No Need To Hide

.... ‘Alright I’m set lets go.....keyring? where did I put my keyring? I thought I put them......there. Gosh, perhaps I left them over.......there. Nope, great just great, now I’m gonna be so late......I have just got to find them, they should be around here somewhere. Okay remember the saying Mum used to tell you? “Well where did you put them last?” Hmm... Gee if I knew where I put them last I wouldn’t be trying to find them in the first place... Mum never gave good advice. The fruit bowl, ha! Thats it the fruit bowl...Nope not there either. Come on keyring, where are you? Talk to me. Shout out “I’m over here” and I come over and get you. STOP! Michelle your talking to a keyring, get a hold of yourself girl! Oh.....I cant find them, there nowhere. “Well look again dear”...Mum, really your no help at the moment.... I definitely need to buy a keyring stand. Its a lost cause I’ll never find them. Well I’m just gonna have to walk there then. Stupid keyring...couldn’t you have come equipped with your own alarm or flashing light for emergencies like this? Alright then I’ll walk thats what I’ll do. I’ll just grab my coat, handbag and head outside for my long journey. Outside, the door thats it, the door! They were hanging in the key hole in the door all along! Oh yes, yes I found you. Now don’t you ever hide from me again you hear? Michelle....your talking to yourself again.'

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