The catfish, the legend, the dinner
On September 11, 1998 I encountered one of the largest warriors and meanest creatures I have ever encountered. His name is Buford, Buford T. Catfish. This is Buford's story. On the day afore mentioned, Buford was napping in the shallows of the Susquehanna River, where he had lived for the last 7 years of his life. Then a crayfish came near Buford and woke him from his slumber, so out of anger Buford lashed out and snagged that crayfish in his big ole' chomper. "Dang it, this thing tastes like plastic", Buford hollered, "Oww, where did that hook come from?". Oh no, a fisherman had Buford, OH NO, not just a fisherman "THE WORLDS GREATEST FISHERMAN". Buford struggled and struggled to snap that teeny tiny line, but nothing would work, he dove in rocks, he ran down the river, he snapped his head back and forth and then down again, but this aging warrior soon tired, and he gradually lost ground in the battle. "Auggh", screamed Buford, "I can't breathe". Bufords head was partly out of the water when something grabbed him, it was a human hand, but not just any human hand, it was the world's second best fisherman, Ron "Grip and Rip" Repp. Buford was raised in the air as some type of arrogant trophy for all to behold, and two first-rate redneck fisherman came over to behold this warrior of the deep. The last words Buford uttered were "Bill, please don't stab me, just bash me with a rock, let me die like a man". What a warrior, what a friend, what� a meal. Bufords remains can still be seen today, on top of Ole' Catfish Hill, by the lookout on the elm tree. Hanging for all to see this proud warrior, his weathered bones saying to all fisherman who enter "Come on in, you may have got me, but you can't get them all, you can't get them all....."
Buford, just hours before his death after this battle
The last known picture of Buford.
Buford T. Catfish
Spring 1991-September 11, 1998
He was born to swim,
He was born to Die,
He left on a whim,
To my pan to fry.

Ron, great smallmouth!!! Better Hat.
Mark, he's got you by size, but as we all know its not the size of the vessel but the motion in the oc......

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