About Us
Fares About Us Cities and Airports
Combust Airlines flies mostly the long haul routes between the LEGO Cities of Chris Fortier. The flagship of the fleet, this division goes all out for luxury.
Combust was founded in 1985 as a practice airline for pilots and flight attendants flying charter routes only. In 1998, the first regularly scheduled routes were flown from the City at Harrisonburg to the main city and ever since the airline has grown to include more destinations over the years.
Mission Statement
Charter flies routes on demand, mostly on a weekly basis between the cities and popular destinations. The Charter will fly parties of 35 or more anywhere.
Combust wishes to be a corporation that provides the best air service worldwide. Utilizing our aircraft and crew, we will fly our passengers to the destinations on time, comfortably, and with luggage. We will integrate our systems with the latest technology to provide the best flying experience possible for the customer.
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Combust Pilots are the best trained in the business, receiving 120 hours of classroom education from LEGO-Fortier University and another 250 flight hours in the flight simulator. Each pilot works his/her way up starting with Express flights followed by short-haul Airline flights, Charter flights, and finally the overseas Airline routes. The pilots are unionized in Local 12545 Aircraft Pilots Association.
The short haul division of the airline flies the short routes between the cities. These flights are frequent adding up to 5 departures per day from each airport it serves.
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Flight attendants, stewards, and stewerdesses are trained at LEGO-Fortier University followed by 100 hours of training with angry passengers and 25 hours of food service detail in addition to 50 hours of safety and disaster training. The flight crews work in teams and are unionized in the Combust Division of the Flight Attendants Association. These men and women strive to bring the best flight experience for the passenger.
The ground crew
Behind the scenes, these men and women load the luggage, direct, and maintain the planes that keep the passengers on time and safe from destination to destination. Their union is Chapter 57492 of the Airline Workers Association.
Procedures for check-in
1) Arrive at departing airport 2 hours early for all flights
2) Have two IDs ready to present to ticket agent
3) Luggage will be tagged and seats will be assigned
4) Go to the gate of departure and wait for boarding
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