sidruze - 02/02/99 20:27:04
My Email:[email protected]

I was so sorry to read that your Wonderful site was partially destroyed by those cretins at geocities.I was of the opinion that everything was in good taste and was shocked that they had deemed it not so.At least I have fond memories of Ms B's and now fee priveliged to have been one of those who saw it in all its former glory.I can only say thankyou to you both and hope that another server will allow, what has been one of the classiest fur sites, the chance of ressurection.Love and good luck SID

Thank you Sid for those kind words. We were also of the opinion that this was a classy site. Heck, Ms.B. wouldn't allow her name to be put to tasteless stuff, and nor would I. As someone once said, "Don't let the Bastards ground ya down." We shall return.-Mr.B.

Thank you kind sir... I am touched.. now could you repeat that a little more furrily?? WEG - Ms.B.

brutus - 01/26/99 18:48:39
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: silver fox
How did you find this place?: lllllluck
Will you return?: yes
Should other furs be considered?: yes
Which ones?: all the big long hairs

shattered, desicration of a sacred sight. why so much offline, frustration extreme. its a great sight please restore to it's glory

Moves are underway to restore some if not all sections. As for the Why?? Puritanical Political Correctness*sigh*-Mr.B.

There that man goes again... Do you know how to say "It just plain sucks"???? LOL - Ms.B.

Helen - 01/22/99 08:12:18
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: Russian Ermine
How did you find this place?: Word of mouth
Will you return?: yes
Should other furs be considered?: yes
Which ones?: All of them!!!

Good to have another fur site. Check out mine:

Welcome to the online world of Fur, Helen. Hmm any blue or crystal fox coats in stock my size??*grin* -Mr. B.

*Wonders if the proprietess has realized she has been so lucky to have Mr.B. grace her establishment under the guise of a normal man* LOL - Ms.B.

MARC - 01/14/99 14:08:15
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: red fox
How did you find this place?: yahoo
Will you return?: HO YES....
Should other furs be considered?: ALL FURS


Marc.. more pics are on the way... Hmm there are moments I wish I could see from where all the visitors come. -Mr. B.

Merci mon ami! Vien nous voir encore!! - Ms.B.

- 01/10/99 23:31:29
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: all
How did you find this place?: foxfurman
Will you return?: for sure
Should other furs be considered?: certainly

Back again for another look. I just cannot believe that there are so many beautiful ladies in fur out there. Unfortunatly we just don't seem to get much fur over here! In fact hardly any at all. So bear us Brits in mind when you next update your site.

Hmmmm an Aussie bearing with Poms??? Hmmmm *grin* Actually, with Europe a train trip away, maybe you should have thoughts of sympathy for we aussies all the way from fur nirvana.*grin* -Mr. B.

Darling there is never enough fur in this world... Everyone assumes that in Canada it is so cold there must be many furs... alas this is not true... I watched for them all winter and now spring is upon us and I have seen but five perhaps *big sigh* - Ms.B.

- 01/10/99 20:21:08
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: all
How did you find this place?: foxfurman
Will you return?: certainly
Should other furs be considered?:

Splendid site. I thought I was alone with a love of fur, but it appears not. I wish more ladies in the UK would wear fur. Keep up the good work.

As some are wont to say.."You are NEVER alone"... just miles apart *grin* This is one beauty of the net : the ability to reassure yourself that you are, after all, normal*grin*. As fur the ladies in the UK... they will again come round to fur. Afterall, I still have copies of old Harper's and Queen mags with lovely Grosvenor fur pics. MMMMmmmmm those were the days.-Mr.B.

We have all felt alone at one time or another... but as long as we breathe fur shall be part of us! - Ms.B.

RSweet - 01/10/99 05:35:04
My Email:RSweet6969@Aol
Your Favourite Fur: Fox or Rabbit
How did you find this place?: Ntcweb
Will you return?: DEFINITELY
Should other furs be considered?: yes
Which ones?: any

My aunt gave me 2 rabbit fur coats. A full length brown rabbit and a white rabbit jacket with fox trim. They are one of the cheapest fur coats but they are very soft and very good looking. Lets just say they get a lot of use under my blankets at night. I lso bought a slightly used Saga Fox jacket, it is blue fox. I only paid a $100.00 for it. It also gets a lot of use. I love to see women wearing big fur coats. Even though I am a man I still like wearing women's fur coats. They are much softer than any m n's coat I have ever felt. This is a very good sight, I love it. I love furs.

Yep, I can believe the workouts your furs get. An Australian winter may not be as cold as North American, but there are days when my furs are definitely good company, til Ms. B. can share them with me..and then........ WHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAHOOOO!! -Mr.B.

Is that right??? hmmmm... - Ms.B.

Lynx0r - 01/09/99 16:20:17
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: Lynx
How did you find this place?: The Fur Forum at Franks
Will you return?: I sure will
Should other furs be considered?: yes, i think so
Which ones?: lynx - hairy and big! :)

This site was just _brilliant_! All those lovely furs and women! I have saved almost every pic on my hd, but still i will return to this page! it has a certain fury clima! And to all you other furfans; have a soft day! -=Lynx0r=-

Thanks LynxOr. Am glad you appreciate the site and all other fans as well. -Mr.B.

OH MY! *fixing out of place hair* Are you sure you can't all see me sitting here in my mink as I type? Of course the climate is furry darling it is the staple in our diet!! - Ms.B.

Krille - 01/09/99 05:18:36
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: White and blue fox
How did you find this place?: Mikhail
Will you return?: YES!!
Should other furs be considered?: Of course!
Which ones?: Longhaired(coyote, other foxes)

Very great site! I love it, especially the boudoir section! Please, I would like to see moore of beautiful nudes in long foxes! Thank you!

Well, as you will have observed, that section was deleted by GeoCities. I found those pics to be quite tasteful, as did Ms. B. (or else she wouldn't have put her name to them). Arrangements are being looked into for those to re-appear at another site. Stay they say. -Mr.B.

There are many many places that one may observe nudity on the internet... I feel that our primary goal is to show fur... if the illusion of nude in fur arises than we grab it but nudity here makes my homepages disappear *thinking forlornly of much lost artwork* - Ms.B.

rob - 01/03/99 03:48:50
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Fur: all
How did you find this place?: ntcweb
Will you return?: oh yes !

A great site. I hope can update the Real Women pages soon. I'm still on the lookout for more fur/sex videos. If you come accross any, please get in touch. Cheers Rob in England

Well Rob... am in the process of uploading a "best of" for Real Ladies and other censored areas. However, they will all fall within GeoCities Puritanical Guidelines.-Mr.B.

This site is PG these days LOL - Ms.B.

Chris - 01/02/99 21:43:18
My Email:to follow
Your Favourite Fur: All furs
How did you find this place?: Fur Finding Mission
Will you return?: You Bet
Should other furs be considered?: Sheepskin \ Shearling?
Which ones?: Soft Sexy Ones

This is a great site, one of the best, keep up the good work and its a relief to know there are other fur fans out there. Can we send messages to all the other fur fans via their e-mail addresses class service

Thank you for your compliments, and yes, clicking on other's email addys should result in your email program popping up a window for you to correspond with others. -Mr.B.

write away darling... furlovers adore reading letters from other furlovers! - Ms.B.



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