Men in furs.... a common sight earlier this century when the ubiquitous raccoon coat was in every Stylish gentleman's wardrobe. Nowadays, like ladies, there are rarer. Time fur that to change. Time fur men to once again resume the role of fur wearers. And wear coats that are tailored to men, not taken in from a woman's coat.

Famous men have been sighted in furs... but none of their pics will be appearing here, unfortunately. Well, not unless someone comes forward with pics they want to add to this section, that is*grin* Wouldn't mind seeing a decent pic of Rudolph Nureyev in his sable coat, a coat perportedly to have knocked Princess Margaret onto her heels because is was bigger better more luxurious than the sable coat she was wearing at the time. Oh well, Your Highness... at least you were in a sable.

For the majority of us it is a case of sit back and look at the following pics and wondering if.. when... *SIGH* -Mr.B.

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