Golden Magic: An Alexei Urmanov fan page

[Photo © Andrea Chempinski]

This is a personal fan page dedicated to my favourite figure skater, Alexei Urmanov.

(Click on the photo above to see more images.)


Background Competitive History Program Music

Works by Other Fans:

Artwork Poetry

My Fan Works:
The Ice Skater - A poem I composed about my favourite skater. This was one of the things I was able to give Alexei at the CSF in Hamilton. :-)
AU Sketchbook - A collection of my drawings of Alexei.
He's so cute! - By Lar DeSousa. A cartoon of Alexei and an overly enthusiastic flower girl. ;-)
AU Java Doll - Just a little experiment I'm working on... 10/21/98 *UPDATED* 02/04/03

Related Pages:
The Urman-chan Gallery - My silly cartoons of Alexei. :-)
The Ruffled Page - A not-so-serious webpage dedicated to Alexei Urmanov. ;-)
The Skater Chibis Webpage - By yours truly. Cartoons of current top figure skaters, done in a Japanese cartooning style known as chibi or "super-deformed".


Related Links:

Alexei Urmanov
Alexei Urmanov: Official Homepage - By Tatjana Flade. An informative webpage, endorsed by Alexei himself! :-) 12/14/98
Enigma - The new mailing list for Alexei Urmanov. Information on subscribing can be found at this link. 10/21/98
Kataniye - By Kathleen Delafuente. The webpage for the FSU mailing list. Subscription info and links to various FSU related material can be found here.

Figure Skating
Skateweb: The Figure Skating Page - By Sandra Loosemore. If you're looking for information about figure skating, this is the first place to look.

Barry Mittan: Electronic Photojournalist - By Barry Mittan. Lots of photos of top skaters can be found here. - By Andrea Chempinski. Another source for excellent photos, this is where I got the photo at the top of this page. (Formerly known as "Hooloovoo's Skating Photos".)
Ice Stars & Ice Flames - The official web site for Drobiazko & Vanagas's ice shows (some pictures of Alexei can be found in their gallery).

[E-mail] Comments, suggestions, flames? Send them to avizusa at


Copyright, Cherryne Edejer 1997-2005. You may distribute the works on this page as long as you give proper credit, don't do it for commercial purposes and they remain unaltered. Please ask permission before doing so or I'll be forced to run you over with a zamboni. ;-) The webpage design is made by myself, and also may not be used without permission (the images used for the graphics on this webpage are from the anime Magic Knight Rayearth, and are property of Clamp).

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