Research has been a major activity over the last 20 years.

Research was carried out with considerable success on behalf of 21st Century Science & Technology Foundation, New Age International, and Mission St Michael without remuneration. It was also an integral part of the work with the City of Edmonton, especially in problem-solving.

Research into the field of Reprographics resulted in an annual cost savings of $400,000. The City of Edmonton was the second major company in Canada to introduce central management of 'copying' services - the first being the University of Manitoba. Recognized as a leading authority in Canada in this field, and was well-known to the manufacturers of copiers throughout the world.

Researched the use of a corporate credit card for purchasing (procurement) in major institutions world-wide and wrote a successful proposal for the introduction of the first VISA 'CPPC' (Corporate Procurement and Payment Card) in Canada. Reduced related costs by 9%.

Research into the field of health eventually resulted in two websites dedicated to the subject, to the realisation that there are no incurable diseases, to the publication of a number of leading-edge articles on healing, and to the establishment of a course entitled "Healing 2001", directed both to those wishing to recover from disease and to those wishing to make a career out of healing.

Research into the history and use of the Corporation Sole resulted in the creation of the leading website on the subject with cross-references to all matters related to this topic.

Research into stock market crashes and the manipulation of money led to a program entitled Depression-Proof Investing", now published on the Internet, with revolutionary humanitarian projects which would also benefit investors.

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