Remembering Young Love, Part 2

“I don’t see why not”. Her mom too, yawned.

“I’m going to bed”. She rose from the chair, heading for her bedroom. Closing the door, scanning the room for the courage to go through with their plans. She slipped on a nightshirt, opened the door, ducking into the bathroom. Trying to be as quiet as possible, she brushed her hair and teeth. Dabbing a little perfume behind each ear. If she actually made it out, she wanted to look her best, even though it would be dark out. Quietly slipping back to her room, she could already hear her dad snoring. It wouldn’t be long before her mother would be lulled to sleep by the steady rhythm. The minutes crawled by like hours. She sat on the headboard of her bed, peeking out the window down the street. Keeping a watchful eye on the stop where Tim said he would be waiting for her. An hour or so went by when she saw the shadow of a car parked at the end of the block and the soft glow of the cherry on the end of a cigarette. He was waiting. Slowly opening her door so it wouldn’t squeak, she dropped to her knees. Her parents door was open. She would have to keep low and silent. Keeping in mind the squeaky spots in the floor , she took baby steps past the door. The refrigerator began humming, which sent a deathly chill down her spine. She froze in her tracks. Realizing what it was, she continued on. Making it past the door, she gave a sigh of relief, stopping for only a moment, then continued on down the hall.

Although the front door was on the opposite end of the house, she still used stealth technique opening the door, making sure to unlock it. Once outside she gave a glance back towards the window, making sure no one was watching her disappearing into the night. Once clear of her house, she ran towards his car. Tim, having seen her come out the door, was waiting outside the car for her. Sara was shaking, not sure if it was the cool of the night, being next to him or be scared to death of getting caught. But it didn’t matter. The danger made it all that more exciting. Her heart was about to jump from her chest. She threw her arms around his neck, kissing him warmly. He picked her up, cradling her in his arms.

“We better get out of here before we wake up the neighborhood”. Tim set her back down, opening the door for her. He slid in, but didn’t close the door. Starting the motor, driving down the street, waiting to close the door till they were a ways away from the house. “Well, where to now”? It didn’t really matter, as long as they were together.

After cruising main a few times, Tim decided maybe they should park and conserve on gas. He drove just east of town on a country road. You wouldn’t think that the darkness in the city and darkness in the country were so different. But would swear you couldn’t see your hand in front of your face. The headlights would catch the eyes of small animals in the ditches, giving the animals what appeared to be headlights of their own. Coming just across a bridge, the car slowed to make a turn onto a prairie road. The path was barely visible and yet you could tell by the potholes, it was frequented by others. Maneuvering among the tree, Tim backed into a clearing and turned off the car. Very little time was wasted on conversation. Their two bodies were soon horizontal, intertwined. Hands discovering the softness and heat of each other’s skin, stopping just short of the point of no return. Feeling the eagerness and hunger in ever kiss. Body chemicals mixing to create the sweetest nectar. Each inhaling each drop, savoring the taste for when they would be apart. Tim held Sara’s hand, pinning it to the seat, lifting his head, starring into her eyes. The dim glow from the dashboard radio was the only light in the car. The music played softly. Tim whispered the words of a song in her ear. She smiled sweetly at the gesture. Sara slide her arm around his waist, giving him a squeeze. His shirt was damp, slinging to his back. It wasn’t till then she noticed that everything in the car had a thin glaze of dew. The windshield was completely fogged over. They both looked around at the windows, then looked at each other, laughing at the thought of all the heat they were making to cause everything to fog over like that. Sara raised her hand, wiping it across the glass, leaving a smear in the once flawless haze. Her hand dripped with cool wetness. She rested it on his cheek, causing him to flinch at the coolness. Turning his face slightly, he kisses the moisture from her fingers, one by one. Then kissing her neck. She arched her neck, welcoming his desire. She looked out the small opening her hand had made in the haze. She noticed the stars, sparkling like diamonds in the heavens. She chose the brightest one, closing her eyes, making a wish. The greatest wish in her heart was to always feel as wonderful as she did right then and never let Tim leave her side. She closed her eyes even tighter, giving him squeeze that nearly took his breath away.

“Hey, what was that for?” he smiled at her.

“I just feel like giving you a hug.” She smiled back, almost bashful. She wiggled out from underneath him, slipping onto the floor. She sat, resting her head on the seat, watching Tim stare out at the stars, just as she had done only moments before. She wondered if he was looking at the very same star and wishing for them to be together forever, just as she had. She closed her eyes , suddenly feeling tired. Tim glanced over at her. She looked almost angelic. A soft glow surrounded her face. He brushed the hair from her face. She softly moaned, almost purring at his touch. He smiled a content smile.

Tim put his hand in his pocket, pulling out a small object. “Hey, I know you are tired and I need to get you home before you get caught but first I need to say something to you.” Sara raised her head, ready for bad news, but hoping for the heavens. “I know we have only just met but I have the feeling you are going to be a very important person in my life. I want you to be my girl.” Tim took her hand, placing his class ring on her small hand. The ring was at least 3 sizes too big. Sara was speechless. Tim searched her face for the answer he hoped she would say. Sara looked at the beautiful ring, the blue stone nearly as brilliant as his eyes. She looked into his face, smiling sweetly, taking his face in her hands, kissing him warmly. She slide back up beside him on the seat. Tim glanced at the clock on the dashboard. “If we start this again, we may never get you home. We really need to get out of here.” Sara gave him a very mischievous smile. “Don’t even go there.” Tim laughed at her slight pout. Tim sat up, starting the car, turning the defrosters on high to help clear the dew from the windows. Sara curled up beside him. Tim wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her in as close as he could get her. She rested her head on his shoulder. The ride back to her house seemed only seconds. She was floating on air. Tim turned off the car, coasting up to the corner of her block. From what they could see, the house was still dark. Tim looked into her eyes. He didn’t want to let her go, but he knew he would be back in only a few hours. “You ready?” Tim opened the door. Reluctantly, Sara slide out of the car. Tim held her close. She wanted to tell him how much she really cared for him, but she felt as though, for some reason, tears were beginning to fill her eyes. If she said what was on the tip of her tongue she might not be able to hold them back. She started to pull away. Tim held her hand, just a moment longer, “I be back in a couple hours.” Sara nodded, looking up at the house. “Be careful.”

Sara ran across the yard, opening the door as slowly as she could. The house was still dark . she stood just inside ,listening for the sounds of her dad’s snoring, the house was silent . She could feel the hair tingle . Making her way down the hall, she ducked into the bathroom . Once inside she sighed with relief. She was sure to be safe from this point. She grabbed a nightshirt from the hook behind the door. Slipping her shirt off , she could smell the sweet aroma of Tim’s cologne . She breathed in deeply. Almost feeling drunk from the scent. She threw her clothes down the clothes chute, getting rid of any evidence that she may not have been in bed this whole time, except for the shirt. She held that close. Opening the door, tip toeing down the hall to her room. Once inside ,she hurried to the window to see if Tim had left. His car was still sitting at the corner. She flashed her lights on and off to signal that everything was fine. He , also, flashed his lights, then drove away. Sara slipped beneath her covers, holding her shirt up close to her head so she could smell his scent. She had never felt to content in her life. She thought to herself, “No matter what happens from this point, we will always be very special to each other.” She could feel it , from the very center of her soul. People may come in and out of their lives but they will always remember that night under the stars, wanting so desperately to be the center of each other’s worlds. Building a foundation of respect and love. No matter what direction their lives may take, their faces will forever be etched in each others hearts. Sara and Tim.

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