The US has different things he/she can do in the first round. The first thing you have to do is decide which country to go after. People usually decide to go all out for Japan, but I found m,any reasons why not to do this.

1)GERMANY:If Japan does their first attack on Hawii(I will explain it all in Japan's page), then I would just go for Germany. What I do is buy 4 transports and an infantry, costing 35 IPC's. The only attacking I would do is to try to decrease the navy in Hawii. There are fighters and bombers to do the trick. If you don't want to go completely all out for that, then you can use the fighters and bombers elseware. I decide wether I want to attack there by how good his attack went. If he lost a lot, then I will most likely attack. But anyway, this is the rest of the GERMANY strategy. I would put those transports in the Atlantic, then next turn I would move troops into Africa. Always works. People might be worried about Japan coming in from the back. Well, Japan, if it has a good player, will take their dandy old time building transports and land units. By the time they finally get over to the US, Germany would already have been taken! But granted, US can make troops to defend. all you need to do is place the units in Western US. They have to make them, load them into transports, then send them across the ocean. It will be a pain in the neck for him.

2)JAPAN: Japan is what most people go for. Now there are many ways of approaching this. You can go for his Navy, by building nothing but ships.

a)I would buy a Battleship(24 IPC's) and a Sub(8 IPC's) costing a total of 32 IPC's. Place them all on the Pacific coast. I usually only do this when Japan doesn't attack Hawaii with the big attack in their first turn.

b)You could go for their land and build a complex in Sinkiang. They wouldn't be able to attack you until they got a big enough force in French Indo-China Burma. I would do this and have your ally in Russia send you those tanks that are in his capital. This would provide excelent defense and also give you a very big advantage. You buy the comlex(15 IPC's) and you buy an Aircraft carrier(18 IPC's)

c)You could also mix A and B together. By doing this, I would buy a Navy in the first turn(what to buy in letter A), and then go for his income in the next turn. Keep in mind, if he hasn't already attacked Hawaii, then he will, so get those Naval units out of there. This strategy I think is the best. It pressures him from all around, he can't get the money to make a Navy, and he can't afford to make the troops to get the money back without falling behind in the Navy.

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