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Grace Aguilar

the woman

Click here for a very important comment on her book

The author was a Jewish lady who lived around the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century.

She was not anybody special that I know of (although she was undoubtedly an ancient SDA even if she didn't know it).

She was not always right in her interpretation of the Bible texts; but we think that her book has a unique perspective which can be shared with you, and particularly with our female readers, which is not found in more modern works. We reproduce some portions of it for this reason and recommend them highly to you.

What we plan to publish here at first will be a few individuals out of many (there is mention of every notable woman in Old Testament Biblical and Jewish times in her book).  But as time goes on, and the LORD permits, we would like to publish the entire book.

One lady, ESTHER, will be of particular interest to every Seventh-day Adventist as she is a type of the church members (and therefore of the church) of the last times.

See 1T 16;               5T 450.


A portion of the author’s introduction

"To desert the Bible for its commentators; never to peruse its pages without notes of explanation; to regard it as a work which of itself is incomprehensible, is, indeed, a practice as hurtful as injudicious."

"Sent as a message of love to our own souls, as written and addressed, not to nations alone, but as the voice of God to individuals - whispering to each of us that which we most need; thus it is we should first regard and venerate it." [See EGW comment].

"This accomplished, works [or other books] tending to elucidate its glorious and consoling truths, to make manifest its simple lessons of character as well as precept; to bring yet closer to the youthful and aspiring heart, the poetry, the beauty, the eloquence, the appealing tenderness of its sacred pages, may prove of essential service." Page 9.


A statement by the author

about the position of women

in Israel.

"The very fact, then, of there being such characters as Jezebel and Athaliah [in Jewish history, 1 Kings 16:31; 2 Kings 8:26] is unanswerable confirmation of the freedom and equality of women, because, though they were not women of Israel, their union with the Hebrew kings subjected them to all the restrictions of Mosaic law; and had that law made them slaves, they would not have exchanged their liberty in their own idolatrous countries for conjugal thraldom [married slavery] in Judea, the social and domestic position of the Hebrew females being sufficiently well known to them, from the immediate vicinity of the land, to prevent any misconception on a subject so important." [Page 330].

Click here for a very important comment on her book

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