hand to her face. She was surprised he would dare get that close to her. That he would touch her, as he had when he made love to her. She wanted to see his bloody corpse sprawled, face down, on the floor before she died.

�Well, Amy, at least one of us got what they wanted out of this.�

He put his lips to hers. The color was draining slowly from her face. To him, her lips were cold and uninviting, nothing like the hot-blooded girl he had seduced. Death would be at her side soon enough, and she would be out of her misery. More importantly, she would not be able to go to the cops.

He pulled away from her. Staring at him coldly, Amy spit in his face. He wiped it off with his hand and smiled an evil smile at the dying girl.

�I�m going to laugh when I kill you,� Amy said in a destructive tone. For her, it was a solemn vow. To him, it was nothing more than an empty threat.

�You always seemed like a smart girl, Amy. You should know better than to threaten a man that has already won. Especially when it is so obvious that you have lost.�

�I promise you, one way or another, you will die at my hand.�

Her tone was filled with such hate and conviction, it scared him. He raised his hand and slapped his face. He stood and walked to the door. He turned for one last look at the girl. She looked up at him. Her pale face framed by her long golden hair. Her blue eyes no longer sparkling. Amy somehow managed to smile at him.

�I am going to hunt you down. Do you hear me, David? I am going to hunt you down and kill you!�

He walked out of the room, laughing at the girl. He made his way to the small blue car he had parked next to the black car that had gotten him there. He ran his fingers through his dark brown hair. He laughed as he slid behind the wheel, and drove away.

The girl sat limp on the floor of the bathroom. She knew the end was near, but she comforted herself with thoughts of revenge. Her lips began to change color; from the rosy red shade of youth to the dull blue shade of death. Soon she lost feeling in her legs, then her arms. The throbbing pain in her abdomen had been replaced with an unusual numbness. As she slipped into an unconscious state, she softly whispered her vow again: She would get her revenge.

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