walter - 04/10/98 04:47:05
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: sable
How did you find this place?: through mikhailk
Will you return?: yeah!!!
Should other furs be considered?: yes
Which ones?: leather furs

more pics, please :)

Ms.B.: My dear I am afraid you have come to the wrong place if you are looking for leather... as fur fur... stayed tuned! We have only just begun.

Mr.B.: As I would say to a furrier showing me a leather coat... i.e. a fur coat with 20% leather inserts... "If I want leather, shall buy leather."

FURLOOK - 04/04/98 19:26:17
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: FOX
How did you find this place?: link from ntcweb fur forum
Will you return?: yes please
Should other furs be considered?: yes
Which ones?: all but sheared ones

This has been a most enjoyable second visit. Keep up the good work! I do love that beautiful grey fur coat you use as a "badge". Who is wearing it? Is there a story behind it? Thanks again.

Ms.B.:OOOOOOOO... a second visit... wonderful! I do hate to disappoint you but the Pic we use in our logo was... ummmm... borrowed and other than the fact that we loved it has no significance... or at least not that I know of... hmmm... Mr.B.???? *grin*

Mr.B.:Alas, Ms B tells the truth. Shall be showing the original in its full glory in the not too distant future. But Damn, I do love that coat*grin*

HappyInFur - 04/03/98 20:11:47
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: chinchilla
How did you find this place?: NTC web
Will you return?: yes of course
Should other furs be considered?: yes
Which ones?: all


Ms.B.:*pout* no fun no comment *sigh*

jay - 04/02/98 17:52:14
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: foxx
How did you find this place?: mikhails soft spot
Will you return?: yes
Should other furs be considered?: yes
Which ones?: all


Ms.B.:And again, no comment?? Oh darn... *sigh*

- 04/02/98 14:50:04
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: Sable
How did you find this place?: dp#91
Will you return?: Certainly

I loved your backgrounds! I would like to use backgrounds to enhance vertical furpics. My collection of furpics is on par with Franks. If I send you larger JPEG scans could you fashion them into backgrounds? If yes please give me your email address.

Ms.B.: Now this I like... such enthusiasm!!! I am so pleased to see someone enjoy the backgrounds. I was tickled when I saw what Mr. B. had done myself. As for making more backgrounds... shall leave that decision to my very dear Mr.B. Honey???

Mr.B.: There are more on the way. Unfortunately, as can be seen from the fur pics numbers, they are more inviting to most... Pity, but can't have everything.

Lilli - 04/01/98 04:19:37
My Email:TVLilli@AOL
Your Favourite Fur: Fox
How did you find this place?: The Furring
Will you return?: Oh, yes.

Exquisite site, darling. Absolutely made me quiver. Huggs in the most lavish and lush furs, Lilli

Ms.B.: Well, darling, we are pleased that you enjoyed it... The pleasure has been ours to present it to you!

orth - 03/28/98 18:14:08
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: Foxes and sables
How did you find this place?: Via Linx html
Will you return?: absolutely
Should other furs be considered?: always
Which ones?: capes/stoles

Very elegant and enticing pictures. The large, full-bodied coats are great. Look forward to more like these in the future

Ms.B.: I am also partial to the floor length full bodied coats... *shiver*... but there is a good possibility that Mr.B. enjoys a little leg... I am sure you will see more in the near future.

Mr.B.:And Ms. B. is not impartial to the occasional encounter with a white fox stole...

FurMe - 03/28/98 04:40:16
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: Mouton, sheared & plucked beaver, fox, & lynx.
How did you find this place?: DP's Fur News Letter.
Will you return?: Yes.
Should other furs be considered?: Why not? The more PICs the better.
Which ones?: Any and all.

Thanks for providing another fur-lovers' home page. Great work. I know it is difficult to come up with new material. But please consider any and all fur related subject matter from sales PICs to XXX PICs to fur stories to films. Thanks again.

Ms.B.: Yes, coming up with new material is not always an easy thing to do... as well we are limited by geocities themselves as they prohibit nudity and pornography, so there will not be any XXX pics or stories to present to you... sorry to disappoint you. *smile*

Mr.B.:Have you seen Ms.B.'s boudoir???? We have been a bit lenient... so far*grin* But nudity and fur in themselves do not an erotic picture make. And as for XXX... Not until a XXX movie director realises the effect fur can have on people and doesn't loose it immediately when the action starts.

knightfire - 03/27/98 23:45:07
Your Favourite Fur: Fox
How did you find this place?: Frank's site
Will you return?: YES!
Should other furs be considered?: No

Finally a site dedicated to the sexiest of all furs, FOX.

Ms.B.: Great taste honey, but... as much as we adore fox and plan to make that our main focus, just because we agree... there are so many other furs out there that manage to pull a fur lovers attention every so often, we feel there is a necessary need to show those that take our fancy as well. Hope you enjoy them as much as we do.

Stolo - 03/27/98 08:29:20
My URL:Sorry, none
Your Favourite Fur: Silverfox
Will you return?: Sure
Should other furs be considered?: Yes
Which ones?: Foxes, in general

Good work, keep it going.

Ms.B.: Ahhhh... short and sweet... thank you.

Mr.B.:Hmmm Now where have I heard that... ooppsss forget I even started that line of thought.

furfan - 03/27/98 07:31:28
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: Chinchilla!! and Sheared Beaver
How did you find this place?: Through NTC Fur Forum.
Will you return?: ABSOLUTELY!!!!!
Should other furs be considered?: Yes
Which ones?: Chinchilla, sheared beaver, Mouton, sheared mink , and how about some sheared muskrat even?

Love your site! We think "very much" alike. I wish my wife were into fur as much as I am. ( Heavy Sigh!) I would love to see some chinchilla fur shown on your site, and maybe some sheared beaver? MMMMMMMM what a feeling on bare skin!!! I am furever thinking fur, Furfan

Ms.B.: Such a pity... Sharing one's love fur fur is exquisite. I do believe we just may be able to find some more pics that will titillate your taste buds, so, you will have to stay tuned. I recently saw an exquisite sheared beaver myself and wish that there were pics available. Please if you know we can obtain a few tasteful but lovely pics it would be a lot of fun to share. As far as the feeling of fur on bare skin... MMMMMMMMMMM... says it alllllll...

Bryan - 03/27/98 05:39:06
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: Sheared beaver
How did you find this place?: The fur webring
Will you return?: of course
Should other furs be considered?: yes...
Which ones?: chinchilla, lynx

Very nicely done web site!!!

Ms.B.: Thank you *smile* we are still working on it and it seems this will be a very pleasurable ongoing project. You never know what we can come up with!

Arctic Blue - 03/26/98 09:29:35
Your Favourite Fur: Fox and Sable
How did you find this place?: Search engine
Will you return?: oh yeah
Should other furs be considered?: Yes
Which ones?: Lynx

nice work Furroo, who e'er you may be. Keep up the good work

Ms.B.: Don't you just love anonymity??? But I'll let you in on a secret... *whispering* there's more than one of us. *WEG*

Mr.B.:Why do I get the feeling I am talking to myself??



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