
He awoke. The clock on the windowsill read 8:05am. Luckily it had been set fast for this exact reason. He groggily arose and walked to the kitchen where his ride�s number was. He dialed. No answer. He tried again. Still no answer. After numerous attempts, he began to get worried. Finally, his patients rewarded him. His call was returned.

�I�ll be there in a few minutes.� was the phone�s response. So he waited, again.

Half an hour of dressing and talking with the cats passed by, and no ride. He called his friend. Another round of phone tag began. Did he fall asleep? Did his car break down on the road? The cell phone number was located and dialed. Another answering machine.

As he rotated from home to cell, then back again, his patience grew thin. They were going to be late again. Finally the phone rang. �I had to run an errand. I�ll be there in a few minutes.�

He walked out the door saying bye to the kittens at his feet. His stomach spoke also. It required attention too. A quick trip to the local convenience store wouldn�t take long.

A quick soda and breakfast bar and he was on his way home. No ride. Hmm. He sat and had his breakfast in the driveway of his apartment. He waved good bye to his best friend as she pulled out onto the street. Even held a short conversation with his landlord. Still no ride.

As he got up to start the third round of tag, he heard the familiar sound. His ride was here. He hopped into the car, saying the quick hello and off they went. They were late again.

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