Morning Tears

As she looked into the distance all she could see was him, knowing that he wasn't there. What could have possibly gone wrong? She played the last time she saw him over and over in her head like a movie trying to find a glimpse of truth. Nothing, she kept coming up with nothing. The night was cold and long and filled with heartache. A single tear rolled down her cheek as she felt her life slipping away. A deep breath, the cold wind on her face and surrounded by loneliness Alex slowing fell restlessly asleep.

Dreams can be extremely evil, Angels of Darkness that invade your slumber. I can see him in my apartment laying on the floor watching T.V. I walk over to him and he gets up and takes me to the bedroom. He takes me to the bed and kisses me. I love the feel of his lips on mine. His breath on my neck while he lays me on the bed. He hovers above me and comes down and lets his tongue whisper over my lips. I love you is all I feel but can not say. We make love until the early hours of the morning. He asks, "What time is it?" I tell him and he says he has to go. Can you possibly understand how I feel about you Roberto. You make me feel like I have never felt before. Everyone pales in comparison to you. Why can't I say the words I so long to.

He gets up and gets dressed and tells me he will call me tomorrow. In my head I scream I don't want you to leave. Please stay and love me as I love you. Please, please....I watch him as he walks out the door. Suddenly, I get out of bed and run towards him but the door seems so far away. I am running and running and I can't seem to get to the door......

Alex wakes up hugging the pillow and feeling empty.

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