furboy - 05/21/98 21:23:56
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: Lynx
How did you find this place?: well-known site
Will you return?: try to stop me ;)
Should other furs be considered?: Yep, all furs is great
Which ones?: Coyote

Hi and thanks for a great site! I�m wondering if you happen to have any pics of Swedes in fur. I�m trying to make a fur page just about Swedish women in fur. If you have any, I would be very grateful if you could send them to me. Bye /furboy

Mr. B.- Sorry Furboy, but am unable to help you with pics of swedish ladies, mainly because I have no real idea where any of these pics originated. However, you do have one silver fox coat on your page I was sorely tempted to "borrow"..especially as I had never seen it before. Good Luck with your page, and thank's for dropping by.

Ms. B.-hhmmmm... seems my honey always forgets... we can't help you at this point but if you can help us we are furever grateful... take care!

Barsho - 05/20/98 14:06:54
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: Silver fox
How did you find this place?: Determination, grid pattern search
Will you return?: Indeed!
Should other furs be considered?: yes
Which ones?: All types

A fun site to visit, i'll come back soon. Thankyou for your effort.

Mr B.- Thank you for your kind words. Our aim is to please.

Martini Mink's gf - 05/18/98 23:26:40
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: All of them
How did you find this place?: A revisit to a pleasant place
Will you return?: Again and again
Should other furs be considered?: Yes
Which ones?: Your choice

:MM and I spent Saturday morning revisiting your site and noting the areas which were updated since our last visit. Again the both of you have done a magnificent job with the updates. We enjoyed this visit as much as our first visit. :Also MM wants to thank you (and I do also) for honoring him with the prominent position you gave him in your new comment section. :Keep up the good work. :MMgf.

Mr. B.-oopppsssss hope this one doesn't offend our fans. *grin*

Ms.B.- I am so pleased to see couples come to our pages... thanks.

drew101 - 05/17/98 08:26:45
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find this place?: link at another site
Will you return?: yes!
Should other furs be considered?: yes
Which ones?: any and all

I want to thank for having a rather large area on your site devoted to Men in Fur. I believe you may be the only one out here on this vast information superhighway to include the other sex in fur. Quite refreshing. Maybe your site offering it will open the avenues for some of the bigger sites (you know who you are) to follow your wise lead and offer something for the women (and even a few men) out there. Bravo. p.s. If anyone has any further links to men in fur, please let me know.

Mr. B.-Drew, we would also like more pics of men in fur. Truthfully, I would actually prefur to be the man in the fur, but til that time....

Ms. B.- As you will soon see by the new collection that will be appearing soon, MY DESIRED WARDROBE, even the ladies wish to see men in fur. The pictures however are very hard to come by. We would welcome anyone that has pictures of men in fur to step forward and share... stop keeping those males pics to yourself, you selfish creatures... I wanna see them SEG

Fur Lover - 05/13/98 11:17:26
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: Lynx
How did you find this place?: Another Site
Will you return?: Most Definitely-Reorganizing my favorites all my fur shots
Should other furs be considered?: Yes, All Furs
Which ones?: Love the Liberace Coat

Great Site-Love the Layout Keep ujp the good work Love to see your favorite furs. Fur Lover

Mr. B.- Fur Lover, I would love to own just a few of these furs realtime.... and then keep Ms. B. occupied. Til then, shall continue to (hopefully) maintain the standards.

Ms. B.- I wonder just who would be keeping whom busy??? LOL

Mofur - 05/12/98 09:04:02
Your Favourite Fur: Coyote/wolf; racoon
How did you find this place?: Through the links
Will you return?: Always
Should other furs be considered?: YES
Which ones?: Coyote, racoon

I love furs, and it is a pleasure to find a site where furs are the main objects. To repeat others from your guestbook, fur is sensual in itself and does not need to be shown "in action". Do not mind those either, though, but there are other sites caterin for that side. It is just great seing all those furs and afterwards snuggle up in your own.

Mr. B.- Thanks Mofur... Further thoughts will appear in this section about "action" shots at a later date...Now, about these furs of yours........

Ms. B.- Yes, please tell us more... We can't seem to get enough...

fursissy - 05/12/98 04:23:55
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: Lynx/sable
How did you find this place?: other links
Will you return?: YES YES YES
Should other furs be considered?: youve got the right ones

The furs are magnificent. I'd love to see more attitude. Did you drop the lynx area or have i gone brain dead?

