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A comment on the book

"The Women of Israel"


Grace Aguilar

This comment was written by Margaret D.

About the book

About the author


          When reading ‘Women of Israel’ it is hard not to notice that whenever Jesus is mentioned, it is with no light or understanding and the following is a comment on this point.

The true beauty of the life and character of Jesus has not been fully understood, in fact it has been, as presented by Christianity, so misunderstood that Jesus Himself appears to be the opposite of the beautiful, compassionate God of which Grace Aguilar, in her writings, so beautifully displays. She brings out such deep insight into the very heart and mind of Jesus (even though she knows not that it is Him) that we can only admire and wonder.

              After the rejection of Jesus by the Jews, and His character not long after being so falsely misrepresented by Christianity, we cannot help but understand how women such as Grace Aguilar, with their deep understanding of the tender compassionate love of God all through their history and experience, cannot accept that which has been portrayed falsely of Jesus, as it is so foreign to their heart and life’s experience.

              So as we read through Grace Aguilar’s works we see she never saw in Jesus the ‘one altogether lovely,’ because His very character has been so sadly misrepresented. We can look past her occasional misunderstanding of Him and know that it is Jesus, our great High Priest and tender compassionate Friend (see Heb 4:15) of whom she so beautifully portrays in His dealings with ‘Women of Israel.'



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