Japan is usually a good country to play with because it isn't put under a lot of pressure by any country. All of the Allies are attacking Germany, so it leaves the door wide open for Japan. The first main thing to do in the first round is attack the Hawaiian sea zone. I like to bring in the Carrier(AC) and Battleship(BB) from the Caroline Islands. I also bring the sub from the Solomans and the other BB from the Japanese sea zone. The fighter from the Phillipines is optional, but i usually bring it in just to try to make sure that the US doesn't get too lucky with my rolls. Also, bring in the bomber from Japan, it can attack and land in Japan. Some people say "bring in a transport for fauder" but i disagree. After you destroy that force, all thats left is a BB and a transport, so you're not going to need a Navy anyway. I like to keep those transports back to send troops into Manchura. Russia may have/have not combined the troops in Eastern Asia into one territory(Yakut), but I say send the men anyway. If he didn't, you have the advantage, if he did, you have a good defense. By sending in 2 INF from Japan, the 2 INF from the Phillipines, and the fighter from Japan, you will be combining up the force to attack in future turns. The rest of the strategy is to get all of Asia and crush Russia's IPC collection. Russia in no way can defend the back door and the front door equally. They are pretty much screwed by the time Japan gets there. However, in some cases, my opponent has sent in Allied forces to gaurd the back door. That has slowed me down sometimes, but never killed me. By building a Complex in Manchura, you can make 3 Arm or so a turn to place in Manchura. Transporting INF from Jap will provide the fauder. One thing I didn't touch on is the attacking US. The reason is because I never go after US unless they leave the door wide ope. I start by taking Alaska, but if they defend well, they will be able to take it the next turn.

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