Mr. B.- Fursissy, wellllll we still have a page of my favourite lynx coats.... and we also have the links page... But as we develop more areas, then the main index page will expand. *grin* Maybe you should scroll the full page??

Ms. B.- Gee, I am beginning to sound like an advertisement, however, here goes again... In the soon to open new setion, I have put my favorite Lynx coat. Mr. B. has been kind enough to make the background from that same picture and Lord but i do love it... Hope you enjoy it as much as I...

matt Timmeny - 05/11/98 18:41:14
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: fox full length furs
How did you find this place?: i already know this place
Will you return?: yes
Should other furs be considered?: yes
Which ones?: silverfox, redfox, crystalfox

dear Ms. B, my name is matt Timmeny, i want to know if u have that french movie of those four fox pics, if u have the movie i would love to buy it, or do u know where i can find it, please!!!!, let me know darling, i love your website, my email is clovele i'll be waiting.

Mr. B.- Matt, if I had the video more than just those shots would have made it online*grin*. It is a French Video which was taped by a Frenchman, and he just posted these shots to the forum. However, if he has others that he captured....

Ms. B.- Why Matt, darling, I do believe you are flirting with me... hmmm... I think I like it *wink*... wish I could help you but as you can see... I don't have the video *pout*... If your appeal works hon... perhaps you will in the near future... remember me will ya sweets??? SEG

Dave - 05/10/98 23:39:20
Your Favourite Fur: Any - but the long haired full variety are better
How did you find this place?: Mikhailik
Will you return?: Every day
Should other furs be considered?: yes

When Oh when are we going to see the real ladies in fur pics that have been promised for a while. Otherwise keep up the good work. Congratulations on a brilliant site!!!!!!

Mr. B.- Dave, mate... calm down... they are here.. well not here, but you should be able to see them by just clicking on the logo. Sorry fur the delay, but I hope they are all you wish fur.

Ms. B.- Oh Mr. B. leave him alone... I love to see an excited man!! Thanks so much Dave, apppreciate the enthusiasm *big smile*

Kyle - 05/10/98 05:20:44
My Email:KP75
Your Favourite Fur: Coyote
How did you find this place?: Surfing
Will you return?: Yes
Should other furs be considered?: Yes
Which ones?: Any

Mr. B: I'd like to thank you for introducing a "men in furs" page. I enjoy fur and am glad to see pictures of men wearing them. Keep up the terrific work.

Mr. B.- My pleasure Kyle.. I just hope that further pics will be furthcoming.

Ms. B.- Now Kyle do you remember the first pleasure you felt while gazing at those men in fur hon??? Please remember to share if you just happen to run across more will you???

Jeroen - 05/09/98 22:18:29
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: fox, mink (especially long coats)
How did you find this place?: fur forum
Will you return?: o yes

Fantastic site. Still, show more long fox and mink

Mr. B.- Jeroen, there will definitely be more fox. As fur the minks, well, that will depend on the pics. We are basically into fox Sable and at times, Lynx

Ms. B.-Jeroen, now don't you believe him for a moment hon... I saw this incredible sheared beaver that I would give my eyeteeth for.. however it was being worn by another woman *sigh* I choose my pictures according to what I have found available. Right now... I own a ranch mink... perhaps in time... the sky is the limit...

craig - 05/09/98 05:13:54
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: FOX
How did you find this place?: fur ring
Will you return?: yes
Should other furs be considered?: just larger fox furs photos
Which ones?: lovely ladies in fox furs

nothing better than an attractive women in a full fox fur :)

Mr. B.- Hmmm how about two attractive women in fox furs...and only you befure them. Then again... maybe just you in the furs??

Ms. B.- Of course to hear this man, he thinks he can handle more than one fur loving female... SEG we shall see WEG

beaver - 05/04/98 17:46:10
Your Favourite Fur: sheared beaver
How did you find this place?: search
Will you return?: definitely yes
Should other furs be considered?: yes
Which ones?: sheared beaver, mink

We share this wonderful love for fur and women in fur. It is nice to meet with people with the same taste. There is nothing more beautiful than a woman in fur. Keep on the good work!


Ms. B.- Amen! ... but would you mind terrible if we included those oh so sexy furred men?? The ladies don't do nearly as much fur me... SEG

Swamp - 05/04/98 12:25:19
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: any thick and fluffy
How did you find this place?: from begin the journey ...
Will you return?: sure man I will do
Should other furs be considered?: yes of course
Which ones?: mink ,chinchilla


Mr B.- Thanks for dropping by.



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