And now for something completely different:

The following pics are truly amazing. How many of you men looking at this page have been to a furrier's, seen a coat that you liked... had the assistant model it for you and then, in a moment of envy, asked to try the coat on yourself and then wanted to walk out the store.

These men are in that same position... and are suffering from the same fate.

What is that fate??? Look closely at both pictures... and I shall reveal the answer afterwards.

A man's coat, jacket or even jumper overlaps to the left... i.e. the buttons are on the left hand edge of the coat. In this case, the men are wearing women's coats as they button/fasten on the right. But then again.. they got to try out the coats... did you??

Oh and coat one is Fisher, coat two is coyote. -Mr.B.

and now for a rarity:

This coat is one that was auctioned in late 1997. It is being worn by the auctioneer and belonged to Liberace. This is the closest I have been able to get to a pic of Lee in a fur coat... and it doesn't feature him. Oh well, shall maintain the search. It is a Norwegian Blue Fox.

Any other pics anyone has of Liberace or for that matter any males, famous or not, can be forwarded to us for inclusion in this page. -Mr.B.

Now maybe we men should move to Italy. Especially if the sables are all this good. Pity the men are so plain, although Ms.B didn't think they were *grin*. -Mr.B.

These two pics are admittedly not fox, but still deserve inclusion here as they are men's furs. The one on the left is possibly raccoon (yes I admit to uncertainty), whilst that on the right is definitely coyote.-Mr B.

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