On the 10th of September a group of bold, cold men ventured into the chilly waters of the Susquhanna River, north-east of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania to prove their manhood once and for all. This trip was immortalized in the minds of the brave men who attended this adventure. Here is their story, some pictures and a barrel of laughs.
"Had a great time, and ate some good wings"  Tim McVey, Operations
"Man my head hurts" Mark Jarlsberg, Operations
"Uhhmmmm, does poop always float" Ron Repp, Retired
"Yummee, turtle heads" Mike Brown, Retired
"Can you guys keep it down, I'm trying to get rid of these hot wings *grunt*" Bill Ray, Analyst
"Can I borrow a pair of briefs, I left my suitcase ....." Chad Voiles, Team Chief
Day 1 4:30pm "The Arrival"
After arriving at the river in hopes of finding a motel for the night, we followed Mark over the tracks and to the top of Catfish Hill. While the rest of us were unloading our stuff, Mark was already downstream a mile catching fish by the dozen. Here he is landing his second of the day while the wind whistled through his line.
Meanwhile back at Catfish Hill, the crew was setting up for the plan of the day. The water was cold and the wind was blowing a small gale through the valley, so the mob squad headed downriver while Bill and "Downtown" Mike Brown headed up the river. We fished for 4 hours without much happening until Ron asked Tim to weigh a smallmouth for him. The scale was put in his gill, the fish was dropped and the weight was.... well there go the scale and the fish down the river, joined at the hook. Doh!!! All total that night we caught over 120 smallmouths in the 4 hours we were on the river and this was surely a sign of things to come.
Day 1 9:00pm "The Party"
After an evening of fishing we found some great accomodations at the local pay-per-hour. When the clerk was asked if we could smoke, she said yes and then "What? Pot?". After assuring her that we weren't her usual customers we procured two cozy rooms. We  got thrown out of the American Legion, so we went to Benito's Italian Eatery next, and it was there that we laid out placemats for dinner. Hot wings and "kitchen sink" pizza were the items of choice and beer was ingested by some, as  the beverage of choice. These menu combinations would drastically affect the rest of the trip, as we initiated members into the "floater club".  Drunken banter carried well into the trip back to the Purdy, and after outrunning a road block we made it back in time for Mother Gooses tales. Mike, what does turtle head carry as a value, Chad don't wreck ... *slurp*gulp* and many other great stories. Well it was nighty night time so the Purdy carried us into lah lah land.
Day 2 5:30am "The death of us all"
"Someone kill Ron and Bill" "Shut the alarm of", whew what an early morning that was. Ron and Bill missed the really good stories, so they had slept really well, but the rest of us were dying so we packed, darted and went for Mountain Dew. "I gotta go really bad guys", was the call of the day, "Just go in the river" was the usual response.
Day 2 6:21am "Who took the fish?"
The fish were jumping, just not on our hooks.
Man fishing was rough, the water was cold and the wind was really whipping, so we all decided to split up again. Mark went to the honey hole where he caught a few, while Chad and I went to the worst spot on the river, "Furious Gorge" and had no luck. (That is no way associated with Curious George). Since Ron was with us and he wasn't having any luck he decided to take pictures of Chad and I posing for pictures.
Chad is more photogenic than I am
However looking like a fisherman and being a fisherman are two different things.....
Day 2 12:00pm "The fleecing"
Well, we hadn't caught much up to this point, but the fish landed were large. I had wandered upon my scale about 200 yards downstream from where I had lost it in that dang fishes gill, however it was in five feet of water, so it wasn't nearly as rewarding as I thought it would be, to find it. Brrrrr.
One fish in particular was memorable, in fact so memorable that Chad named him. Buford T. Catfish, and he was my friend, he was everyone's friend, then we ate him. See Buford and some other beauties on this link.
Day 2 3:00pm "Exit stage left"
Well none of us had done to well, but one of us caught a bunch of fish, but we decided to leave anyway. If you are a game warden then we all caught these fish and shared them, not just Bill! I swear by it! If you aren't a game warden then look at this impressive catch, and this impressive group of guys. By the end of the day every man here was a member of the floater club, except for Bill, and we will always remember this trip. It was a great trip and we all had a ton-o-fun. Please enjoy our trip page and please see the link above to see the rest of the pictures.
Day 2 5:00pm "Sleep, finally"
Ron Repp, thanks for the pictures, they are great
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