Jt - 03/20/99 03:11:29
Your Favourite Fur: Big
How did you find this place?: Luck
Will you return?: oh yeah

Nice site try to keep it open

Umm how about even expanding?? Stay tuned -Mr.B.

We have not yet given up the battle. - Ms.B.

Furinbed - 03/17/99 22:16:28
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: Coyote and reindeerfur
How did you find this place?: Furforum link
Will you return?: Absolutly
Should other furs be considered?: Yes
Which ones?: Reindeerfur

Look for fursex video

Don't we all... ah well, someday a film/video producer will realise the vaste untapped pool and offer us what we want. -Mr.B.

Perhaps some of these actresses will learn how to not discard those lovely furs so quickly *sigh* - Ms.B.

Jim - 03/15/99 03:32:31
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: fox
How did you find this place?: links
Will you return?: Absolutely
Should other furs be considered?: yes
Which ones?: Sable,Cinchilla

I really enjoyed the diversity of pics, keep up the great work!!

Your wish is our desire. -Mr.B.

As long as you keep cumming oooppppssss *giggle* coming I am sure we shall have fun making these pages for you all! - Ms.B.

skapastora - 03/15/99 03:13:12
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: Sable
How did you find this place?: mikhail
Will you return?: yup

I've only just discovered the online fur community. I lived in the southwest far too long. Living in the north has its advantages....furs everywhere, but I know no one who owns any. Know anyone in Ohio??? Furs make my imagination soar and my body...well... Great site.

Thanks.. Welcome to our little community (Little?? Aussies, Yanks, Canucks, French, Poms, German, Dutch, Italians, Fins, Danes... Hmmm And that's just from the email addy's *grin*) And if ya think Ohio's bad fur fur, try Australia *SIGH* No wonder we set this page up*grin* -Mr.B.

Ahem... you can say Canadian rather than Canuck... most of us are not Mike and Doug MacKenzie... LOL - Ms.B.

jeff - 03/14/99 03:50:11
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: all long hair
How did you find this place?: mikhails
Will you return?: often
Should other furs be considered?: the more the merrier
Which ones?: ametuer

love your site ... can't wait til you find a different server....good luck and good fur you!

Thanks.. To quote Winston Churchill, "We will never surrender!!" -Mr.B

The lady lost heart for a while but I shall come back with a great flourish I hope. You have all given me great encouragement. Thank you. - Ms.B.

gary feasel - 03/10/99 05:27:37
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: lynx
How did you find this place?: mikhail's link
Will you return?: yes
Should other furs be considered?: all furs,with the expection of dog fur I have seen on a chinese site

looking forward, I havent seen any pictures yet.

Hope you have found the pics now *grin*.. just follow the links/buttons and a world of furriness will unfold. -Mr.B.

Puppy dogs?? Nah... can't see it...perhaps in my next life LOL - Ms.B.

Jim - 03/05/99 22:20:48
My Email:prodman306
Your Favourite Fur: any
How did you find this place?: great luck!!
Will you return?: Often
Should other furs be considered?: Yes
Which ones?: Any and all

I tried to pick up your backgrounds to use with some pictures of my own, but Picture Publisher desn't accept .art files. I can't find any information about them. What the heck are they, and can I get them converted to something else? Keep up the great work, and to heck with Geocities! Love ya' ms. B.

Okay.. to save the backgrounds, right click on the image and follow instructions from drop down menu. The file format in all cases is JPG, and can be viewed in either your browser, or PaintShopPro, or Graphic Workshop or any other similar program. With Graphic Workshop, you can convert them from jpg to bitmap for further use. Besides that info, I must plead ignorance. Hope this has been some help to you. -Mr.B.

Life can always be easy now can it?? LOL And many thanks to my adoring public. I am glad Mr. B. is not fawned over... it does make me feel special! - Ms.B.

FUR4UANDME - 02/16/99 00:19:37
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: ALL
How did you find this place?: HERE AGAIN
Will you return?: YES!!!!

I don't know what your plans are for your site, I was wondering if it is possible to get a down load of the lost portions of the site or like syvern(I sure I spelled his name wrong)(Venus in FURS) we can get a disk of what was lost. I know I would be more then happy to pay whatever reasonable expenses Memories are wonderful, but to be able to gaze on them, in the words of you two, MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Fur hugs and FUR kisses FUR4MEANDYOU

No disc is available, but life moves on as will Barguzins. Thanks for your kind words, and Stay Tuned*grin* -Mr.B.

Flattery will get you everywhere darling... however... we'd welcome your contribuions of fur pics LOL - Ms.B.

Reid A. Jensen - 02/04/99 22:42:47
Your Favourite Fur: all
How did you find this place?: The Dragon
Will you return?: yes
Should other furs be considered?: all
Which ones?: all

Dear Mr. and Mrs Barguzin, I'm writing to you because your web site is so awesome. I really like all furs you have on your web site. I don't have and e-mail address but, would like very much to correspond with you my mail if you would here is my address: Reid A. Jensen, (DELETED BY Mr B... yes I do censor*SIGH*) and my phone number is (DITTO). I'll be looking forward to hearing from you in the future. Thank you your truly Reid A. Jensen

Reid.. Am glad that you like the furs featured here, but we try and preserve our identity and to snail-mail you would be sort of against our desire to be part of the internet community. Please, come back and enjoy our pages, but refrain from leaving personal information here.-Mr B.

Is it my imagination or are we getting repetitious - Ms.B.

FUR4UANDME - 02/03/99 13:02:11
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: Sable,Fox,Sheared MINK
How did you find this place?: Been here many times
Will you return?: Depends on GEO-But...READ COMMENTS

I just read what geo has done to you. I know I speak for many other FUR Lovers when I say what ever you do, where ever you go, we will follow. If any of us can help, all you have to do is ask. to Quote Mr. Lincoln again "I will prepare and some day my chance will come." FUR HUGS AND KISSES FUR4UANDME

And Ms.B. adds to that and "I shall set the world on fire!" - Ms.B.



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