Verse dedicated to Alexei Urmanov

"Beauty and grace command the world." -- Park Benjamin


by Vashty Hawkins

Slow curving feathers weave softly
In and out of the violin's tragic song
As the sinuous neck stretches outwards
In response to the music's sweet echo

Shimmers silver in the diamond-crisp winter light
A grace and a stillness that is welcomed
The arc of the blue haze eyes gazing
To the path where the soul reclaims peacefulness

My Alyosha

by Judie Frazier

Mystical, magical, showing me my deepest desires carved in ice.
Youthful hero strong and brave enought to keep his "dragons" at bay.

A picture of beauty frozen with a melody forever.
Love of life in every speaking glance from eyes of midnight blue.
Yesterday's dreams fulfilled with the promise ot tomorrow's triumphs.
Once upon a time...image of the one true Prince...
Shy smile of the introverted dreamer and hair of raven shadows.
Heavenly angel able to fly into your heart and leave you breathless...wanting more.
A mystery wrapped in an enigma, clothed in the fabric of fantasy.

Ode to Alyosha

by Charlie Rorick

An angel came astray onto earth.
A heavenly vision of beauty
With a multitude of mirth.
My eyes adore thee.

Held in thy fingers
Was an invisible magic wand
Of which spell still lingers
In my fancy in my wonderland.

Thy image cast a perpetual light
To make my soul perk.
Like a mystic white night
O're northern sky of Petersburg.

Oh my shining star!
Surround me with an air of poesy!
Forever, if only from afar
My heart shall adore thee.

My Dream?

by Jennifer Arendarczyk

In my dream I see a pond
Glittering deep within its frozen depths
A figure emerges from the mist to stand alone upon the pond
My eyes are drawn to him

With a flourish of his arms
He begins his dance upon the ice
His grace and style are matched by none
As the music guides his body

He glides across the ice
Spinning, jumping and spiralling
With ease and athleticism
My heartbeat increases as I am pulled along with him

But all too soon as gracefully as it began, it ends
The figure raises wistful blue eyes
And seems to contemplate something
deep within himself

With a smile that lights up his face
He bows and begins to exit
Through the mist
That brought him to this place

I try to call out to him
To tell him I care not mater how the dance ends
But my voice does not come
And he exits without knowing the devotion
I feel for him

As he recedes into the mist
I am left alone to ponder this stunning apparition
But was it all a dream
Or was it all for real?

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Copyright (c)January 7,1997 S.M.Guidry. Used with permission by Cherryne Edejer.

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